

时间: 燕妮639 分享


  1. Smile slowly. If you're too quick to come to a smile or drop one, your expression may notlook genuine. Real smiles happen gradually, but remember not to do it too slowly because itcan also look creepy. Do your best to mimic a natural smile by practicing in the mirror.慢慢地微笑。如果你突然微笑或者突然不笑,你的表情看起来就会不那么自然。真正的微笑总是很慢的。不过也不要笑得太慢,那样也会显得很假。尽力在镜子前练习一下自然的微笑吧。

  2. Speak in a deeper voice. When you're nervous or excited, your voice may come out in ahigher pitch. Take a deep breath and lower your pitch, because a deeper voice is considered tohave more authority and confidence. In fact, even dogs respond better to deeper voiceswhen you are trying to give them a command.用较低的声音说话。如果你很紧张或是很兴奋,你的声音往往会变得很高。做个深呼吸降低你的声音吧,因为较低的声音会被认为具有更多自主权和自信心。事实上,就连狗狗也会对更低的声音更有反应,当你给它们下命令的时候。

  3. Make eye contact. When talking to someone, making eye contact shows interest and alsoconfidence. Don't go overboard and gaze without breaking eye contact, because that can makepeople feel uncomfortable. Spend the majority of the time making eye contact, butremember to briefly take breaks.眼神交流。当你和某人交谈时,眼神交流能表现出你的兴趣和自信。但也不要目不转睛直勾勾地盯着看,那样会让别人感觉不适。用大部分时间作眼神交流,但也要记得偶尔放放松。

  4. Have good posture. Sit or stand up straight and avoid slouching. Slouching can makeyou look less professional and can possibly make you look less confident and enthusiastic.保持好姿势。坐着和站着的时候要笔直,不要没精打采。没精打采的样子会让你显得不专业,也许也会让你显得缺乏自信和热情。

  5. Lean. Move your body slightly forward toward the person you're talking to. This reflectsinterest. However, if you want to show that you're relaxed, lean back a little bit. Don't overdothe leaning or it may either look like you have no idea of what personal space is if you leanforward too much or make you look uninterested and uppity if you lean too far back.身体微倾。让你的身体向对方微微前倾,这反映了你的兴趣。同时,如果你想要表现你很放松,就微微向后倾一些。不过不要倾斜得太过了,不然会让你在前倾时显得不尊重他人的私人空间,在后倾时又显得不感兴趣或者太自负。

  6. Don't fidget. Don't fiddle with your hands or shake your leg because that can portraynervousness or restlessness. Relax and slow down your movements.不要坐立不安。不要一直动你的手或是抖脚,那会表现出你的紧张。放松一点,放慢动作。

  7. Stay uncrossed. Keep your hands and legs uncrossed because that can make you seemcold and distant. If you're not crossing your arms, you'll look more open and less guarded.



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