A: John sometimes finds it difficult to get up in the morning – he’s always missing his early classes.
B: So? He is one of the best students in the class, and always gets his homework done.
A: John有时候早上起不来——他经常误掉早上的课。
B: 那又怎么样?他是班里最好的学生之一,作业总能按时完成。
A: I would avoid going to Egypt in August – it gets pretty hot at that time of year.
B: I don’t care what you say. It’s the only time I can get time off from work, and I’ve never seen the Pyramids.
A: 我尽量不在八月去埃及——每年的那个时候,那里实在太热了。
B: 我可管不了那么多了?那是我唯一得空休息的时候,我还从来没有见过金字塔呢。
miss: 未出席;未赶上。
So? : 这个短句可以表示多种意思,如 “So what?” “So what else?” “So please continue.” “So don’t be stupid.” 因此具体含义要从上下文推断。在本次的小对话中意思相当于“So what?”
avoid doing sth.: 避免做某事。
get time off from: 从……抽出时间休息。
the (Great) Pyramids: 开罗近郊的古埃及三大金字塔。
A: Did you hear about the rich matron that lay languid in the sun all day?
B: Yes, I heard she did nothing but bake herself and she barely moved or spoke to anyone.
A: 听说过那个贵妇人没有?她整天没精打采地躺在太阳底下。
B: 听说了,她除了晒太阳什么都不做,动也不动,谁也不搭理。
A: I am so weary of coming here every day; it is such a waste of my time.
B: I agree with you. We should really cancel this study group; it is so boring.
A: 每天来这里,我都烦死了,真是浪费时间。
B: 我看也是。咱们应该取消这个学习小组,太没劲了。
matron: 上了岁数的已婚妇女。
languid: 由于懒散或者过于舒适而无精打采的;不感兴趣的;懒洋洋的。
bake: 使自己受太阳照射;太阳晒黑皮肤。
weary of: 厌烦的,不耐烦的。
cancel: 取消。