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时间: 诗盈1200 分享


  一、提供帮助和应答(Offers and responses)

  Can/ could/ Shall I help you (with that)? 我可以帮你吗? / Can/ Could/ Shall I do...for you? 我可以帮你干...吗? / What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么? / Would you like some/any help? 你要不要什么帮助? /Would you like me to do sth. for you ? 你要不要什么帮助? / Would you like me to do sth. for you ? 你要不要我为你干... ? / Do you want me to... ? 你要我干...吗? / Is there anything (else) I can do (for you)? 还有什么(别的事)我可以为你效劳吗? / Let me do...for you. 让我来帮你干...吧.


  Thank you./ Thanks a lot/ Thank you very much. 谢谢./ Yes, please./ Thanks, please. 好的,谢谢./ Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助.


  Thanks. That‘s very kind /good / nice (of you). 谢谢,那太好了.

  如果谢绝帮助,可以说: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.谢谢,我自己可以对付./ No, thank you, but I can do it myself. 谢谢,我能行./ No, I can do it, but thank you all the same.我可以干,谢谢./ That‘s all right. thank you. 没什么,谢谢.



  What can I do for you“ 你看什么病? / What‘s wrong/the matter/ the trouble with you? 你有什么不舒服./ Is there anything wrong with you? 有什么看病吗?


  I feel terrible/ bad/ ill sick. 我感到很不舒服./ I don‘t feel well. /I’m not feeling well.我感到不舒服./ I‘m not in good health. 我身体不好./ There is something wrong with... 我的...有毛病.

  I have / have got.... 我觉得...痛./ My back / nose hurts / aches. 我的背/鼻子痛.


  (Lie down and )let me exam you. (躺下),让我检查一下./ Does it hurt here? 这儿痛吗?


  It‘s nothing serious. 病不重.不要紧./ You’d better have a good rest. 你好好休息休息.

  Take this medicine three times a day. 这药每天吃三次./ Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息./ You have a high temperature. 你发烧了,/ 你体温高./ You‘d better go to bed don’t get up until you feel Better. 你躺在床上,感到好一点再起床./ Take 2 pills now and 2 more in 4 hours‘ time. 现在吃2片药,隔4小时再吃2片./ I advise you(not) to... 我劝你(别)... / I suggest you... 我建议你... / You’ll be well/ all right soon. 不久你会好的.

  三 、谈论天气情况

  1、It is raining /blowing /snowing ,(isn‘t it ?)下雨了/刮风了/下雪了,(对吗?)

  It is +adj ./n.(today ). 今天的天气...这类句子都是用来发表对天气的看法的.“It is +ady /n (today )”中间可用表述天气情况的形容词或名词,应答时可说:Yes ,it is .

  2、What‘s the weather like today ? 今天天气怎样? / What’s the weather going to be like ...? 天气将怎样?

  这两个句型都是用来询问天气情况的.前者询问当天的天气后者询问未来的天气,在like 后加表示未来的时间状语(如tomorrow .the day after tomorrow )应答时可说:It‘s fine /warm /cold /hot ...或It’s going to be fine /warm/cold /hot ...

  “What‘s the weather like ...?”也可以用“How is the weather...?”表达,其意思想同.

  四 、问路及应答的交际用语

  Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ...? 劳驾,请告诉我去.....(地方)怎么走? / Excuse me. Han can I get to...? 劳驾,问怎样去.....(地方)? / Excuse me, please, where is...? 劳驾,请问去...的路怎么去?

  问路时,首先说“Excuse me.”意思是“请原谅”、“请问”、“劳驾”,表示因为打扰而道歉,然后再问路,应答时可根据实际情况回答.常用的有以下几种表达:

  How far is it from here? 它离这里多远? / It‘s about...meters from here. 它离这里大约...米远./ It’s about...yards/meters down this street./ Go straight ahead till you see...沿着这条街走约...米就到了./ Go straight ahead till you see... 照直走到...(地方)为止 ./ Go down/along this street. 沿着这条街走下去./ Take this street/road. 走这条街/大路./ Go through the gate and you‘ll find the entrance to...穿过大门,你就会看到...的几口处./ Go down/along this street till you get to ...沿着这条街走到...(地方)为止./ Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.在第一/二个十字路口向右/左转./ You’d better take a taxi/minibus/No. 5 bus...你坐出租车/乘小公共汽车 / 乘5路公共汽车.

  五 、就餐时的交际用语


  Would you like sth.(to eat / to drink)?你想吃 / 喝点...吗? / What would you like (to have)? 你想要吃点什么? / Would you like some more...? 你还要点...吗? / How about (some more) ...? (再)来点...怎么样?


  Help yourself to...? 你吃/喝点...吧./ Let me give you...? 让我来人你...吧./ Make yourself at home. 请随便吃,不要客气.


  Yes, please,好的.I‘d like...我想来点....Well, just a little, please. 好的,请来一点儿.

  4、当客人表示不想吃/喝东西或表示已经吃饱/喝好了时,常回答:No, thanks, 谢谢,不要了.Thank you , I‘ve had enough. 谢谢,我已经够了.I’m full, thank you. 谢谢,我吃饱了.





