Jenny: Look at that cute dog with the mouth mask?
Judy: I feel tense. I thought I knew why I came here. But now I am not sure.
Jenny: Stop saything anything stupid like that. Look at the dog. There are a lot of beautiful things out there. You should take better care of yourself. Even the puppies know they should stay away from the H1N1 flu.
不要再说这么蠢的话了。 看看那只狗。外面还是有很多美丽的东西的。你应该照顾好自己。 小狗都知道远离甲流。
Judy: Take care of myself? Does it matter? I don't even know whether I am supposed to love man or not?
Jenny: You are freaking me out. Did he hit you again? I told you to stop meeting him. You never listen.
你吓着我了。 他又打你了?我让你不要再见他了。你就是不听。
Judy: Come on! He was like hundreds of years ago. I met a woman in Sundays Bar. She and I have so many things in common. She is fantastic. And she thinks I am hot.
拜托。那是几百你前的事情了。我在星期天酒吧遇到一个女人。我们有太对的相同点了。 她无可挑剔。而且她觉得我很性感。
Jenny: Aren't you going to tell me that you are not sure about your sexuality after dating boys for like thirty years?
Judy: What can I do? I just cannot get her out of my mind.
Jenny: Sometimes isn't it just easier to be a cute puppy? Just wag your tail if you want to please your man or woman. Whatever, you don't have to change your sexuality to please him or her.
Judy: Can't you just be nice this time? I am just lost. Being straight was nice. But I was never into a woman before. Maybe I have been after the wrong person all these years.
Mindy: Oh, please stop it. You are disgusting. How can you put those ugly worms into your mouth? You might die.
Jake: I am brave. See? That's how I get girls to talk to me.
Mindy: That's not brave. That's gross. Here's a picture that I want to show you.
Jake: A cyclist? That's interesting. I can't see why he is better than me.
Mindy: Why are you men so crazy about the ego thing? You have an attitude problem. Don't you know that?
Jake: No. I should say you are pathetic if you are not happy with men. But for the sake of old friendship, I will always here for you on the condition that you think I am hotter than a cyclist model.
Mindy: Shut up. Who do you think you are? Will Smith? You are a pretentious asshole.
Jake: But I still remember someone was begging me to marry her the other day.
Mindy: I was having a bad day. The asshole left me.
Jake: See? That's why you should never see a cyclist. It would have been much better if you were with me.
Duan Wu Festival
A: Have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon?
A: 你知道今天下午有龙舟比赛吗?
B: Yes, it is part of a holiday, right?
B: 知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧?
A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, but it’s also just simply called the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese.
A: 是的,是端午节,不过(英文中)通常叫做龙舟节。它是中国三大传统节日之一。
B: Other than the Dragon Boat Races, what’s special about this day?
B: 除了龙舟赛,这一天还有什么特别的活动吗?
A: Traditionally, it was thought to be a time for warding off evil spirits, but now it’s just thought of a time to remind family members to take care of their health.
A: 在传统上,这一天一直被视为是驱凶避邪的日子,不过现在它的意义已经只是提醒家人注意身体健康了。
B: Sounds great! I think I’ll join in on the boat competitions.
B: 听起来不赖!我想我会去参加龙舟比赛。
A: After you’ve worked up an appetite, you can eat Zongzi. Everyone eats them during the Dragon Boat Festival.
A: 等你划船累到肚子饿的时候,就可以吃粽子。端午节的时候大家都会吃粽子。
B: Eating is a really important part of Chinese culture, huh?
B: 吃真是中国文化中很重要的一部分,对吧?
A: Yes, perhaps one of the most important aspect. Don’t worry though; there are no surprises in Zongzi. They are just rice with either meat or sweet red bean paste wrapped inside. They are quite yummy!
A: 没错,或许是最重要的之一。不过别担心,粽子里面没什么特别的东西,只是米饭包着肉或豆沙而已。好吃极了!
