1. 那是„的原因 That’s why„
2. 让某人不要做„ ask sb not to do sth
3. 谈论 talk about
4. 过去穿 used to wear...
5. 在...方面取得好成绩 get good grades in
6. 时常/有时 from time to time
7. 变化很大 change a lot/ change so much
8. 和...谈话 talk to/ talk with
9. 在考试中取得好成绩 get good scores on the exams
10. 拿起做/开始做 take up doing
11. 敢做... dear to do sth/ dear not to do sth
12. 全学校 the whole school
13. 不在... not„anymore
14. 成为大众焦点 get tons of attention
15. 担心„ worry about
16. 非常注意... be very careful about
17. 和朋友闲逛 hang out with friends
18. 放弃 give up „(doing)
19. 想/考虑... think about
20. 需要有足够的天赋 require a lot of talent
21. 一小部分 a very small number of
22. 听流行音乐 listen to pop music
23. 看大量的书籍 read lots of books
24. 公众 in public
25. 音乐课 music class
26. ..的标题 the topic of
27. 在...方面做得好 do well in
28. 寻找... look for
29. 搬到... move to sp
30. 旷课 be absent from classes
31. 做决定 make a decision
32. 寄宿学校 a boarding school
33. 和„交朋友 make friends with sb
34. 建议某人做... advise sb to do sth
35. 想到... think of
36. 从那以后 after that
37. 以...为自豪 take pride in/ be proud of
38. 以„闻名/为人知晓 be (well) known for
39. 不论/无论 no matter„
40. 在„被制造 be made in sp
41. 科学博物馆 the science museum
42. 飞机模型 model plane
43. 科技展 science fair
44. .因„而著名 be famous for/ be famous as
45. 在过去 in the past
46. 在„被生产 be produced in„
47. 在很多不同地区 in many different areas
48. 据我所知 as far as I know
49. 在„的边上 on the sides of
50. 寄到„/送到„ send sth to sp
51. 许多不同的国 many different countries
52. 全世界 all over the world
53. 有利于„ be good for
54. 即„又„ both„and
55. 搜寻/寻找 search for sth
56. 去另一个国家 go to another country
57. 什么种类的东西 what kinds of things
58. 无论什么 no matter what
59. 即使 even if/ even though
60. „中的大部分 the most of„
61. 中国制造 made in China
62. 事实上 in fact
63. 更擅长做„ be/get better at doing sth
64. 在世界各个角落 in all parts of the world
65. 在玩具店 in the toy stores
66. 查明 find out
67. 去度假 go on vacation
68. 国际风筝 The International kite festival
69. 在生活中 in life
70. 把„变成„ turn sth into sth/ change sth into sth
71. 寻求帮助 ask for help
72. 幸福的象征 a symbol of happiness
73. 好运 good luck
74. 历史故事 a historical story
75. 陶艺 clay art
76. 用„盖上 cover sth with sth
77. 害怕 be afraid of
78. 过去常常... used to do
79. 过去的长相 used to be like
80. 直发 straight hair
81. 不足以做... not enough to do sth
82. 对...更感兴趣 get more interested in ...
83. 我小学同 my primary school classmates
84. 变红 get red
85. 看见某人在做... see sb doing sth
86. 一个十九岁的... a 19-year-old
87. 对付/处理 deal with/ do with
88. 在班级面前 in front of the class
89. 在众人面前 in front of crowds
90. 一直/总是 all the time
91. 太多的注意力 too much attention
92. 出现在别人面前 appear to others
93. 私人时间 private time
94. 准备好做... be prepared to do sth
95. 通向成功的路 the road to success
96. 继续战斗 fight on doing
97. 能成功到达顶峰 make it to the top
98. 吃大量的蔬菜 eat a lot of vegetables
99. 看恐怖片 watch scary monies
100. 至少 at least
1. 使„想起 remind „of„
2. 取决于/依靠 depend on
3. 经过、路过 pass by
4. 一个吃饭的好地方a good place to eat
5. 给出个人反应 give a personal reaction
6. 泼水节 the Water Festival
7. 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival
8. 春节 the Spring Festival
9. 灯笼节 the Lantern Festival
10. 多么美好的一天! What a great day!
