

时间: 玉莲928 分享


  1. 难相信 It is hard to believe„

  2. 照顾 take care of/ look after

  3. 感到孤独 feel lonely

  4. 考试不及格 fail the exams/examinations

  5. 派...到.../送...到... send sn to sp

  6. 交朋友 make friends

  7. 亲自/亲身 in person

  8. 即使 even though

  9. 会话 have conversations with

  10. 变得积极 become active

  11. 给出个人反应 give a personal reaction

  12. 泼水节 the Water Festival

  13. 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival

  14. 春节 the Spring Festival

  15. 灯笼节 the Lantern Festival

  16. 多么美好的一天! What a great day!

  17. 一点 a little/ a bit/ a little bit

  18. 看望亲戚 visit relatives

  19. 出去吃饭 eat out/ go out for dinner

  20. 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上 put on

  21. 在两周以后 in /after two weeks

  22. 听起来像„ sound like+n

  23. 一年最热的月 the hottest month of the year

  24. 从„到„ from „to„

  25. 和„相似 be similar to/ be the same as

  26. „的时间 the time of

  27. 在街道上 in /on the street

  28. 朝„扔„ throw sth to sb / sp

  29. 洗剂掉„ wash away

  30. 好运 good luck

  31. 满月 a full moon

  32. 把„带给„ carry sth to sb

  33. 传统的民间故事 traditional folk storis

  34. „的故事 the story of„

  35. 射掉 shoot down

  36. 计划做„ plan to do sth

  37. 设法偷 try to steal

  38. 拒绝做„ refuse to do sth

  39. 飘向„ fly up to

  40. 对„喊出 call out one’s name to„

  41. 摆开/布置 lay out sth in /on /at

  42. 回来 come back/ be back/ get back

  43. 五月第二个星期 the second Sunday of May

  44. 六月第三个星期天 the third Sunday of June

  45. 给„礼物 give gifts to sb

  46. 带„出去吃饭 ake sb out for dinner/lunch

  47. 越来越受欢迎 more and more popular

  48. 展示/表达我们的爱 show our love

  49. 花很多的钱 spend a lot of money

  50. 帮助„做„ help (to) do sth/help with sth

  51. 打扮/装扮 dress up

  52. 装扮成卡通人物 dress up as a sb

  53. 不招待就使坏 trick and treat

  54. 了解 learn about

  55. 考虑 think of

  56. „的真正意义 the true meaning of„

  57. 最好的例子 the best example

  58. 只想着自己 only think oneself

  59. 关心/关注 care about

  60. 过去常常„ used to do sth

  61. 受到惩罚 be punished

  62. 处某人以„ punish sb with/by„

  63. 因„而处罚某人 punish sb for„

  64. 告诫„去做„ warn sb to do

  65. 提醒„要注意„ warn sb about sth

  66. 警告„不要做„ warn sb not to do

  67. 最终成为 end up

  68. 期待„做„ expect sb to do sth

  69. 带回到„ take back„

  70. 把„带回到„ take sb back to sp

  71. 使„想起„ remind sb of sth/ sb

  72. 提醒某人做„ remind sb to do sth

  73. 醒来 wake up

  74. 查明/弄清情况 find out

  75. 决定做„ decide to do sth

  76. 改变„的生活 change one’s life

  77. 承诺做„ promises to do sth

  78. 真需要 in need

  79. „对待„ treat sb with +adj

  80. „的开端 the beginning of

  81. 产生新生命 give birth to life

  82. „的象征 a symbol of

  83. 不但„而且 not only „ but also

  84. 结果 as a result

  85. 圣诞节前夕 Christmas Eve

  86. 阅读: 3074次 大小:

  87. 1MB(共9页)

  88. 从/以„开始 start/ begin with

  89. 不必匆忙 not need to rush

  90. 起初 at first

  91. 在那个时刻 at that time

  92. 来得更早点 come a little earlier

  93. 最近的银行 the nearest bank

  94. 寻求帮助 ask for help

  95. 怎样有礼貌的寻求帮how to ask for help politely

  96. 学会怎样才是礼貌的 learn how to be polite

  97. 在不同的情况 in different situations

  98. 使用恰当的语言 use the right language

  99. 在去往„的路上 on one’s way to„

  100. 更擅长 become better at„


  1. 作出努力 make an effort

  2. 把„擦掉 clean sth off

  3. 脱下/起飞 take off

  4. 特地/格外努力 go out of one’s way to..

