学习啦 > 学习英语 > 生活英语 > 旅游英语 > 旅游常用的英语句子


时间: 秋连1211 分享




  train[tren] 火车



  underground [ndgrand]地铁

  tube[tju:b] 地铁(英)

  bus stop [bs stp] 公共汽车站台





  greyhound[ɡrei haund]灰狗巴士

  schedule [edju:l] 时刻表

  When is the next train to NewYork?下一班去纽约的火车是几点?

  There is one at 10 am and one at 12 am.有一趟是上午10点还有一趟是12点。

  When does it get there?几点会到哪里?

  It‘s scheduled to arrive at 10:50.按照列车时刻表是10点50到。

  Where is the nearest metro station?最近的地铁站在哪里?

  Can I take this train to Los Angeles?去洛杉矶可以乘坐这辆火车吗?


  Are you all set?你都准备好了吗?

  The handle is damaged.拉杆损坏了。

  The zipper is broken.拉链坏了。

  I have to pack my bags.我得收拾行李。

  Do you have any plan on your mind?你有什么旅行打算吗?

  Have you chosen your tourist spot?你已经选好旅游地点了吗?

  we have 6 pieces of carry-on luggage.我们有6件随身携带的行李。

  I'm thinking of traveling to Japan by air.我打算坐飞机去日本。

  I'm hoping to go abroad during the break.我希望这次放假能出国玩。

  I am planning a trip for my summer vacation.我正在计划一次暑期旅行。

  I can't make up my mind as to where we should go.我还没决定去哪儿呢。

  You have to make sure your certificates are taken.你要确保证据都带了。

  I plan to go to Singapore this Spring Festival.我打算今年春节去新加坡。

  Let's make a list. See what we have to take.列个清单,看看要带些什么。

  Don't you think we need a nice summer vacation?你想不想过一个美好的假期啊?

  I am packing up things in preparation for the journey.我正在为旅行准备行李。

  Please tell me some of the places I should visit.请告诉我一些我应该去游览的地方。

  I want to a place which has many places of interest.我想去一个有很多名胜古迹的地方。


  A:Are you finished packing yet? Do you need help?收拾好了吗,需要我帮忙吗?

  B: Thank you, I can manage it.谢谢,我自己能行。

  A: What clothes should I take?你说我带什么衣服呢?

  B: It's hot. You'd better take light clothes.那里很热,最好带点薄的衣服。

  A: Check again, see if there is anything left behind?再看下是否有落下什么东西。

  B: Exactly.你说的对。