比较激情的英文歌曲 kaboom歌手介绍
Lady Gaga,1986年3月28日出生于美国纽约曼哈顿,美国流行女歌手、词曲创作者、慈善家、演员。
2008年10月发行首张录音室专辑《The Fame》,其中囊括美国公告牌Hot 100冠军单曲《Just Dance》与《Poker Face》。2009年11月发行EP《The Fame Monster》。2010年被《时代》周刊评为百大最有影响力文化人物之一。2011年5月23日正式发行第二张录音室专辑《Born This Way》;同年6月被《福布斯》杂志评为世界百位名人之首。2012年荣登福布斯最具潜力明星榜榜首。2013年11月11日推出个人第三张录音室专辑《ARTPOP》。2014年9月23日与Tony bennett合作的专辑《Cheek to Cheek》发行。2016年1月11日,Lady GaGa凭借《美国恐怖故事:旅馆》获得第73届美国金球奖迷你剧/电视电影的最佳女主角。6月26日,Lady Gaga 与__喇嘛对话,并在她的脸谱个人账号下直播,遭到国网民留言抨击。7月,Lady Gaga与泰勒·金尼分手。
比较激情的英文歌曲 kaboom歌手简介
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga境优渥的意大利家庭。她的父亲,Joseph Germanotta,是一位网络企业家,她的母亲,Cynthia,是一位通讯助理。而GaGa是他们的长女。她的妹妹Natali是一个攻读时装的学生,出生于1992年。
GaGa在4岁时听着钢琴声学习钢琴,当她11岁时原本要被送到曼哈顿的茱利亚音乐学院就学,但后来她进入了天主教学校圣心学校就读。她在13岁的时候写了自己的第一首钢琴叙事曲,并且在14岁时开始在晚间表演。在她17岁时,她获得纽约大学艺术学院的提前录取,在那里学习音乐。她透过写小品散文及分析性质的报告,来使自己的作曲着重于艺术,宗教和社会政治等题材。之后她自纽约大学退学,以专注在音乐事业上。在她搬出父母的房子后,GaGa开始在城里表演,在纽约的下东区,她和Mackin Pulsifer和SGBand同台演出 。
比较激情的英文歌曲 kaboom歌词
He talking to me
Like I'm a groupie
He's at the bar and
He wanna touch my booty
We all broke in this club
I'm tryna leave so so what's up,
No drink left in my cup
Better wake your soldier up
Don't want love just gimme your bling bling
Listen to me boy 'cause I need your thing thing
Hey there boy, not tryna be funny
I'm a big girl and I need the money
Don't want love just gimme your bling bling
Listen to me boy 'cause I need your thing thing
Hey there boy, not tryna be funny
I'm a big girl and I need the money
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Bang bang boy wanna beat on my drum?
Beat on my drum cause you know I come come
Bang bang boy wanna beat on my drum?
Beat on my drum cause you know I come come
My sheets are pretty
I've got the pillows
that shit's expensive
Baby that shit's expensive
I've got the stuff like egyptian queens
Stop messing round cause you know what I mean
Wanna bang on my drum
Cause you know I come come
Don't want love just gimme your bling bling
Listen to me boy 'cause I need your thing thing
Hey there boy, not tryna be funny
I'm a big girl and I need the money
Don't want love just gimme your bling bling
Listen to me boy 'cause I need your
Hey there boy, not tryna be funny
I'm a big girl and I need the money
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Bang bang boy wanna beat on my drum?
Bang bang boy 'cause you know I come come
Don't make me lean on 'em Baby boy whats up
Dynamite shit go boom in the club
Baby boy get on
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Let me see your body work work
Work your body till you make your body hurt hurt
Can you get in my system?
I go fast, I leave him in the dirt dirt
Hey Jim
Bring the beat back
Bring the beat back)