The admissions process is out of whack. Just ask theheartbroken applicant, rejected by her dreamschool. Ask high school counselors, who complainthat colleges don’t reward promising students fortheir creativity, determination or service to others. Even the gatekeepers at some famous institutionsacknowledge, quietly, that the selection system isbroken.
Ask five people how to fix it, though, and they’ll give five different answers. Sure, you mightthink colleges put too much stock in the SAT, but your neighbor’s kid with the near-perfectscore thinks it should matter a lot. More than half of Americans say colleges shouldn’t givechildren of alumni a leg up, according to a recent Gallup poll; yet nearly half say parentalconnections should be at least a “minor factor.”
The debate about who gets into the nation’s competitive colleges, and why, keeps boilingover. The Justice Department has confirmed that it’s looking into a complaint, filed in 2015 bya coalition of 64 Asian-American associations, charging discrimination against high-achievingAsian-American college applicants. Also, students for Fair Admissions, which opposes affirmativeaction policies, has filed discrimination lawsuits against Harvard, the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Texas at Austin.
究竟什么人可以进入这个国家最优秀的大学,为什么?这一直是个热门话题。司法部已经确认,它正在审查一个由64家亚裔美国人协会组成的联盟于2015年提起的申诉,他们指控大学在招生过程中对成绩优秀的亚裔美国申请人存在歧视。此外,反对平权措施政策的“公平招生”(Fair Admissions)协会中的学生也向哈佛大学、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)和德州大学奥斯汀分校(Universityof Texas at Austin)提起了歧视诉讼。
Although the Supreme Court affirmed last year that admissions officers may consider anapplicant’s race among other factors, polls show that a majority of Americans disagree withthat decision. Critics of affirmative action see plenty of room for future legal challenges.
Whatever happens, age-old questions about fairness in admissions will surely endure. For onething, the nation can’t come to terms with a tricky five-letter word: merit. Michael Young, aBritish sociologist, coined the pejorative term “meritocracy” over a half-century ago to describea future in which standardized intelligence tests would crown a new elite. Yet as RebeccaZwick explains in her new book “Who Gets In?” the meaning has shifted. The word “merit,” shewrites, has come to mean “academic excellence, narrowly defined” as grades and test scores.
不管怎样,关于招生公平的古老问题一定会持续下去。别的不说,国家首先无法就“merit”(大意为优点、才能、价值——译注)这个棘手的词达成一致。半个世纪之前,英国社会学家迈克尔·扬(Michael Young)创造了贬义词“唯才是用”(meritocracy),用来形容未来社会通过标准化智力测验筛选来新的精英。然而,正如芮贝卡·兹维克(Rebecca Zwick)在她的新著《谁进去了?》(Who Gets In?)中解释的那样,这个词的意义已经发生了变化。她写道,“merit”这个词已经成了“学习成绩优秀”的意思,“被狭隘地定义为”评级和考分。
But that’s just one way to think of an applicant’s worthiness. Dr. Zwick, professor emeritus atthe University of California at Santa Barbara, has long been a researcher at the EducationalTesting Service, which develops and administers the SAT. She disputes the notion that testingprowess — or any other attribute, for that matter — entitles a student to a spot at his chosencollege. “There is, in fact, no absolute definition of merit,” she writes.
但这只是衡量申请人价值的一个方面。兹维克是加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California at SantaBarbara)荣休教授,长期以来,她一直在负责开发和管理SAT考试的教育考试服务中心(EducationalTesting Service)担任研究员。她不认为一个学生能否进入自己选择的大学,应该由应试能力或这方面的其他能力来决定。她说:“事实上,关于才能,没有一个绝对的定义。
That brings us to you, the anxious applicant, the frazzled parent, the confused citizen, allwondering what colleges want. It’s worth taking a deep breath and noting that only 13 percentof four-year colleges accept fewer than half of their applicants. That said, colleges where seatsare scarce stir up the nation’s emotions. Each year, the world-famous institutions rejectthousands and thousands of students who could thrive there.
Yes, rejection stings. But say these words aloud: The admissions process isn’t fair. Like it ornot, colleges aren’t looking to reel in the greatest number of straight-A students who’ve takenseven or more Advanced Placement courses. A rejection isn’t really about you; it’s about amaddening mishmash of competing objectives.
Just as parents give teenagers a set of chores, colleges hand their admissions leaders a list ofthings to accomplish. When they fail, they often get fired.
