A Hello!This is XXX speaking.May I speak to XXX?
B This is XXX speaking.
A XXX,I will go to Beihai park tomorrow.Would you like to go with me?
B I’love to.When shall we meet?
A At 9:00 a.m.
B I konw.See you tomorrow.
A See you!
(O=Operator, C=Chinese)
O: Is this the Silver Star Trading Company?
C: Yes, it is.
O: This is the overseas telephone operator in the United States. We hxdye a call for Mr. John Wang in the International Finance Department from a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.
C: From whom, did you say?
O: From a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.
C: Thank you. Just hold the line, please.
Several seconds later...
C: Hello. I'm sorry but Mr. John Wang is in a conference right now.
O: Oh, is that right? When will he be free?
C: Well, he'll be free around four o'clock.
O: I see. Just a minute, please.
Several seconds later...
O: Hello. How about Mr. Peter Chen, then?
C: Yes, he's here. One moment, please.
Peter Chen: Hello. This is Peter Chen speaking.
O: Oh, Mr. Chen? Will you hold the line, Please?
O: Thank you for waiting. Mr. Robert is on the line. Go ahead, please.
Peter Chen: Thank you.
以自我介绍开始电话交谈:“Hello,this is Peter Jones. 如果你在接电话的时候对方没有表明他是谁,你可以说:“May I ask who's calling,please?”
Asking for someone / Making a request
如果你打电话给特定的某个人的话,那么你得用礼貌的问句来表达意图,例如“May I speak to Rachel Smith, please?”当你只知道分机号码却不知道人名的时候你可以说:“Could I have extension number 635?”但如果打电话是有特定的目的,那最好是这么说:“I'm calling to make a reservation.”
Holding and transferring
“Please hold”是电话语言中表示“等一下”。当你需要transferred(转接)到另一部分机,你常会听到:“Connecting your call…”或者“Please hold,I'll transfer you.”。如果你是在繁忙时段拨打某公司电话的话,你可能会听到简短的一句话,“Hello,please hold!”在接线员将你转到另一条线之前。
Leaving a message
当你打电话的对象不在或不能接听电话时,准备好留言。你可以使用voicemail(电子录音系统)或一部answering machine(在磁带上录音的一种机器)。如果你正和接线员讲话的话,他们会问:“Would you like to leave a message?”或者你可以说,“May I leave a message?如果想要对方回电话的话,千万别忘了留你的电话号码。这被称作call back number.
Asking the speaker to slow down
如果你不确定你能听懂所有的英语对话,一定要坦诚。直接告诉对方:“My English isn't very strong,could you please speak slowly?”大部分的人会赞许你的诚实并很高兴这么做。
Write it down
Remember your manners
在通话中使用文明礼貌的语言是非常的重要。在请求别人时请使用类似的短语,“Could you”,和“Please” ,并且总是记得以“Thank you”和“Goodbye”结束通话!