12. Spend a weekend seeing all the new releases. Grab a friend and see if you can see all the new releases in one weekend. With food in the theater, there's no reason why you can just spend all day there, seeing movie after movie!
13. Try a new idea: breakfast and a movie. Just wake up? Call a friend and meet at a local place that serves 24/7 breakfasts ASAP. Then amble over to the theater and enjoy whatever movie is next playing. Added bonus: breakfast is cheaper than dinner, andmatinees are cheaper than the later shows.
14. Take a bus or a train somewhere new. Flying can be so cheap these days that folks sometimes forget about the bus or train. But sometimes the journey is half the fun, and you'll see new parts of the country you'd never see from the air.
15. Take a quick flight somewhere new. Since flights, especially last-minute deals, can be so cheap, why not hop a flight this weekend and see a friend?
16. Learn an instrument. You may have always had a desire to play the piano, learn the flute, or even play the drums. Why not learn now when you have the time and freedom to really put your heart into it?
17. Get a head start on your fall classes. Alright, this one may sound lame, but it can do wonders for your mental health to look over your syllabi and perhaps get a head start on the reading -- especially for a class you might be geeked out about.
18. Set up systems for success for the new year. Okay, this also sounds lame, but think about it: Did you struggle with time management? Being organized? Spending a little time now, while you have it, may save you a lot of time and frustration once school starts.
19. Take an online class. You won't have to commute, you can save some cash, and you might even get ahead on the credits you'll need to graduate.
20. Build a personal website. If you're going to be graduating next year, a personal website can be a great way to advertise yourself to future employers and show them all your mad skills. Make sure to keep it clean and professional.
21. Do something that challenges your fears. Terrified of skydiving? Bungee jumping? And yet ... do you secretly also want to try them? Grab a friend and conquer your fears.
22. Go camping. Camping during the school year can be a challenge, both because of your workload and because of the weather. Utilize all that summer has to offer for the great outdoors.
23. Take an art class. Learning to make potter or how to paint, for example, can be a great way to learn how to release your creative side.
24. Try a new kind of food or restaurant. Heard people talk about how deliciousPeruvian food is, for example? Or have you always been secretly afraid to try sushi? Challenge yourself to try something new (to you).