  5. 使某人宾至如归 make sb feel at home

  6. 习惯于 be used to doing

  7. 握手 shake hands

  8. 被期望做/应该做 Sb be supposed to do

  9. 被期待着做„ Sb be expected to do

  10. (做)„是重要的 be important to do

  11. 首次见面 meet for the first time

  12. 犯一些错误 make some mistakes

  13. 欢迎晚会 the welcome party

  14. 交朋友 make friends

  15. 被期待着„ be expected to do

  16. 伸手 hold hand

  17. 使„惊讶的是 to one’s surprise

  18. 晚到点 arrive a bit late

  19. 做计划做„ make plans to do sth

  20. 按时/准时 on time

  21. 邀请某人做„ invite sb to do sth

  22. 避开交通高峰期 avoid heavy traffic

  23. 用手(拿)饭吃 eat with one’s hand

  24. 插入„里 stick sth into „

  25. 在盘子里 on the plate

  26. 撞击一个空碗 hit an empty bowl

  27. 用„指点„ point at sb with sth

  28. 最大的挑战 the biggest challenge

  29. 玩得高兴/过得愉快 have a good time have fun / enjoy oneself

  30. 学会怎样做„ learn how to do sth

  31. 用法语和我谈话 talk to sb in French

  32. 由于/因为 because of „

  33. 与„不同 be different from

  34. 相当奇怪 pretty strange

  35. 切开 cut up sth

  36. 使得某人„ make sb adj

  37. 显而易见/ 到场 show up

  38. 既然那样/那样的话 in that case

  39. 坚持/固守 stick to

  40. 大量/充足 plenty of

  41. 关上 shut off

  42. 偶尔/间或 once in a while

  43. 总共/合计 in total

  44. 随着跳舞 dance to

  45. 随着唱歌 sing along with

  46. 空闲时间 spare time/ free time

  47. 取决于/依靠 depend on

  48. 使„振作 cheer sb up

  49. 尽某人最大努力去做try one’s best to do

  50. 有一个快乐的结局 have a happy ending

  51. 使„感到„ make sb feel adj

  52. 及时 in time

  53. 害怕„ be afraid to do sth /be afraid of doing

  54. 中国民间音乐演奏会 a concert of Chinese folk music

  55. 用二胡演奏 play on erhu

  56. 查阅 look up sth

  57. 被„写 be written by sb

  58. 出生 be born

  59. 教„做„ teach sb to do sth

  60. 例如 for example/such as

  61. 因„而出名 be famous/ known for

  62. 赚钱 make money

  63. 结婚 get married

  64. 继续做 go on to do/ continue to do sth

  65. 以这种方式 in this way

  66. 到„末 by the end of„

  67. 遗憾的是„ It’s a pity that „

  68. 属于„ belong to sb

  69. 追逐/追赶 run after

  70. 同时/一起 at the same time

  71. 听„ listen to sb/ sth

  72. 也许是 may/might be

  73. 可能是 could be

  74. 一定是 must be

  75. 一定不是 can’t be

  76. 去野餐 go to a picnic

  77. 其余的/剩余的 the rest of„

  78. 拾起/捡起 pick up sth

  79. 彼此 each other/ one another

  80. 过去常常 used to do sth

  81. 被采访 be interviewed by

  82. 奇怪的声音 strange noise

  83. 玩得高兴 have fun/have good time

  84. 感到不安 feel uneasy/ feel nervous

  85. 离开/走开 go away/ be away

  86. 不确定 be not sure

  87. 洗澡 take a shower

  88. 感到困倦 feel sleepy

  89. 在空中 in the sky

  90. 赶车 catch the bus

  91. 不但„而且„ not only„but also

  92. 看见太阳升起 see the sun rising

  93. 一年中最长的这一天 the longest day of the year

  94. 试图与„交流 try to communicate with sb

  95. 指出 point out

  96. 一种日历 a kind of calendar

  97. 一定的方式 in a certain way

  98. 直接照射„里 shine directly into

  99. 石头的中心 the center of the stones

  100. 保持健康 keep healthy