“We don’t live in a cloud — the reality is, there’s a bottom line,” said Angel B. Pérez, vicepresident for enrollment and student success at Trinity College, in Hartford. “We’re aninstitution, but we’re also a business.”
“我们不是过着脱离现实的生活——事实是,我们有一个底线,”三一学院(Trinity College)负责招生和学生发展的副校长安吉尔·B·佩雷兹(Angel B. Pérez)说。“我们是一个学院,但同时也是一个企业。”
On many campuses, financial concerns affect decisions about whom to admit. A recent reportby the National Association for College Admission Counseling found that about half ofinstitutions said an applicant’s “ability to pay” was of at least “some importance” in admissionsdecisions. Among other targets is geographic diversity, which is now seen as an indicator ofinstitutional strength and popularity. (Some presidents have been known to gripe if thefreshman class doesn’t represent all 50 states.) A campus might also need a particular numberof engineering majors or goalies.
在许多学校里,财务问题会影响录取决定。美国全国大学招生咨询协会(National Association for CollegeAdmission Counseling)最近的一份报告发现,大约有一半的院校表示,申请人的“支付能力”在招生决定中至少“有一定重要性”。其他目标还包括地域多样性,它现在被视为大学实力和受欢迎程度的一个指标。(有些校长会因为新生不是全国50个州的人都有而不满)。学校也可能需要一定数量的工程专业学生或者球队的守门员。
Indeed, a college could accept 33 percent of all applicants, but that doesn’t mean eachapplicant has a one-in-three chance. Success depends on what a student brings to the table.
Generally, nothing carries more weight in admissions than grades (plus strength of the highschool curriculum) and ACT/SAT scores. With limited time and resources, those metrics offera relatively quick way to predict who will succeed. But the measures have drawbacks. Gradeinflation has complicated the task of evaluating achievements, and so has the variance inhigh school grading policies. Standardized test scores correlate with family income; white andAsian-American students fare better than black and Hispanic students do. Also, when collegestalk about predicting “success,” they usually mean first-year grades — a limited definition.
And so, many colleges rely on “holistic” evaluations, allowing colleges to contextualizeapplicants’ academic records and to identify disadvantaged students who might lack thesparkling credentials of their affluent peers. Did they attend low-performing high schools orwell-resourced ones? Did they participate in extracurricular activities? Do they haveleadership experience?
What colleges look for sends a powerful message about what matters, not just to admissionsofficers but in life, and students often respond accordingly.
Dr. Pérez, a first-generation college student who grew up in a low-income family, recentlyrevamped Trinity’s process to better identify promising students, particularly thedisadvantaged. While reading applications, its admissions officers now look for evidence of 13 characteristics — including curiosity, empathy, openness to change and ability toovercome adversity — that researchers associate with successful students. These are alsoqualities that the liberal-arts college values, inside and outside the classroom.
Trinity’s officers can check as many qualities as apply using a drop-down box labeled “Predictors of Success.” They must note where they saw evidence of each quality in theapplication. “It can’t be just a hint,” Dr. Pérez said. He recalls a teacher recommendationdescribing how an applicant had taken a stand on a controversial social issue in class, eventhough other students vocally disagreed with him. Impressed, Dr. Pérez checked the box for “Comfort in Minority of 1,” a sign, perhaps, that the student would contribute to campusdialogues. Also on the drop-down: “Delayed Gratification” and “Risk Taking.”
三一学院的工作人员可以使用一个叫做“成功预测因素”的下拉框,勾选他们发现的所有特质。他们必须注明自己是在申请材料的哪些地方发现每一个特质的。“不能仅仅是一种感觉,”佩雷兹说。他还记得,一位老师的推荐信描述了一名申请人如何在班上坚守对某个有争议的社会议题的立场,尽管其他学生都出言反对。这令佩雷兹印象深刻,他在下拉框勾选了“乐于成为唯一的少数派”(Comfort in Minority of 1),这或许标志着这名学生会促进校园中的对话。下拉框里还有:“滞后满足”(Delayed Gratification)和“勇于冒险”(Risk Taking)。
While Trinity still values conventional measures, the new model has expanded the staff’sunderstanding of merit. “We’re trying to give students more credit for these characteristics, especially those who’ve had some challenges,” Dr. Pérez said. The new approach, along withthe college’s recent decision to stop requiring ACT/SAT scores, has helped it diversify itsclasses. Low-income and first-generation students represent 15 percent of this fall’s freshmanclass, up from 8 percent three years ago.
