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时间: 泽燕681 分享



  F/D: free docks 码头交货

  FAA: free of all average 全损赔偿

  FOR: free on rail 铁路交货(价)

  FOT: free on truck 货车上交货(价)

  IATA: International Air Transport Association 国际航空输运协会

  TACT: the Air Cargo Tariff 航空货物运价手册

  DOC: Direct Operating Cost 直接操作费

  F.O.: free out 船方不负责卸货费用

  F/L: freight list 运费单,运价表

  B/L: bill of lading 提单

  CTB/L: combined transport bill of lading 联运提单

  AWB: airway bill 空运提单

  MAWB: master airway bill 主提单

  HAWB: house airway bill 分提单

  SIL: shipper’s instruction letter 委托书

  Bal.----------------------Balance 差额

  bar. or brl.--------------barrel 桶; 琵琶桶

  B.B. clause---------------Both to blame collision clause 船舶互撞条款

  B/C-----------------------Bills for collection 托收单据

  B.C.----------------------before Christ 公元前

  b.d.----------------------brought down 转下

  B.D.----------------------Bank draft 银行汇票

  Bill----------------------Discounted 贴现票据

  b.d.i.--------------------both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日

  bdle. ; bdl.--------------bundle 把; 捆

  b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX.-------Bill of Exchange 汇票

  B.f.----------------------Brought forward 接下页

  B/G-----------------------Bonded goods 保税货物

  bg. ; b/s-----------------bag(s) 袋

  bkg.----------------------backing 银行业务

  bkt.----------------------basket 篮; 筐

  bl.; bls.-----------------bale(s) 包

  Blading-------------------Bill of Lading 提单

  bldg.---------------------building 大厦

  B/ldg.--------------------B/L Bill of Lading 提单

  bls.----------------------Bales 包 , barrels 桶

  bot. ; bott. ; btl--------bottle 瓶

  br.-----------------------brand 商标; 牌

  Brkge.--------------------breakage 破碎

  brls.---------------------barrels 桶 ; 琵琶桶

  b/s-----------------------bags; bales 袋 ; 包

  Bs/L----------------------Bills of Lading 提单 (复数)

  btl.----------------------bottle 瓶

  bu.-----------------------bushel 蒲式耳

  bx.-----------------------box 箱

  bxs.----------------------boxes 箱 (复数), 盒 (复数)

  c/- (or c/s)---------------cases 箱

  ca.; c/s; cs.--------------case or cases 箱

  C.A.D.; C/D----------------cash against documents 付款交单

  canc.----------------------cancelled 取消 ; 注销

  C.A.F.---------------------Cost,Assurance, Freight

  ---------------------------(=C.I.F.) 成本加保费. 运费价

  canc.----------------------cancel, cancelled,cancellation取消 ; 注销

  canclg.--------------------cancelling 取消 ; 注销

  cat.-----------------------catalogue 商品目录

  C/B------------------------clean bill 光票

  C.B.D.---------------------cash before delivery 先付款后交单

  c.c.-----------------------cubic centimetre 立方厘米 ;立方公分

  c.c.-----------------------carbon copy 复写纸;副本 (指复写纸复印的)

  C.C.-----------------------Chamber of Commerce 商会

  C.C.I.B.-------------------China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局

  C/d------------------------carried down 转下

  cent-----------------------centum(L.) 一百

  Cert. ; Certif.------------certificate ; certified 证明书; 证明

  c.f.-----------------------Cubic feet 立方英尺

  C/f------------------------Carried forward 接后; 结转 (下页 )

  cf.------------------------confer 商议; Compare 比较

  C.& F.---------------------Cost and Freight 成本加运费价格

  CFS; C.F.S.----------------Container Freight Station 集装箱中转站; 货运站

  Cg.------------------------Centigramme 公毫

  C.G.A.---------------------Cargo's proportion of General Average 共同海损分摊额

  cgo.-----------------------cargo 货物

  chges.---------------------charges 费用


  C.I.-----------------------Certificate of Insurance 保险凭证;

