M: Your home decoration is superb.
C: We just finished the whole decoration. We spent one month fitting up our house.
M: Do you have any experience in decorating a house?
C: No. Our designing is done by a Decoration and Design Company. But we don't want to paint with that color. we' redo the bedroom in pink.
M: I do like the droplight and curtain. They are very beautiful.
C: My parents gave the curtain to us as a house warming gift.
M: I notice that most of your furniture is made of wood.
C: Yes. I prefer wooden furniture to metal one. I think it seems much more elegant.
M: I think your bedroom looks great. I like it.
C: Really? My parents are totally against my design. They said it's too complicated.
M: It's always like that, generation gap. How did you finally convince them?
C: I told them that I am the master of my site.
M: That's really cool.
Mary买了一套新房,正在和Cherry谈论现在的房价问题。由于月供很高,她向Cherry 诉苦说自己成了房奴。
C: Hi, Mary. Have you bought the house that you mentioned before?
M: yes. Because I'm very satisfied with it.
C: Really? Have you did you pay for it?
M: I look out a mortgage loan. My parents paid for the down payment. I will pay the monthly payments to the bank.
C: Right. You don't have to pay the whole amount of money at once. The house price is dropping and the mortgage rate is low now.
M: But even though the price has dropped. it's still very high.
C: Yeah. that's true. Buying a house is a major life investment How much do you pay for the monthly payment?
M: RMB 3,000.
C: Wow, that's a lot of money. How many years will it take to pay off your mortgage?
M: Twenty years. It's like forever. I have to live very frugally.The payment takes the lion's share out of my salary every month. I'm a mortgage slave now.
C: Hello. We have seen your advertisement. We're here to see the apartment.
L: Oh, come in and have a look.
B: The location seems nice. It's quiet and close to our companies.
C: Yes. Neither of us is good at getting up in the morning and the closer it is. the later we can get up.
B: Both of the bedrooms face south. I like it. And the living room is larger than I expected.
L: Yes, it's about forty square meters.
C: The kitchen is a little small.
L: It is not very big, but well-equipped. The refrigerator, the microwave oven and even the dining table, everything is ready.
B: How much is the rent?
L: 2000 yuan a month, including electricity and water fees.
C: What's the deposit?
L: 500 yuan. And you'll get the deposit back when you move out.