“I’m trying to increase the tools we have, and get beyond a system that is absolutelyantiquated,” Dr. Pérez said. “As the country becomes more diverse, as we learn more aboutthe correlation between standardized test scores and wealth, we have to be a lot morecreative in predicting for success in college.”
What most colleges ask for from applicants doesn’t reveal much about the many skills andtalents a student might possess. But what if colleges asked for more? The admissions processat Olin College of Engineering includes a live audition. After completing a traditionalapplication, selected students visit the campus, in Needham, Mass., for an intense two-daytryout. In addition to sitting for interviews, they work in small groups to complete a tabletopdesign challenge, such as building a tower that can hold a specific weight. On the second day, they are given another task, like designing a campus building. This time, evaluators observeeach student, noting how well they communicate with others and adapt on the fly.
大多数大学要求申请者提供的材料,无法很好地揭示一个学生或许具有的很多技能和才华。但如果大学提出更多要求,会怎么样?奥林工程学院(Olin College of Engineering)在招生流程中加入了现场选拔。走完传统的申请程序后,被挑选出来的学生会造访位于马萨诸塞州尼德姆的校园,参加为期两天的紧张选拔。除了坐下来接受面试,他们还要与人结成小组,完成一项桌上设计挑战,比如制作一个可以承受特定重量的塔。第二天,他们会接到另一项任务,比如设计校园里的一栋建筑。这一次,评估者会观察每一个学生,注意他们能否与其他学生进行良好的沟通,能否快速适应环境。
The experience is meant to help prospective students understand Olin’s collaborative culture, while giving the college a better glimpse of each applicant before finalizing acceptance. “It’shard to nail down a student’s mind-set from the traditional elements of the application,” saidEmily Roper-Doten, the dean of admission and financial aid. “This allows us to see them inmotion, in an educational moment.”
这道程序旨在帮助未来的学生了解奥林的合作文化,同时也让这所大学在做出最终录取决定之前更好地审视每一个申请者。“通过申请材料中的传统内容,很难判定学生的思维方式,”奥林工程学院招生和财务资助部门主任艾米丽·罗珀-多滕(Emily Roper-Doten)说。“这种办法让我们在一个有教育意义的时刻,看到他们处于兴奋状态时的样子。”
A desire to see what students can do with their hands inspired a recent change at one of theworld’s most renowned campuses. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (motto: “Mens etmanus,” Latin for “Mind and hand”) now gives applicants the option of submitting a MakerPortfolio to show their “technical creativity.”
为了看看学生能用自己的双手做些什么,全球最负盛名的学校之一也做出了改变。麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的校训是“Mens et manus”,也就是“Mind and hand”(手脑并用)的拉丁文。现在它给了申请者一个新选择,可以提交一份“创客档案”(Maker Portfolio)来展现他们的“技术创造力”。
Applicants can send images, a short video and a PDF that shed light on a project they’veundertaken — clothing they’ve made, apps they’ve designed, cakes they’ve baked, furniturethey’ve built, chain mail they’ve woven. M.I.T. also asks students to explain what the projectmeant to them, as well as how much help they got. A panel of faculty members and alumnireviews the portfolios.
Last year, about 5 percent of applicants submitted a Makers Portfolio. “It gives us a fullerpicture of the student,” said Stuart Schmill, dean of admissions and student financial services. “Without this, some applicants might not be able to fully get across how good a fit they are forus.”
去年,约有5%的申请者提交了自己的创客档案。“它能让我们更全面地了解某个学生,”招生和学生财务支持部主任斯图尔特·施米尔(Stuart Schmill)说。“如果没有这个,有些申请者可能无法全面展示自己多么符合我们的期望。”
M.I.T.’s experiment has sparked discussions among admissions deans, some of whom say theyplan to offer similar opportunities for applicants to send evidence of project-based learning. They describe the Makers Portfolio as an intriguing glimpse of how a college might betteralign its process with its culture and values. The catch: Reviewing all those portfolios takestime, something admissions offices lack. Even a small college like Olin, which welcomed fewerthan 100 new students this fall, must scramble to pull off its elaborate evaluations. Largercampuses couldn’t even consider such an approach.
Thorough review has become more challenging over the last decade, with waves of applicantsoverwhelming big-name colleges, victims of their own popularity. The University of Californiaat Los Angeles received more than 100,000 applications for about 6,000 spots this fall. Stanfordgot 44,000 for just over 1,700 spots, and M.I.T. juggled more than 20,000 for 1,450 seats.
