Mind Of Mine是英国歌手zayn malik于2016年3月25日发行的首张个人录音室专辑。专辑普通版共收录14首歌曲,豪华版共收录18首歌曲。
泽恩·马利克(Zayn Malik),全名扎因·杰韦德·“泽恩”·马利克(Zain Javadd "Zayn" Malik),1993年1月12日出生于英国英格兰布拉德福,英国歌手,原单向乐队成员。
2010年,泽恩参加《英国偶像第七季》,并与其他四人组成了单向乐队而出道 。2015年3月25日,泽恩宣布退出单向乐队 。2016年1月29日,发行首支个人单曲《Pillowtalk》,该单曲空降了英美两国的音乐榜单冠军[3-4] 。2016年3月25日,发行个人首张录音室专辑《Mind of Mine》,专辑在美国公告牌二百强专辑榜空降第一 。2016年11月20日,获得第44届全美音乐奖“年度最佳新人”奖 。2016年12月,联手泰勒·斯威夫特献唱电影《____》的主题曲《I Don't Wanna Live Forever》 。
2010年,泽恩参加《英国偶像第七季》,他作为个人选手通过了选拨赛,进入了训练营,却没有成功晋级“独唱男歌手”组别的决赛。在评委妮可·舒可辛格的提议下,评委西蒙·考威尔将泽恩与利亚姆·佩恩、路易斯·汤姆林森、尼尔·霍拉尼、哈里·斯泰尔斯组成了单向乐队,并借此进入“乐队/乐团”组别。在决赛上,单向乐队获得了季军 。
2011年,单向乐队发行首支单曲《What Makes You Beautiful》,
2015年3月25日,泽恩宣布退出单向乐队 ;4月20日,获得亚洲奖杰出音乐成就奖 ;7月26日,与美国广播唱片公司签约 ;8月16日,获青少年选择奖“最性感男明星”提名 。
She puts her spirit in a nightcap
She always knows where the crowd's at
She puts her mouth round the cigarette
I put it out cause she likes that
She always dances when it's raining
Aye when's it starting baby
She looks at me like she's waiting
Making time go slow when they show her the table
Bright lights she's fading
Feels right she's crazy
Bright lights she's fading
Feels right she's crazy
She wants somebody to love
To hold her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She wants somebody to love
To kiss her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She's crying out that she loves me
Holding my hands so I won't leave
Cause baby don't wanna be lonely
She says I just want you to hold me
Bright lights she's fading
Feels right she's crazy
Bright lights she's fading
Feels right she's crazy
She wants somebody to love
To hold her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She wants somebody to love
To kiss her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
In the right way
In the right way
In the right way in the in the in the right way
In the right way in the right way
In the right way in the in the right way
In the right way in the right way
In the right way in the in the right way
In the right way in the right way
In the right way in the in the right way
In the right way
She wants somebody to love
To hold her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She wants somebody to love
To hold her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She wants somebody to love
To kiss her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way