I look around me and the room has changed imperceptibly and overtly.There are elephants on thin legs lining the walls, the people around me have become giant insects,my watch melts and slowly drips from my wrist.A Dalinian dream? A Kafkaesque nightmare?The breeze of surrealism blows through my hair; an existential whirlwind captures my imagination.
In the images of these two great creators,I see reflections of beautiful and insatiable imaginations, completely undisciplined, unbounded;yet full of the magic and power of the artists’ visions.These images are not as true as photographs, but they are a hundred times more honest.I, too, often find myself misrepresenting the world.In the midst of a truly dreary lecture I sometimes force wakefulness upon myself by images of what I am learning,and instead of seeing my teacher carrying on about the military campaigns of the Civil War,I see muskets blazing against raised flags.
More often, I see my life as an adventure; romanticized, idealized, exhilarating.Instead of seeing a boring test of memory, I see a test of will; instead of a debate,I see a battle of wits; instead of seeing the photographic image of life,I see the existential and intoxicating war of man against Fate itself.In these images I am sometimes challenged by faceless opponents,sometimes I am climbing a mountain. Perhaps I am fighting a bull or jumping on rooftops.
At times I question the benefits of reinventing the world to suit my fancy.It is true, of course, that everyone does this.Even the strictest of thinkers cannot avoid letting their own vision of the world show through in their works.Dali and Kafka are not exceptions, they are extremes. Why are we all so eager to get away from reality?I find that I, like many others, often don’t seem to fuly belong. But of course I do belong,this is my world as much as anyone else’s.I try to solve this contradiction between the perceived andthe real by altering the world ever so slightly a horse drawn carriage instead of a car, a prize winning essay rather than another homework assignment so that it finds its place around me.
A simple solution indeed.We do not change ourselves to fit the world, but change the world to fit within us.A simple act of wish fulfillment, and all is done.And, of course, to melt a watch with the mind is far better than to enslave the intellect within the watch like a genie in a bottle.Freedom to think requires only so little,and to adjust the world to one’s thought is ever more noble than adjusting thought to the world.
这真是个简单的解决办法。我们并不是改变自己来适应这个世界,相反,我们改变世界,以让它适应我们。就靠简单的心愿之旅,一切都可以做到。当然,用意识熔化手表远比被手表束 缚住才智好得多,后者就像精灵被瓶子困住手脚一样。思想的自由并不要求太多;调整世界,使之适合我们的思想,要比调整 自己的思想使之适合世界高贵得多。
The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put it thisway: “A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God’s own earth. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.
A recent experience re-taught me this truth. I was hospitalized following a severe heart attack and had been in intensive care for several days. It was not a pleasant place.One morning, I had to have some additional tests. The required machines were located in a building at the opposite end of the hospital, so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney.As we emerged from our unit, the sunlight hit me.That’s all there was to my experience. Just the light of the sun. And yet how beautiful it was—how warming, how sparking, how brilliant! I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun’s golden glow, but everyone was hurrying to and fro,most with eyes fixed on the ground. Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself:life’s gifts are precious,but we are too heedless of them.
Here then is the first pole of life’s paradoxical demands on us: never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life. Be reverent before each dawning day. Embrace each hour. Seize each golden minute.Hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of life’s coin, the opposite pole ofits paradox: We must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the fullforce of our passionate being can,nay will be ours. But then life moves along to confront with realities,and slowly but surely this truth dawns upon us.At every stage of life we sustain losses,and grow in the process.
We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective shelter. We entera progression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes. We get married and have children and then have to let them go. We confront the death of our parents and our spouses. We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our strength. And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, allthat we were or dreamed to be.
我们只有脱离母体、失去庇护所时才开始独立生活。我们进入各级学校,然后离开父母。我们结婚生子,然后再放飞子女。我们面对父母和配偶的离世。我们逐渐或很快变得衰弱。最终,如同张开和握紧的手的寓言,我们必须面对不可避免的死亡,失去原来的自 我,失去我们原有的或梦想的一切。
I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and thewoodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down thespread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and waveringlength of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, thenstole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering cornerswhere rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond othergliding.
The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe,and memory of the tempests. Autumn's mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already,touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroomthan a father. Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly thegladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich redrose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispellingfear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flowerand bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them, and all the flashing of God's gaze merged intosoft beneficence. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasmshall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; when glory shall not scarehappiness, neither happiness envy glory; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of theFather's countenance, because itself is risen.
十月日出前的一个早晨,我起身,穿过荒野和丛林。在十月的清晨,乍暖还寒之时,日出绚丽而高贵;他在苍老连绵的大山之巅用力地伸展着他的臂膀,划破那抹晨光。 在他的凝视之下,蒙蒙的雾气缓缓散落潜向谷底,继而丝丝缕缕地溜走,笼住峭壁,狡黠地隐匿于悬在草地之上的岩石中,随即群山的雄姿逐渐呈现,山峦也越发清晰。
树木层叠的出现,像苏醒的大山的帷幔一样,威武庄严,引起狂风暴雨的回忆。 秋用温柔的手抚摩着它们,像已拥有的那样,点缀着金色,红色和橄榄色,它们对朝阳所怀有的喜悦,像是奉献给一位新郎,更像是奉献给一位父亲。 然而就在树木模糊的形象即将清晰之前,突然那道令人愉悦的光芒跳过丘陵和山谷,依照他们停落的那一幕,射出了琥珀,蓝,紫以及华丽的玫瑰红,接着帘幕一甩, 所有的一切驱散了恐惧和黑暗中的邪恶,所有的一切都插上希望之翼开始前进,渐渐清晰,"上帝就在这里!" 生命和喜悦的出现使所有在低谷中蜷缩的充满信心,每朵花、每颗芽、每只鸟都在生命和喜悦之中悸动,所有上帝凝视的光芒都融入了温和的慈悲之中。 所以,或许,当峭壁和深渊,丘陵和山谷,浩瀚的但不古老的海洋不再有,当荣耀不会吓跑幸福,幸福也不再嫉妒荣耀的时候,那无边无尽的早晨才会被打破。 所有的一切都将升起,在上帝的面容呈现的光辉之中闪耀,因为它已升起。