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  Strange but true: Despite the fact that unemployment is stuck at around 9%, whichtranslates to about 15 million Americans out of work, nearly 3 million job openings in the U.S. are going unfilled, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Why? The biggest reason is amismatch between the qualifications employers are looking for and the skills job huntershave.

  尽管美国的失业率依然停留在9%左右,这意味着大约1,500万美国人没有工作,但美国劳动统计局(Bureauof Labor Statistics)的数据显示,目前还有近300万个职位依然虚席以待。这种现象虽然很奇怪,但却是事实。为什么会出现这种现象?最大的原因是,雇主寻求的资质与求职者具备的技能之间未能有效对接。

  So which skills are most in demand? Here are 10 of the hottest:


  1. Information technology. When career site Indeed.com recently analyzed millions of jobpostings on its web site, researchers found that the fastest-growing category of keywords — including HTML5, Android, mobile app, and social media — were in IT, and a new survey bytech job site Dice.com bears that out: About 65% of hiring managers said they hope to addtech staff in the first half of 2012. Roughly a quarter of those (27%) said they want to expandtheir IT headcount by more than 20%.

  1.信息技术。招聘网站Indeed.com最近对发布于该网站上的数百万个职位信息进行了分析。研究人员发现,增速最快的关键词(包括 HTML5、Android、移动应用和社交媒体等)都属于信息技术领域。技术类招聘网站Dice.com所做的一项最新调查也证实了上述发现:大约 65%的招聘经理表示,他们希望在2012年上半年增加技术员工。约有四分之一 (27%) 的招聘经理声称,他们打算把信息技术团队的人数扩充20%以上。

  Openings for software developers who specialize in applications will rise by more than one-third (34%) by 2018, says Best Jobs for the 21st Century, a new book by job market analystLaurence Shatkin, while companies will hire 20% more computer systems analysts. Rising payin these fields reflects the surge in demand: The Bureau of Labor Statistics says thatdevelopers of systems software, for instance, earn an average of ,180 per year.

  就业市场分析师劳伦斯·沙特金在其新著《21世纪最好的工作》(Best Jobs for the 21st Century)中说,到2018年,应用软件开发人员的空缺职位将增长三分之一以上(34%),公司雇用的计算机系统分析师人数也将增长20%。这些领域不断上涨的薪酬反映出需求激增的趋势:劳工统计局称,系统软件开发人员的平均年薪为94,180美元。

  2. Health care professionals. Partly due to the aging of the U.S. population, health care hasbeen hot for a while now, and the trend shows no sign of slowing. Shatkin's research says theU.S. will need 103,900 more registered nurses every year (average salary: ,690) well intothe next decade, along with 7,860 new physical therapists per annum (average pay: ,310). Demand for dental hygienists is up too, with a projected 36.1% growth in job openingsbetween now and 2018 (average pay: ,250).

  2.医疗保健专业人员。受美国人口老龄化等因素的影响,医疗保健早已成为就业的热门领域,这一趋势目前依然没有放缓的迹象。沙特金的研究显示,直至下个10年后期,美国每年都需要增加103,900名注册护士(平均年薪:64,690美元),以及 7,860名理疗师(平均年薪:76,310美元)。对牙科保健师的需求也在上升——从现在到2018年,牙科保健师的空缺职位预计将增长36.1%(平均年薪:68,250美元)。

  3. Health care management and support staff. Don't have the training or experience to workdirectly with patients? No worries. "People often overlook the fact that businesspeople runhealth care companies," says Justin Hirsch, president of recruiting firm JobPlex. "With all thechange happening in the system now, there is churn as well as growth. We're constantlyseeing new openings in general management, finance, marketing, human resources, you nameit."


  4. Engineers. Note to college students who want their pick of job offers when they graduate: Consider majoring in engineering. A whopping 88% of employers in a new poll by the Societyfor Human Resource Management bemoaned the difficulty of finding enough engineers to hire. Civil engineers are in demand too: Shatkin's analysis of BLS data shows a 24.3% spike aheadin jobs for people who design roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects (average annualpay: ,560).

