Brown: I'm sorry to see you so unwell. Have you seen the doctor?
Jack: Yes. I'm having three baths a day.
Brown: What for?
Jack: Don't know, doctor's orders. He gave me some medicine and told me to follow the directions on the bottle, whichread: "One tablespoonful to be taken three times a day in water."
Teacher: Would you rather have one half of an orange or five tenths?
Gerald: I'd much rather have the half.
Teacher: Think carefully, and tell me why.
Gerald: Because you lose too much juice when you cut the orange into five tenths.
An art critic was used to criticizing very severely and in a very detailed way.
When he was commenting on one painting and then on another in the gallery, he pointed at a picture and said: "It's showing a marked lack of technique and understanding. Look! Those trees seem to have no form, and the grass has not roots. And here you see the artist had attempted to draw a fly to catch the public eye, I would not disapprove of it if he had been able to draw it better and made it like a fly. But this fly looks like a lump of mud and has not the character of a fly."
At this point while the critic was still rambling, the fly on that picture suddenly look wing and flew away.
Now I want a raise.
The employer replied, "Well, I can't give you a raise, but if you'll tell me who the other man is, I'll fire him."