11. 一点 a little/ a bit/ a little bit
12. 看望亲戚 visit relatives
13. 出去吃饭 eat out/ go out for dinner
14. 增加(体重)/发胖/穿上 put on
15. 在两周以后 in /after two weeks
16. 听起来像„ sound like+n
17. 一年最热的月 the hottest month of the year
18. 从„到„ from „to„
19. 和„相似 be similar to/ be the same as
20. „的时间 the time of
21. 在街道上 in /on the street
22. 朝„扔„ throw sth to sb / sp
23. 洗剂掉„ wash away
24. 好运 good luck
25. 满月 a full moon
26. 把„带给„ carry sth to sb
27. 传统的民间故事 traditional folk storis
28. „的故事 the story of„
29. 射掉 shoot down
30. 计划做„ plan to do sth
31. 设法偷 try to steal
32. 拒绝做„ refuse to do sth
33. 飘向„ fly up to
34. 对„喊出 call out one’s name to„
35. 摆开/布置 lay out sth in /on /at
36. 回来 come back/ be back/ get back
37. 五月第二个星期 the second Sunday of May
38. 六月第三个星期天 the third Sunday of June
39. 给„礼物 give gifts to sb
40. 带„出去吃饭 ake sb out for dinner/lunch
41. 越来越受欢迎 more and more popular
42. 展示/表达我们的爱 show our love
43. 花很多的钱 spend a lot of money
44. 帮助„做„ help (to) do sth/help with sth
45. 打扮/装扮 dress up
46. 装扮成卡通人物 dress up as a sb
47. 不招待就使坏 trick and treat
48. 了解 learn about
49. 考虑 think of
50. „的真正意义 the true meaning of„
51. 最好的例子 the best example
52. 只想着自己 only think oneself
53. 关心/关注 care about
54. 过去常常„ used to do sth
55. 受到惩罚 be punished
56. 处某人以„ punish sb with/by„
57. 因„而处罚某人 punish sb for„
58. 告诫„去做„ warn sb to do
59. 提醒„要注意„ warn sb about sth
60. 警告„不要做„ warn sb not to do
61. 最终成为 end up
62. 期待„做„ expect sb to do sth
63. 带回到„ take back„
64. 把„带回到„ take sb back to sp
65. 使„想起„ remind sb of sth/ sb
66. 提醒某人做„ remind sb to do sth
67. 醒来 wake up
68. 查明/弄清情况 find out
69. 决定做„ decide to do sth
70. 改变„的生活 change one’s life
71. 承诺做„ promises to do sth
72. 真需要 in need
73. „对待„ treat sb with +adj
74. „的开端 the beginning of
75. 产生新生命 give birth to life
76. „的象征 a symbol of
77. 不但„而且 not only „ but also
78. 结果 as a result
79. 圣诞节前夕 Christmas Eve
80. 和„合作/ 和„一起工作 work with
81. 制作单词卡 make word cards
82. 读教科书 read the textbook
83. 听磁带 listen to the tape
84. 向„寻求/要„ ask sb for„
85. 为考试做准备/备考 study for a test
86. 看录像 watch the videos
87. 和„谈话 have conversations with sb
88. 大声朗读 read aloud
89. 练习发音 practice pronunciation
90. 学到很多 learn a lot
91. 口语表达能力 speaking skills
92. 英语口语 spoken English
93. 有点儿紧张 a little nervous
94. 作报告 give a report
95. 听报告 have a report
96. 知道大意 get the main ideas
97. 首先 at first
98. 使用字典 use a dictionary
99. 读句子 read the sentences
100. 要耐心 be patient
越多„越快 The more„ the faster„