  4.工程师。希望毕业时有大把工作机会可以挑选的大学生请注意:考虑一下主修工程专业。人力资源管理协会(Society for Human Resource Management)最新的一次民意调查显示,有高达88%的雇主抱怨称,很难招聘到足够多的工程师。对于土木工程师的需求也十分旺盛。沙特金在分析劳工统计局的数据时发现,对于道路、桥梁和其他基础设施项目设计人员的需求量激增了24.3%(平均年薪:77,560美元)。

  5. Industrial skills. Think U.S. manufacturing is moribund? Think again. More than two-thirds (68%) of employers in the SHRM survey pointed to a shortage of qualified new hires toreplace people retiring from the skilled trades: electricians, carpenters, welders. Moreover, says Justin Hirsch, "We're seeing an increase in industrial hiring in logistics, supply-chainmanagement, and plant management." As more companies go global, demand for expertisein logistics — the art and science of moving stuff efficiently from one place to another — willcontinue to heat up.


  6. Life sciences and biotech. Medical innovators ranging in size from Big Pharma down tobiotech startups are on a hiring binge: Shatkin sees a 40% jump in job openings for researchscientists between now and 2018 (average salary: ,700). As with health care companies ingeneral, these employers will also need managers and support staff (see No. 3).


  7. Salespeople. Selling has historically been the closest thing there is to a recession-proofcareer, and this economic downturn is no exception. Since they're the ones bringing the doughin the door, salespeople are often the first to be hired and last to get laid off. Almost three-quarters (72%) of employers in the SHRM survey said they can't get enough salespeople now.


  8. Accounting and finance. Demand for accountants and finance mavens (particularly forensicaccountants and compliance specialists) has been climbing steadily for the past several years, and U.S. colleges are still not turning out enough grads in these fields to fill the availableopenings. The SHRM survey found that more than half (54%) of employers would hire moreaccountants and finance experts if they could find them.


  9. Discount retailers. "Not to mention any specific company names -- everyone knows who theyare, anyway — but the big national discount store companies have flourished during thisrecession," notes Justin Hirsch. "And most of them are hiring managers as well as in-storepersonnel."


  10. Private equity firms. Recruiters report that private equity firms are actively seekingmanagement talent for their portfolio companies "across all industries and all functionalareas," says Hirsch. "They're poaching already-employed, seasoned managers from bigcompanies — people who can step into either a turnaround situation or a pre-IPO company andmake it work. These are challenging jobs, and could be a real feather in a manager's cap if heor she can bring it off successfully."


  Do unemployed executives have a shot? "With the right network, yes," Hirsch says. "It's abouthaving great business acumen, especially a knack for coping with ambiguity, and being knownfor that. It helps to have the right connections."



  Should we feel proud when our top universities' goal is to produce rich businesspeople?


  Peking University, widely considered the top academic institution in China, has also proven tobe a wealth factory, turning out some of the country's richest businesspeople. According tomedia reports, 79 of the school's alumni from 1999 to 2010 have gone on to becomebillionaires, the most of any academic institution in the country. PKU President Zhou Qifenghas expressed great pride at this distinction. I don't share the feeling.


  Established in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking during a period of reform, the schoolwas created as a replacement for the Guozijian, the top institute of learning in ancient Chinafor more than a thousand years. In 1895, Emperor Guangxu issued an imperial edict makingthe construction of universities one of ten national priorities. At that time, Chinese scholarsand reformers saw education as a way to produce the political and academic talent needed tocarry the country forward. "The root of reform lies in education," Chinese scholar Liang Qichaowrote. "Talent comes from establishing schools."


  Instead of producing wealth, scholars of the day envisioned the university educating patrioticgraduates to carry out their duty of improving China. As another scholar, Li Duanfen, put it: "Once schools are established, there will be enough talent for our country's administrationand restoration."


  Peking University, then, was an academic and political institution from its inception, not anincubator for the country's next generation of business moguls. In ancient China, businessmenoccupied the lowest of social classes, and business was limited by the emperors of China forseveral thousand years. Today, that perspective has changed, but the importance of businessshould not be overstated. Should we feel proud when our top universities' goal is to producerich businesspeople?






