数学不好没关系 12个高薪职位任你挑
Math is an essential skill for many jobs, and one that's rightly emphasized at every level of education. But some people don't have the knack or inclination to study it and certainly don't want to spend their workdays doing long division.
For those people, we took a look through the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a U.S. Department of Labor database of detailed information on hundreds of occupations, to find high-paying jobs where math skills aren't important.
为了给这类人找到不太看重数学能力的高薪职位,我们浏览了职业情报网(Occupational Information Network,简称O*NET),这个网站上有美国劳动部收集的各种工作的详细信息数据。
Based on extensive surveys and data collection, O*NET ranks the importance of math skills in a given job — defined as "using mathematics to solve problems" — on a scale of zero to 100, with 100 signifying that math is very important. For example, statisticians have a math importance rating of 97.
We pulled out the jobs where you won't need to do much math, but you can still make a nice living. The average household income in the United States is ,017. These are median salary figures, so those with experience can earn substantially more. They're ordered by where O*NET scores them on the importance of math skills.
12 High-Paying Jobs For People Who Don't Like Math Rank Jobs Median yearly salary Math skill importance
1 Technical writers 技术编写员 ,500 16
2 Power Plant Operators 发电厂经营者 ,130 22
3 Dental Hygienists 牙科保健员 ,210 22
4 Elevator Installers and Repairers 电梯安装员和维修员 ,650 22
5 Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary 大专院校的美术、戏剧、音乐老师 ,160 25
6 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay 发电所/变电所/继电所的电力或电子设备维修员 ,810 28
7 Technical Directors/Managers for Radio and Television 广播台或电视台的技术总监/经理 ,350 28
8 Orthoptists 视力矫正医师 ,710 28
9 Acupuncturists 针灸师 ,710 31
10 Occupational Therapists 职业理疗师 ,400 31
11 Nursery and Greenhouse Managers 苗圃或温室经理 ,300 35
12 Subway and Streetcar Operators 地铁或有轨电车运营员 ,730 38
having trouble with your job search? not sure why you aren’t getting more interviews?
it could be because of your lacklustre cv. no matter how impressive your accomplishments are, your cv may not reflect them to your best advantage. several linkedin influencers weighed in on the topic this week. what could your cv be saying (or not saying) about you and yourcareer? here’s what two of them had to say.
having trouble with your job search? not sure why you aren’t getting more interviews?
it could be because of your lacklustre cv. no matter how impressive your accomplishments are, your cv may not reflect them to your best advantage.
liz ryan, chief executive officer and founder, human workplace
don’t underestimate the power of a cv to hurt your career when you least expect it, wrote ryan in her post, five deadliest resume mistakes (and how to fix them). what might you be doing wrong?
among the things ryan wrote that would-be job seekers should beware of in their cv.
“the worst brand in the world is the brand ‘i can do anything!’ no one will believe you,” ryan wrote. “even if you can do everything, you've got to choose something that you especially love to do, otherwise you come across as someone who doesn't know him or herself well enough or have the confidence to plot your own course.”
“always start with a summary at the top, just under your contact section. don't show hiring managers a list of past jobs and expect them to determine what you intend to do next,” wrote ryan. be mindful about giving too many details. “no one cares about your tasks and duties. that's just telling us what anybody in the job would have done,” wrote ryan. “the more senior you are, the less detail you need to include.”
it’s also crucial to not use boring language, ryan wrote. “using phrases like ‘results-oriented professional with a bottom-line orientation’…was a wonderful way to write a resume in 1982 or even 1997, but not today.”
alex malley, chief executive officer at cpa australia
is it possible that people have “lost the art of creative (but honest) writing,” in their cvs and cover letters, queried malley in his post stop sending out boring resumes. from what he has seen, the answer is yes. how can you differentiate yourself from the “chronological accounts of a professional existence”?
“a resume… is a story of personality, performance, persistence and persuasion,” he wrote. “it requires the use of simple language, short sentences and evidence by brief example of outcomes achieved.”
one way to make certain you achieve that, malley wrote, is to avoid confining yourself to a resume template. “more and more, i see similarly structured resumes for more senior roles. anyone with a substantive career behind them should not accept the confines of a template” if they want to show how their success came from what they brought individually to a career.
how can you put that into practice? pretend you’re writing to a publisher to persuade them to commission your life story into a book,” wrote malley “learn how to represent your whole life in as interesting form as you can. this has to be personal, compelling, illustrative and emotive.”
to test your improved presentation, “select five people… and ask each one to read your story. observe their body language and reactions. this is likely the first time you are able to see the response someone has to your story,” malley wrote. from that feedback, you can begin to craft an interesting — and stand-out cv and cover letter.
里兹·瑞恩,职业咨询服务网站human workplace的首席执行官和创始人
为了检验你提高的陈述力,““选5个人并让他们阅读你的故事。观察他们的肢体语言和反应。这相当于你第一次接受人们的阅读反馈,” 麦雅理说,有了这些反馈,就可以着手制作有趣而出彩的简历和附信了。
