中英双语新闻报道:希腊议会通过新紧缩法案 确保获得救助金
The Greek Parliament approved another round oftough economic cuts and austerity measuresThursday to assure itself another installmentpayment of European bailout funds.
Greece may have again faced bankruptcy in Julywithout the payment.
All 153 lawmakers in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras'leftist coalition voted for the cuts; all 128 opposition members voted no.
More than 10,000 Greeks weary of the nation's economic problems, including elderlypensioners facing more cuts, marched outside Parliament against the measures.
Several dozen young marchers wearing masks broke away from the crowd to throw gasolinebombs at police, who responded with tear gas.
Greece desperately needs about billion of bailout money from its eurozone lenders in orderto make a scheduled debt payment.
In exchange, the government agreed to EU demands for more austerity measures, includingtax hikes and programs aimed at easing poverty.
中英双语新闻报道:一个时代的结束 MP3格式正式宣告终结
Now, 22 years later, the MP3 truly is dead, accordingto the people who invented it.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, adivision of the state-funded German researchinstitution that bankrolled the MP3's development inthe late '80s, recently announced that its "licensingprogram for certain MP3 related patents andsoftware of Technicolor and Fraunhofer IIS has beenterminated."
Bernhard Grill, director of that Fraunhofer division and one of the principals in the developmentof the MP3, told NPR over email that another audio format, AAC — or "Advanced Audio Coding,"which his organization also helped create — is now the "de facto standard for music downloadand videos on mobile phones." He said AAC is "more efficient than MP3 and offers a lot morefunctionality."
As Stephen Witt illustrates throughout his excellent opening chapters in Witt's How Music GotFree, the MP3, before upending the musical world as we knew it, almost died in the research lab.
The team of engineers that invented the format was attempting to make it possible to sendaudio over telephone lines, which could only transmit small amounts of data. Fraunhofer — incompeting for the legitimacy it needed to persuade tech companies to actually use MP3s, andso actually make money.
It was repeatedly beleaguered by clever corporate sabotage and later by piracy.
Other failures hinged on the need for the world to catch up with the technology's possibilities:Along the way, one computer engineer on the team had a patent for a music streaming servicedenied by the German government because it was technologically absurd at the time.
In early 1995, the format was on life support, with one licensing deal being the use of thetechnology by hockey arenas across the U.S. (That spring meeting in which the MP3 wasdeclared dead came months later, after another failed pitch that denied it being standardizedand widely adopted.)
A little later, Fraunhofer began giving away the software that consumers needed to turncompact discs into MP3s at home. The rest is recent history.
And it's not just that more efficient and complete ways of storing music have been developed.There was a deeper problem.
The engineers who developed the MP3 were working with incomplete information about howour brains process sonic information, and so the MP3 itself was working on false assumptionsabout how holistically we hear.
As psychoacoustic research has evolved, so has the technology that we use to listen. Newaudio formats and products, with richer information, are arriving.
So is it the end of an era? We may still use MP3s, but AAC is indeed much better — it's thedefault setting for iTunes now — and other formats are even better than it, though they alsotake up mountains of space on our hard drives.
中英双语新闻报道:也门霍乱疫情加剧 感染人数或达30万
Yemen could see as many as 250,000 new cases ofcholera within six months, in addition to 50,000already reported, the World Health Organization saidFriday.
"The speed of the resurgence of this choleraepidemic is unprecedented," Nevio Zagaria, WHOcountry representative for Yemen, told reportersduring a conference call.
He said the death toll from the outbreak has already reached 240 and more than 50,000 caseshave been registered in the past three weeks.
Two years into a war between Houthi rebels and government forces allied with a Saudi-led Arabmilitary coalition, which has killed more than 8,000 people, Yemen has declared a state ofemergency Sunday in the capital, Sana'a, over the outbreak.
Fighting has taken a toll on medical facilities in the war-torn country, as more than half ofYemen's facilities, which are now operated by Houthi rebels, no longer function.
The U.N. says some 17 million of Yemen's 26 million people lack sufficient food and at leastthree million malnourished children are in "grave peril."
Yemen, which is the Arab world's poorest nation, is now classified by the World HealthOrganization as a level three emergency, alongside Syria, South Sudan, Nigeria and Iraq. This isthe country's second cholera outbreak in less than a year.
Cholera is highly contagious and can be contracted from ingesting contaminated food andwater.