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时间: 诗盈1200 分享



  My father said we were going to have a picnic this weekend, but I had to help my mother buy the food. So, I went to the supermarket with my mother at Friday night. My mother and I picked the blanket at first. Then we went to find other tools, such as basket, dishes, and so on. We bought the food at last. However, it was the most things I would like to buy. I picked lots of my favorite food and snacks. There were a lot of meat. I was very happy to go home with so many things. tomorrow’s picnic must be wonderful.

  我爸爸说我们这个周末要去野餐,不过我得陪我妈妈一起去买食材。所以,星期五的晚上我和妈妈去超市了。我和妈妈先去买毯子。然后我们再去找其它的工具,如 篮子,盘子等等。我们最后才买食物。不过,食物却是我最想买的。我买了很多我最喜欢吃的食物和小吃。有很多的肉。买了那么多东西回家我真的很开心。明天的 野餐一定会很棒的。


  No one is perfect. No matter how excellent a person is, he will have disadvantages. And sometimes people will point out your so called disadvantages in their view. For example, an honest person may be thought of not easy to be outstanding in the competitive society. He should not listen to other’s opinion to change his good virtue. Take another example, someone tells you that the way you walk is not elegant. Will you change it? Do not change yourself easily. You are unique that you don’t need to change yourself easily, except some real disadvantages.

  没有人是完美的。不管一个人有多么的优秀,都会有缺点。有时候别人会在他们的立场上指出你所谓的缺点。例如,一个老实的人可能会被认为很难在竞争激烈的社 会里出类拨萃。他不应该听从别人的意见,改变自己的美德。再举一个例子,有人告诉你,你走路姿势不优雅。你会改变吗?不要轻易改变自己。你是独一无二的, 你没必要轻易地改变自己,除非是一些真正的缺点。




  请根据以上内容用英语写一篇 80~120 词的短文,不要逐字翻译。

  Sports keep us fit land fresh. Everybody likes to do one kind or another. But not all people know how to do them correctly and sometimes the advice we got may be wrong.

  I'm lucky, for since my first day at school I have always had a good teacher of physical education. I have always been very strong.

  I go swimming almost every day all the year round,of course I like many other sports too. I am thinking of taking part in a few items at the school sports meeting this autumn.





