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圣经故事:Story of Moses摩西的故事(3)

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  米利暗勇敢地来到公主面前,对她说:“我去在希伯来妇人中叫一个奶妈来,为你照看这个孩子,好不好?”公主说:“去吧”。米利暗就去了。她直接回到她自己的家。妈妈约基别 赶快去见公主。当她听见公主说的话真是惊讶极了。 公主说:“你把这个孩子抱去,替我喂养他。我会给你工钱的。”噢,我们的神多好啊,孩子们。我们实在是可以相信神会照顾我们的。那么,你有没有为什么事情焦虑发愁呢?

  There are many dangers, many hard things in this world, even for children like you. But if you have believed in the Lord Jesus and asked Him to save you from your sin, you are His child. Take your worries to Him in prayer. Trust Him to take care of you! Remember that sometimes God takes the problem away from you. And at other times, God will take you away from the problem. Still there are times when your wise, loving Heavenly Father will take you right through the problem. No matter how God works, trust Him to take care of you in the very best way!


  Jochebed walked home with her baby boy in her arms! She did not have to hide him now, and she would be paid to take care of her own son! Surely she and her family praised God together for His wonderful care of their son. They enjoyed every minute of the years they had together, and I'm sure Jochebed taught this little boy about the true and living God. When he was probably between 3 and 5 years old, Jochebed knew it was time to take him to the princess.


  The princess took him and named him Moses, which means "drawn out." Why do you think she named him that?Yes, because she drew him out of the water. No doubt Jochebed was sad to leave her little son at the palace, but she knew very well she could trust God to continue to care for little Moses.
