A: She is so loudmouthed; I could really smack her.
B: I know what you mean; I don’t know where she got that snippy attitude of hers.
A: I hear that her mother never pays any attention to her, and she is always getting out of line.
A: 她总是大嚷大叫的,我真想抽她。
B: 你说得太对了。真不知道她怎么就这么目中无人。
A: 我听说她妈妈从来就不关心她,她也总是没规没矩的。
loudmouthed: 嗓门大的;大叫大嚷的。
smack: 用掌拍击。
snippy: 尖刻的,不知天高地厚的。
out of line: 形容某人言行出格。
A: The people from the north seem to be so rough when it comes to presenting their case.
B: I wish they could be a little less snippy with the other groups, but I guess that is what sets them apart.
A: Yes, I thought their answers were a little short, too.
A: 北方人在表述他们的看法时显得很粗暴。
B: 我希望他们对别的组的人不要太刻薄,不过我想这就是他们的特点吧。
A: 是的,我觉得他们的回答也有些唐突。
rough: 举止粗野的,粗暴的。
present one’s case: 陈述主张;论辩。
set apart: 使(人或事)不同或独特。
snippy: 暴躁的,傲慢的。