There's an abundance of job seekers around theglobe right now, eager to land steady employment.Yet job vacancies in dozens of countries are alsoplentiful: In the US, for instance, there were 5.4million open jobs in 2015—the highest in 15 years.Other countries like Germany and Canada are alsoexperiencing high unfilled-job rates.
High vacancy rates can be a sign of a healthy economy—as a country grows, it begins to havemore jobs to offer—and, of course, it takes time for jobs to be filled. But according to ananalysis released today (Jan. 19) by global job search engine Indeed.com, companies' across-the-board hiring difficulties also indicate the existence of a clear mismatch between employersand job seekers. Indeed's report attributes this mismatch to several factors, including lack ofqualified applicants; overabundance of some positions and undersupply of others; and unevenemployer demand for certain talents, especially technology-related ones.
The increasing mismatch is leading many employers to recruit workers from abroad, wherethere's a much broader pool of talent available. That, however, poses a problem for manycountries—specifically, the ones that end up seeing a greater number of workers leaving thanentering.
Some countries have more to be concerned about than others. Indeed calculated a "netinterest score" for each of the 55 countries, it found that the US and several Europeancountries attract more workers than they lose—but China, Israel, and Sweden are among thosethat lose more than they attract.
Greece, Pakistan, and Norway are ones that demonstrate the most risk of losing talentedworkers. Russia, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates have the best ratio of coming-to-leavingworkers.