1. 藏象学说 doctrine of visceral manifestations
2. 五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs
3. 奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs
水谷精微 nutrients of water and food
传化水谷 transmitting and transforming water and food
贮藏精气 storing essence
表里关系 internal and external relationship
治疗效应 therapeutic effects
临床实践 clinical practice
藏而不泻 storage without discharge
泻而不藏 discharge without storage
形体诸窍 physical build and various orifices
开窍(of five zang-organs) open into
精神情志 spirit and emotions
心藏神 the heart storing spirit
肺藏魄 the lung storing corporeal soul
肝藏魂 the liver storing ethereal soul
脾藏意 the spleen storing consciousness
肾藏志 the kidney storing will
其华在面 the luster manifesting upon the face
1. 藏象学说是研究人体各个脏腑的生理功能、病理变化及相互关系的学说。The theory of visceral manifestation studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of viscera and their relations.
2. 藏象学说在中医学理论体系中占有极其重要的地位。The theory of visceral manifestation plays an important role in the theoretical system of TCM.
3. 五脏的共同生理特点是化生和贮藏精气。The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to transform and store essence.
4. 六腑的共同生理特点是受盛和传化水谷。The common physiological function of the six fu-organs is to receive, transport and transform water and food.
5. 脏病多虚,腑病多实。Diseases of the zang-organs are often of deficiency in nature while diseases of the fu-organs are frequently of excess in nature.
6. 脏实者可泻其腑,腑虚者可补其脏。Excess of zang-organs can be treated by purging the corresponding fu-organs while deficiency of fu-organs can be treated by reinforcing the related zang-organs.
7. 皮肤受凉而感冒,会出现鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽等症状。Common cold due to invasion of cold into the skin is often characterized by stuffy nose, running nose and cough.
8. 肾的精气有促进骨骼生长的作用。Kidney essence is helpful for promoting the growth of skeleton.
9. 心与小肠相表里。The heart and the small intestine are internally and externally related to each other.
10. 五脏与形体诸窍联接成一个整体。The five zang-organs, the body and all the orifices form an organic whole.
11. 脾开窍于口, 其华在唇四白。 spleen open into the mouth and its luster is manifested over The the lips.
12. 五脏的生理活动与精神情志密切相关。The physiological functions of the five zang-organs are closely associated with the state of spirit and mind.
13. 五脏的生理活动统率全身整体的生理功能。The physiological functions of the five zang-organs play a leading role in the physiological functions of the whole body. 14. 五脏的生理功能之间的平衡协调是维持机体内在环境相对恒定的重要环节。The normal relationship between the five zang-organs and the body and all the orifices is key to the relative stability of the internal environment of the body.
15. 五 脏 与 形 体 诸 窍 的 联 系 维 系 着 机 体 内 外 环 境 之 间 的 相 对 平 衡 协 调 。 The normal relationship between the five zang-organs and the body and all the orifices maintains the relative balance between the internal environment and external environment of the body.
16. 精神情志和思维意识活动的失常也会影响五脏的生理功能。Disorder of spirit, emotions and mental activity affects the physiological functions of the five zang-organs.
17. 藏象学说的形成虽有一定的古代解剖知识为基础。 formation of the doctrine of visceral The manifestation was, to a certain extent, based on the knowledge of anatomy in ancient times.
18. 有诸内,必形诸外。The state of the internal organs must be manifested externally. 19. 藏象学说对脏腑的认识大大超越了人体解剖学的脏腑范围。The knowledge about the viscera in the doctrine of visceral manifestation has exceeded the scope of that in modern anatomy.
20. 藏象学说中的脏腑不单纯是一个解剖学的概念,而是概括了人体某一系统的生理和病理 学的概念。The viscera in the doctrine of visceral manifestations are not simply anatomic concepts, but the concepts that are used to generalize the physiological functions and pathological changes in the whole body.
language points
1. 所以《素问 五脏别论》说:所谓五藏者,藏精气而不泄也,故满而不能实。六腑者, 传化物而不藏,故实而不满也。所以然者,水谷入口,则胃实而肠虚;食下,则肠实而胃虚。故曰,实而不满,满而不实也。So in the chapter of special discussion on five zang-organs in su wen, it was described that “the so called five zang organs refer to organs that only store essence but not excrete it; that is the reason why they can be full but not solid. The six fu-organs are in charge of transporting and transforming food, So they can be solid but not full. The reason is that the stomach becomes full and intestines remain empty when food is taken into the stomach through the mouth; the intestines become solid and the stomach gets empty when food is transported downward. That is what to be full but not be solid and to be solid but not to be full means.
2. 精气为满,水谷为实。五脏但藏精气,故满而不实;六腑则不藏精气,但受水谷,故实 而不满也。Essence is characterized by fullness and food by solidness. Since the five zang-organs only store essence, they can just be full, but not solid; the function of six fu-organs is to receive food and but to store essence, they can only be solid but not full.
1. the heart governing blood and vessels
2. sufficiency of heart qi
3. rosy complexion
4. sufficiency of blood
5. unsmooth vessels
6. lusterless complexion
7. thin and weak pulse
8. the heart storing spirit
9. sweat and blood sharing the same origin
10. ascending, descending, going out and going in 11. dispersion, purification and descent 12. regulating water passage 13. the spleen governing transportation and transformation 14. nutrients of water and food 15. stoppage of water and fluid 16. acquired base of life 17. regulating qi activity 18. upward adverse flow of liver qi 19.innate essence 20.the kidney receiving qi
1. The main physiological function of the heart is to control blood vessels and govern the mind.
2. The vessels are the passages in which blood flows.
3. Sufficient heart qi, abundant blood and smoothness of vessels are prerequisite to normal circulation of blood.
4. Pathological changes of the heart can be observed from the tongue.
5. The respiratory function of the lung directly influences the production of thoracic qi.
6. Failure of the lung to disperse inevitably leads to dyspnea, chest oppression, cough and panting.
7. Hypofunction of the lung in regulating water passage will lead to production of phlegm and retained fluid due to stagnation of water.
8. The pathological changes of the lung are mainly manifested in the nose and throat. 9. Transportation and transformation of water and food means to digest food and absorb nutrients from food.
10. Failure of the spleen to transport normally refers to hypofunction of the spleen in transporting and transforming the nutrients of water and food.
11. The spleen is the acquired base of life and the source of qi and blood production. 12. All diseases are caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.
13. The main physiological function of the liver is to control free flow of qi and store blood.
14. Stagnation of qi will affect blood circulation as well as distribution and metabolism of body fluid.
15. Insufficiency of blood or failure of the liver to store blood will cause scanty menstruation or even amenorrhea.
16. Sufficient blood stored in the liver and normal function of the liver to regulate blood enable the limbs to get necessary energy for their movement.
17. The kidney governs growth, development and reproduction.
18. The essence stored in the kidney includes innate essence and acquired essence. 19. If the function of the kidney to receive qi is normal, breath will be smooth and even.
20. Though urine is discharged from the bladder, it depends on qi transforming activity of the kidney to accomplish such a discharge.