A: Let me tell you what happened to my homework.
B: OK, go ahead--what is the excuse THIS time?
A: Actually, I did it, but then it got lost.
B: Could you have gotten it done at another time?
A: Yes, I could.
B: You have never missed an assignment before--when will you be making this one up?
A: I'll make it up early next week.
B: That would work, but don't let it happen again.
A: I'll try.
B: That will solve it then. Let's work hard to not let it happen again.
A: Professor, do you have a few moments when I could meet with you?
B: I schedule my appointments from two to four on Saturday; what works best for you?
A: Three would be a good time.
B: Great, do you need directions to my office?
A: I'm not sure.
B: Well, just make sure to go through the double doors, and I'll be on the right.
A: OK, I'll find it.
B: It's very easy to find.
A: See you then.
B: I will enjoy seeing you; have a good week!
A: Would you talk to me about taking one of Dr. Miller's classes?
B: Yes. Have you ever been in one of his classes?
A: I'm thinking about taking his class next semester.
B: He was a very easy teacher. Are you thinking of taking a class with him?
A: I'm not sure because I really need to learn something, but I also worry about grades.
B: Grades are important, but don't you think that gaining the knowledge is important, too?
A: I really need to learn this stuff.
B: He made everything so interesting that the time just flew by. Do you know what I mean?
A: Yes, that sounds right for me.
B: Did you know that he came here last year after 10 years in the military?
A: Yeah, I already knew that. That could be a good thing.
B: I think you know that you have to make the best decision for you. Enjoy your year!