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时间: 慧媛1041 分享






  Liu Wei was chosen as one of the ten touching figures of 2011 in China, winning the “Moving China” Award.

  Liu was born in 1987. He lost both his arms when he was ten after an accident. Two years later, he learned to swim and managed to take two gold medals in the National Paralyzed Swimming Championship at 14. Soon after that he was forced to give up swimming due to physical condition. At 19, he began to practice playing the piano by tapping keys with his toes. His efforts finally paid off. He became Champion of China's Got Talent in 2010 and gave a memorable performance in Vienna's Golden hall in 2011.

  I can't believe one can play piano with toes, but Liu just made it. From him I knew deeply that if we try, we might get a chance of success. If we don't try, we will be bound to gain nothing.


  假设你是新华中学的李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom 约好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写封Email 1. 表示歉意 2.解释原因 3.另约时间


  Dear Tom,

  I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week, which I have promised. I feel sorry about it and want you to know what happened.

  Just now , my cousin ,Li qiang ,who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know , we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year.

  I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing . Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  Sincerely yours ,

  Li hua


  每一个人,每一个国家,都拥有梦想。“中国梦”是目前最热的话题。作为中学生,你是如何理解中国梦的?你的中国梦是什么呢?为实现你的梦想,你将怎么做呢?假设你叫李红(Li Hong),请以“My Dream”为题,写一篇不少于100词的英语短文。

  要求: 1. 条理清楚,有表明自己观点的句子。

  2. 书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。

  3. 短文中应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。

  4. 参考词汇:China dream,come true ,achieve one’s dreams., give up, hold on to, make up of


  My Dream

  Everyone has his dreams. As young students, we have many kinds of dreams. These dreams are our China dreams. The dreams can be very big, and they can also be small. In fact ,a big dream is made up of many small dreams.

  My name’s Li Hong. I also have a dream. I dream of becoming a great scientist. From now on, I have to study hard to achieve my dream. I must learn as much as I can. When I meet any difficulty, I won’t give it up , I must get it over .

  I’m sure it’s very important to dream,. Some dreams are more realistic, others are not. No matter what our dreams are, we should hold on to them, they can just come true one day.






