Todd: Tim, you want to talk about road trips!
Tim: Yeah, I wanna talk about road trips. Ah, me and my friends, when we were in high school we took a lot of road trips to lots of different places.
Todd: OK.
Tim: We would go down to California, ah, sometimes Mexico. One time when I was living in Wyoming, in one weekend we drove from Wyoming, through Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico and back in the same weekend.
Todd: Wow! Well, actually for people who are not familiar with the United States how far is that?
Tim: It's a long way. I don't know. It took, I don't know, it took probably about 15 hours one way.
Todd: Wow!
Tim: So, thirty hours all together. But it was fun. We drove down to Mexico, had a good night a good meal, a little bit of drinks and drove back the next day.
Todd: So you went to Tijuana?
Tim: No, we went to, ah, Ciudad Warez.
Todd: OK. Nice.
Tim: That was really fun and a lot of other trips we took, ah, when I lived in Oregon, when we'd go down to California, and we'd surf.
Todd: Oh, really!
Tim: Yeah!
Todd: Oh, you're a surfer?
Tim: A little bit, a little bit of surfer.
Todd: OK, What, what kind of car do you drive? What do you use for this road trip?
Tim: Well, typical American, uh a four-wheel drive vehicle, big vehicle...lots of gas but a lot of fun.
Todd: Oh man, you're from Oregon, you're supposed to be a tree-hugger!
Tim: I know. I know. But there're good. One rule we had on our road trips was any, any lake or big body of water we had to stop and swim in. It was a good thing to do.
Todd: Well, you live in Japan now. Do you ever do road trips in Japan?
Tim: I took a road trip from Niigata up around Hokkaido and back, so it was a long road trip actually.
Todd: OK. Wow! What's the difference between a road trip in Japan and a road trip in America?
Tim: Well, a road trip in Japan..it's a little bit more dificult to get around, it's a little bit more expensive, ah, in America road triping is sort of, something a lot of people do.
Todd: Yeah!
Tim: And in Japan, when we do that it is a little bit strange, a little bit different, not not very normal.
Todd: Yeah, that's true. OK. Great, thanks a lot Tim.
Tim: Alright.
Todd: OK. Kerys, we're going to talk about high school. Um, what was high school like for you?
Kerys: It was a very interesting experience. I was in a high school in a, quite a run-down area.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Kerys: So it was the norm for girls to get pregnant at 14, leave school, and then come back at 16 and do their exams.
Todd: Wow!
Kerys: So it was quite unique.
Todd: At 14?
Kerys: At 14! Yeah.
Todd: Oh, my gosh.
Kerys: So it was quite a strange environment to be in, for somebody who didn't get pregnant and.
Todd: Wow! Was it a rough neighborhood?
Kerys: Yeah.
Todd: OK.
Kerys: Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: But did you have a good time?
Kerys: Yeah, I enjoyed myself. It was great..you now as..I kept myself out of trouble.
Todd: Wow.
Kerys: Which was hard. Cause everyone was getting into trouble, but yeah, it was fun.
Todd: Oh, OK. What do you remember most about high school?
Kerys: I remember that the school dinners were disgusting.
Todd: OK. And did you get good grades in high school?
Kerys: Yeah.
Todd: OK, what was your favorite subject?
Kerys: My favorite subject was drama.
Todd: OK. Do you still act?
Kerys: No.
Todd: OK. Do you still go to theatre?
Kerys: Yeah!
Todd: OK.
Kerys: To watch.
Todd: Just to watch. Great! Thanks a lot Kerys.
Kerys: No worries!
Todd: Hey, Victor, I hear you're going home tomorrow.
Victor: Yes, I am.
Todd: Ah, that's too bad.....So how long have you been here?
Victor: I've been here for two weeks.
Todd: I'm sorry, I was never sure. Why did you come to Japan?
Victor: Came to Japan to study martial arts. Budo-Jujitsu is the art that we study.
Todd: Oh! OK, cool! So are like a black belt?
Victor: Yes, yes!
Todd: Oh, really! Wow, how long have you been doing your martial arts?
Victor: I've been studying this art for about 18 years I guess.
Todd: Really!
Victor: A long time.
Todd: That's a long time. You're a young looking guy. You like 18 years.
Victor: Well, I'm an old guy.
Todd: Well, so when you go back to the states you also train.
Victor: Yes, yes! We have a group that we train in martial arts there as sort of a hobby. It's sort of a way of life also. But I have a real job. I'm a civil engineer.
Todd: So, actually what does a civil engineer do?
Victor: In America a civil engineer designs things. In my case, I work on buildings, buildings that have structural problems, and I work on repair plans.
Todd: OK. Sounds like a tough job.
Victor: It's OK. It's interesting. All buildings need repairs and it's fun.
Todd: Great, thanks a lot, Victor. Have a safe trip tomorrow.
Victor: Well, thank you very much.