在过去十年里,全面的评审变得更具挑战性,名牌大学受名声所累,总会收到大量申请。今年秋天,加州大学洛杉矶分校(The University of California at Los Angeles)收到了10万多份申请,但它只有约6000个新生名额;斯坦福大学收到了4.4万份申请,而名额只有1700多个;麻省理工学院则需要在两万多份申请中挑选1450名学生。
Most colleges are considering more incremental ways to enhance evaluations. The Coalition forAccess, Affordability and Success, with more than 130 prominent campuses as members, recently established an application platform with a feature called a virtual college locker, aprivate space where students can upload materials, such as videos and written work, that theycould later add to their applications. Among its stated goals: to make admissions morepersonal.
大部分大学正在考虑采用更具增值效果的方法改进评估。前不久,逾130所著名大学加入的“入学、可负担和成功联盟”(The Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success)建立了一个名为“虚拟大学储物柜”的应用平台,学生们可以往这个私人空间里上传视频和书面作业等材料,之后可以把它们添加到自己的申请里。它宣称的目标之一是:让招生更个性化。
So far, most of its members aren’t asking applicants to send anything different than before. Butthat could change. A handful of colleges are planning experiments using alternative ways tomeasure student potential. One hopes to enable applicants to demonstrate their “emotional intelligence,” or E.Q., to showcase their ability to work with others, according toAnnie Reznik, the coalition’s executive director. Another seeks a way for prospective studentsto display their “fire” for learning.
到目前为止,它的大多数成员还没有要求申请者发送与以往不同的东西。但情况可能会改变。少数几所大学正在计划试验用其他方法来衡量学生的潜力。据该联盟的执行董事安妮·雷兹尼克(Annie Reznik)称,有一所大学希望能让申请者展示自己的“情商”,展示他们与他人合作的能力。另一所大学在设法让申请者展示自己的学习“激情”。
“We want better inputs,” said Jeremiah Quinlan, dean of undergraduate admissions andfinancial aid at Yale. “The inputs we have predict success academically. Now, we have theability to get to know a student better, from a different type of submission.”
“我们想要更好的申请内容,”耶鲁大学的本科生招生和财务援助部主任杰里迈亚·昆兰(Jeremiah Quinlan)说。“我们目前看到的内容能预测学术方面的成功。现在,我们可以通过一种不同的申请更好地了解一名学生。”
Like many deans, Mr. Quinlan has grown wary of polished personal essays in which applicantsdescribe their achievements. “They feel like they have to show off, because we’re soselective,” he said, “and it’s completely understandable.” Technology, he believes, can helpcolleges get to know the student beneath the surface of a résumé, to gain a better sense oftheir passions, the kind of community member the applicant might be.
Last year, Yale allowed students using the coalition’s application to submit a document, image, audio file or video in response to a prompt (they also had to reflect, in 250 words orless, on their submission). When Justin Aubin heard about that option last fall, he thought, “Cool!”
去年,耶鲁大学允许学生使用该联盟的应用程序,根据提示提交一份文件、一张图片、一段音频或视频(他们还必须用一段250个单词以内的话概括自己的申请)。去年秋天,贾斯汀·奥宾(Justin Aubin)听说有这个选项后心想:“酷!”
Mr. Aubin, from Oak Lawn, Ill., was then a high school senior hoping to attend Yale. Thefollowing prompt caught his eye: “A community to which you belong and the footprint youhave left.” He submitted a short video documenting his Eagle Scout project, for which heoversaw the construction of a monument honoring veterans. Even a well-written essay, hefigured, couldn’t capture his experience as well as four minutes of footage, shot by his olderbrother.
来自伊利诺伊州奥克朗的奥宾当时是一名想上耶鲁的高三学生。下面这段提示引起了他的注意:“你所在的社区和你留下的足迹。”他提交了一段短视频,记录了他的鹰级童子军(Eagle Scout)项目——他监督建造了一个纪念退伍老兵的纪念碑。他认为,哪怕是一篇写得很好的文章,也不可能像他哥哥拍摄的这个四分钟视频那样展示他的经历。
The content of the video impressed Yale’s admissions committee. “People sat up in theirchairs,” Mr. Quinlan said. “You could see how he handled his leadership role, and we felt like wegot a good sense of him in a way that we didn’t get from recommendations.”
Mr. Aubin is now a freshman at Yale.
Did the video tip the scales? “That was a difference-maker,” Mr. Quinlan said.




