1.He is something. 你实在了不起。
2.No comment. 无可奉告。
3.Go celebrate. 我们好好庆祝一下。
4.Lazybones! 懒骨头!
5.Behave yourself! 放规矩些!
6.It is secondhand. 这是二流货。
7.Get with it! 迁就一点吧!
8.Let's have a chat. 我们聊聊天吧。
9.What is going on? 怎么一回事?
10.What is wrong with me? 我做错什么事了?
11.Did you have lunch? 你吃过午饭了没有?
12.I just finished. 我刚吃过。
13.Payday 发薪水的日子
14.He's been after me to go! 他一直在逼我走!
15.We did it in on time. 我们很快就做好了。
16.His heart's in the right place. 他的心肠不错。
17.My wife goes through my pockets at night. 我太太每晚都搜我的口袋。
18.So and so 某某
19.Tell me when. 我随时奉陪。
20.He is a sponge. 他是海量。
21.He doesn't say much. 他沉默寡言。
22.He talks too much. 他很罗嗦。
23.He is devoted to me. 他对我忠心耿耿。
24.Let's change the subject. 让我们换个话题吧。
25.Let's take a vote. 我们来表决一下吧。
26.There's no one like you. 没人比得上你。
27.Go ahead! 请便吧!
28.How did it go? 结果如何?(后来呢?)
29.How is she getting along? 她近况如何?
30.How about a second round? 再干一杯如何?
31.What are you selling? 你在搞什么名堂?
32.Don't make long speeches. 长话短说吧。
33.Don't pull my leg! 不要扯我的后腿了。
34.Don't be so fussy. 别这样吹毛求疵了。
35.What's the fare? 多少钱?
36.What is a better suggestion? 还有什么更好的办法?
37.What do they know? 他们懂得什么?
38.What is the difference? 这有什么关系?
39.Who in the world is that fellow? 那个家伙究竟是谁?
40.Waste not, want not. 不浪费,不愁缺。细水长流。俭以防匮。
1.Who in the world are you? 你究竟是谁?
2.I want you to mean it.= I want you to say what you mean. 我要你说出真心话。
3.You have gone a little too far this time. 你这次有点太过份了。
4.He is a man of ideas. 他是个点子很多的人。
5.I'm not in the mood to go. 我没有心情去。
6.He is an apple polisher. 他是个马屁精。
7.Are you through? 你说完了没有?
8.As far as I know. 就我所知道。
9.Are you trying to kill me? 你想杀我吗?
10.I'm at the end of my resources. 我现在是山穷水尽。
11.What are we going to do now? 我们现在该怎么办?
12.Sorry,I'm late,been waiting long? 抱歉,我迟到了,你久等了吗?
13.He is a bookworm. 他是个书呆子。
14.I'm behind you. 我支持你。
15.Beware of the dog! 谨防恶犬!
16.Beware of pickpockets! 谨防扒手!
17.He is a big bore. 他是个讨厌鬼。
18.He is a big chees 他是个大老板
19.Big talk is easy. 吹牛是件容易的事。
20.I will talk to you later. 以后再跟你聊。
21.I feel blue today. 我今天心情不好。
22.You are too smart for me. 你太厉害了,我不是你的对手。
23.I'm sick and tired of him. 我对他已讨厌极了。
24.It means nothing to me. 我一点儿都不在乎。
25.He's my sworn brother. 他是我的结拜兄弟。
26.Don't give me sweet talk. 不要给我说些甜言蜜语了。
27.It must be an inside job. 一定有卧底。(内奸)
28.This is a very good plan,I'm all for it. 这是个好计划,我完全同意。
29.It's never wise to put all your eggs in one basket. 孤注一掷,绝不是一件聪明的事。
30.On the job training. 在职培训。
31.On the job = on duty 值班
32.I'm on the job. 我在值班。
33.VIP=Very important person 要人(贵宾)
34.The plan is still up in the air. 这个计划仍未决定。
35.It's up to you. 随你的便(由你决定)。
36.It has to be done. 应该做的事。
37.Top man 上司 To my knowledge=so far as I know. 据我所知。
38.Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。
39.I know you better than yourself. 我把你看透了。
40.Well begun is half done. 好的开始是成功的一半。
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