中国的电影市场一直在髙速发展,但是国产的动画业(animation industry)却不尽如人意。去年有33部动画电影发行,但没有一部票房(box office)喜人。原因有以下几点:一是投入少。一部好莱坞动画电影在放映和电影特技上的花费要超过其一半的预算。但在中国,这些通常只占10%。二是故事情节单一。目前中国很难有超过1亿票房的动画电影。内部人士称电影情节无趣是票房过低的罪魁祸首。此外,薪酬较低,要找一个好编剧(scriptwriter)也很困难。
China's film market has been developing at a highspeed, but China's animation industry is not to oursatisfaction. Last year, 33 animation films werereleased, none of which did well at the box office.The reasons are as follows: firstly, the lowinvestment. A Hollywood animation film spends more than half of its budget on screening andspecial effects, which, however, in China, usually accounts for only 10%. Secondly, the tediousplot. Currently, few animation films in China can achieve more than 0.1 billion yuan at thebox office. According to the insiders, boring plot is the main reason for low box office. Besides,its hard to find a good scriptwriter with low payment.
1.一直在高速发展:“一直”可用现在完成时表达,故译为have been developing at a tremendous speed。
2.不尽如人意:即“不能令人满意”,可译为not to our satisfaction。反之,“令人满意”则译为to one's satisfaction。
3.票房:固定译法为box office。
4.投入少:即“低投资”,可译为low investment。
5.放映和电影特技:可译为screening and special effects。
6.罪魁祸首:即“主要原因”,可译为main reason。
随着经济的快速发展和国际地位的提升,中国逐渐成为各国留学生的热门留学目的地。到2020年,中国将力争成为亚洲最大的留学目的国。除了汉语之外,中国艺术、饮食、民俗、中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)等颇具中国特色的专业也深受金发碧眼的洋学生们热捧。同时,中国为进一歩扩大外国留学生规模,不断增加政府奖学金的投入;另一方面,为吸引更多优秀的国际生源,各院校也增设了不少奖学金项目。
With the rapid economic development and the promotion of international status, China has gradually become a popular destination country for overseas students. China strives to be the hottest destination country for overseas study in Asia by the year 2020. Besides the Chinese language, the overseas students with blond hair and blue eyes are also interested in the majors with Chinese characteristics like Chinese art, food, folklore, traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Meanwhile, to expand the scale of overseas students, Chinese government constantly invests more to offer scholarships on the other hand, to attract more excellent overseas students, universities also add many scholarship programs.
2.力争成为亚洲最大的留学目的国:其中“力争”可用strive to表达;“最大的”即 “最热门的”,可译为 hottest。
3.金发碧眼的洋学生们:其中“金发碧眼”可译为blond hair and blue eyes; “洋学生”可译为overseas students,文中“外国留学生”、“国际生源”均可用该词组表达。
4.扩大规模:可译为expand the scale of或increase the number of。
5.不断增加政府奖学金的投入:可译为Chinese government invests more to offer scholarships。
6.增设了不少奖学金项目:可译为add many scholarship programs。
Chinese Moutai, Scotch whiskey and French brandyare known as “the world's three famous wine”. Itoriginated in the Han Dynasty which was over 2,000years from now. In 1915 Panama World Exposition,Moutai was awarded Gold Medal and it has becomefamous worldwide ever since. Besides meeting the domestic demands, Moutai is also exportedto many countries in the world. Moutai is famous for the features like being clear andtransparent in color, being smooth, fresh and cool in taste and its long-lasting fragrance.Taking advantage of the unique climate, excellent water quality and suitable soil in MaotaiTown, people brew Moutai wine by using distinctive brewing techniques and a series ofcomplicated procedures. Now, Moutai is called the national wine in China.
1.称为:即“被称为”,可译为be known as。
2.从此扬名世界:其中“从此”可用ever since表达,故译为has become famous worldwide ever since。
3.远销:即“出口”,可译为be exported to。
4.入口柔绵、清冽甘爽:可译为being smooth,freshand cool in taste。
6.利用茅台镇独特的气候:文中译为taking advantage of the unique climate...
7.优良的水质和适宜的土壤:可译为excellent water quality and suitable soil。