A: That man is the most faint-hearted soldier I’ve ever seen; he is spineless!
B: Yes, sir, I saw how scared he was when the firing started.
A: We are all fearful in battle but we don’t act cowardly.
B: At first he was standing here quivering in fear but then he became panic-stricken and ran!
A: 那个男的是我见过的最胆小的士兵,他真没骨气!
B: 对,长官。我看到开火的时候他吓坏了。
A: 打仗的时候我们心里都很恐惧,但是我们不会表现得像个懦夫!
B: 他先是站在那里吓得发抖,接着就惊慌失措,撒腿就跑。
faint-hearted: 怯懦的,胆怯的,无决断的。
spineless: 缺乏勇气的,没有骨气的。
fearful: 恐惧的。
cowardly: 胆小的,怯懦的。
quivering: 战栗的,发抖的。
panic-stricken: 被恐惧镇住的,几乎做出失去理性且疯狂的行为或反应。
A: Jane is always aghast at the tragedy of airplane crashes.
B: That’s why she gets so anxious and breathless when she gets on a plane.
A: She is so nervous she gets her husband to hold her hand to keep her from panicking.
B: She is startled by any sudden sound and quivers uncontrollably when the plane is taking off and landing.
A: Jane总是被飞机失事的惨剧吓得目瞪口呆。
B: 所以,她一上飞机就紧张得喘不过气来。
A: 她太紧张了,总要让她丈夫握住她的手,以免惊慌失措。
B: 任何意外的响动都让她惊恐不已,还有飞机起降时,她吓得一直发抖。
aghast: 充满了恐惧,极端惊骇或者恐怖的。
anxious: 可怕的,吓人的。
breathless: 喻指因恐惧而屏住呼吸。
nervous: 胆小的,怯懦的。
panicking: 惊慌失措的。
startled: 被意外的惊吓镇住了的;吓了一跳的。