Love You Lately是出现在潮拜武当里的英文歌。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的潮拜武当里的英文歌,供大家参阅!
潮拜武当里的英文歌Love You Lately歌手简介
丹尼尔·理查德·波特(Daniel Richard Powter,1971年2月25日-),亦作丹尼尔·帕德,加拿大唱作音乐人。2005年以出道首发单曲《Bad Day》红遍欧洲随后又席卷北美而为全世界乐迷熟知。丹尼尔细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,让他总是能够在平淡无奇的生活中,找到音乐创作的题材,因此有着“城市琴人丹尼尔”的称号。
潮拜武当里的英文歌Love You Lately歌手介绍
在仅四岁的时候,丹尼尔就开始在母亲的钢琴伴奏下学习练习小提琴。天资聪慧,进步神速的丹尼尔不久之后就可以在学校举办的活动中演出,甚至10岁时就开始尝试作曲。 但这同时也招来了同学的嫉妒和围攻。因为患有严重的诵读困难症,难以阅读乐谱的丹尼尔还遭到了小提琴老师的侮辱,在这之后,丹尼尔再也没有碰过小提琴。 在母亲的影响下丹尼尔开始试着学习钢琴,而他也一下就为这种“能够同时奏出多种音色”的乐器所着迷。 无法阅读琴谱的他靠听力学会了弹奏钢琴。
熟练了钢琴技艺的丹尼尔随后又开始把兴趣转向歌唱,高三时他演唱的自己创作并录制剪辑的单曲在由加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省某广播电台举办的“Rocktoria”音乐竞赛中取得佳绩。 1989年从弗农第二中学(Vernon Secondary School)高中毕业后丹尼尔获得了带奖学金在埃德蒙顿的格兰特·麦克伊文学院(Grant MacEwan College)学习音乐机会。 但诵读困难再一次阻碍了他前进的脚步——音乐考试成绩全优的丹尼尔却因为理论考试不及格而面临毕业困难。大学两年后丹尼尔决定辍学并开始自己的音乐生涯。
潮拜武当里的英文歌Love You Lately歌词
You packed your last two bags
A taxi's around the bend
You used to laugh out loud
But you can't remember when
You lost your lines
It's like you're moving out of time
And the whole world crumbles right beneath you
So I might've made a few mistakes
But that was back when you would smile
And we would go everywhere
But we ain't been there for awhile
And this I know
There's a place that we can go
A place where I can finally let you know
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only ones that around
We're the only ones that around
This Babylon
I hope you find whatever you've been looking for
Just remember where you're from and who you are
Cause there's a thousand lights that will
Make you feel brand new
But if you ever lose your way
I'll leave one on for you
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
So come back, get here, sit down, relax
Everything's to see
That you've come a long long way
And it's the place that you should be
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only ones that around
We're the only ones that around
This Babylon