1. odds and ends 零星杂物
例句-1:I have never seen so many odds and ends, faded photos of men in World War Iunifroms, young women in long dresses, and old automobiles dated 1910. All sorts of odds andends that told our family history for almost a 100 years.
2. knick knack 小摆设;装饰品
例句-2:Aunt Alice had more knick knacks around her home than I have ever seen before, thingslike a little model of the Statute of Liberty from her first visit to New York and a 1960 buttonsaying Kennedy for President.
3. bric-a-brac 小摆设;小古董
这个bric-a-brac是来自法语。它原来的意思是指精神不正常或者是精神错乱。不过它今天已经演变成和前面那个knick knack的意思相近。Bric-a-brac是专指摆在家里具有纪念性、特别有感情价值的小装饰品。在下面这个句子里我们就可以了解汤姆为什么把一把旧的银色小刀摆在最心爱的椅子旁边的桌子上展示。
例句-3:That piece of bric-a-brac is a knife that belonged to my dad. He carried it for sixityyears. I keep it to remember all the good times that we had together when I was a boy, (timesthat) he took me fishing and camping and taught me how to play baseball.
1. as different as night and day 完全不同
As different as night and day是指两样完全不同的东西,就象黑暗的夜晚和明亮的白天一样不同。下面我们来举一个例子,例句里说话的人在讲他的哥哥姐姐。
例句-1:It's hard to believe my brother and sisterhave the same mother and dad. They're as differentas night and day. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. He has brown eyes and black hair. And me - I don'tlook much like either one of them.
2. dead of night 夜深人静的时候
Dead在中文里的意思就是死。Dead of night这个习惯用语的意思是:夜深人静的时候,整个世界都似乎死气沉沉,寒气入骨。
例句-2:Sometimes it feels scary when I wake up in the dead of night and hear strange noisesdownstairs, creaks and groans. I'm pretty sure it's nothing but the old house getting olderaround me so I tell myself I don't really believe in ghosts.
3. dead of winter 严冬,隆冬
这个短语和dead of night相似。大家可能都知道winter这个词,winter就是冬天。那么,dead of winter是什么意思呢?
实际上,dead of winter和dead(死)这个词没有关系。Dead of winter的意思很简单,就是指寒冷的冬季里最冷的时候。
我们来举一个例子。这样更能体会dead of winter这个说法的意思。例句里说话的人有一个小小的院子。他在院子里种点蔬菜,供一家人吃。可是,华盛顿的冬天很冷,从十一月开始就开始会结冰,一直要持续到二月份。在这期间,这个人的院子就看起来死气沉沉。可是, 这个人找了一个消磨时间的方法。他说:
例句-3:In January, in the dead of winter, when it often gets below freezing and maybe there'ssnow, I stay warm by looking at the pictures of vegetables in seed catalogs and thinking aboutspring when it will be warm enough to plant fresh food to eat.
4. night owl 夜猫子
Owl就是猫头鹰。猫头鹰晚上很活跃,它还发出一种特殊的叫声。Night owl就是形容一个人象猫头鹰一样,晚上不想睡觉,很清醒,很活跃,也就是我们经常说的夜猫子。也许你认识某个人喜欢白天睡觉,到了晚上他就开始忙了,等大家睡了,他就开始工作了。下面说话的人似乎就是一个。
例句-4:Yes, I'm a regular night owl. So if you want to talk business with me, the best time tophone is from 10 at night until two in the morning. That's really the time when I'm wide awakeand ready to work.