  ---------------------------Consular Invoice 领事发票; 领事签证

  C.I.F----------------------Cost lnsurance Freight 成本.保险费加运费价格

  C.I.F. & C.----------------Cost lnsurance Freight & Commission 成本. 保险费加运费. 佣金价格

  C.I.F. & E.----------------Cost Insurance Freight & Exchange 成本. 保险费 . 运费加汇费的价格

  C.I.F. & I-----------------Cost Insurance Freight & Interest 成本. 保险费. 运费加利息的价格

  C.I.O.---------------------Cash in Order; Cash with order 订货时付款

  cks.-----------------------casks 桶

  cl.------------------------class; clause 级; 条款; 项

  CLP------------------------Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单

  cm-------------------------centimetre 厘米; 公分

  cm2------------------------square centimetre 平方厘米; 平方公分

  cm3------------------------cubic centimetre 立方厘米; 立方公分


  CMI------------------------Comit'e Maritime International 国际海事委员会

  c/n------------------------cover note 暂保单; 预保单


  Co.------------------------Company 公司

  c/o------------------------care of 转交

  C/O ; c.o.-----------------Certificate of origin 产地证明书

  c.o.d. ,C.O.D.-------------Cash on delivery or Collection delivery 货到付款

  COFC-----------------------Container on Flat Car 平板车装运集装箱

  Com.-----------------------Commission 佣金

  Con.inv.-------------------Consular invoice 领事签证发票

  Cont. ; Contr.-------------Contract 合同; 合约

  Contd.---------------------Cotinued 继续; 续 (上页 )

  Contg.---------------------containing 内容

  Corp. ; Corpn. ; cor.------corporation 公司 ; 法人

  C/P ; c. py.---------------charter party 租船契约

  C.Q.D.---------------------Customary Quick Despatch 按习惯速度装卸

  Cr.------------------------Credit 贷方; 信用证; Creditor 债权人

  Crt.-----------------------crate 板条箱

  Ct.------------------------Cent 人 ; Current 当前; 目前

  Credit---------------------贷方; 信用证

  C.T.D.---------------------Combined transport document 联合运输单据

  CT B/L---------------------Combined transport bill of Iading 联合运输提单

  C.T.O.---------------------Combined transport operator 联合运输经营人

  cu. cm. ; cb. cm-----------cubic centimetre 立方厘米; 立方公分

  cu. in. ; cb. in.----------cubic inch 立方寸

  cu.m. ; cb. m.-------------cubic metre 立方米; 立方公尺

  cu.ft. ; cb.ft.------------cubic foot 立方英尺

  cur. ;---------------------Curt current (this month) 本月

  cur.-----------------------currency 币制

  cu.yd. ; cb. yd.-----------cubic yard 立方码

  C.W.O.---------------------cash with order 订货时付款

  c.w.t. ; cwt.--------------hundredweight 英担 (122磅)

  CY-------------------------Container Yard 集装箱堆场

  BAF: bunker adjustment factor 燃料附加费

  YAS: Yen adjustment surcharge 日元贬值增值费

  THC: terminal handling charges 装卸区操作(管理)费

  DDU: delivery duty unpaid 未完税交货

  DDP: delivery duty prepaid 完税交货

  DDC: destination distribution charge 目的分送费

  FAS: free alongside ship 启运港船边交货

  FCA: free carrier 货交承运人

  F/P: fire policy 火灾保险

  FOB: free on board 船边交货

  FOC: free of charges 免费

  FOD: free of damage 损坏不赔

  FOI: free of interest 无息

  FOP: free on plane 飞机上交货

  FOQ: free on quay 码头交货

  C&F: cost and freight 成本加运费

  C&I cost and insurance 成本加保险费

  COD: cash on delivery/collect on delivery 货到付款

  IRR: internal rate of return 内部收益率 (IRR—irregular report 异常报告)

  CCA: current cost accounting 现实成本会计

  Contract change authorization 合同更改批准

  Changed carriage advice 变更货运通知

  SOP: standard operating procedure 标准操作程序/标准运作规程