

时间: 楚欣650 分享

  401.credit 信用,信贷

  402.credit account (C.A., C/A) 赊帐=open account2

  403.credit agreement 信贷协定

  404.credit amount 信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额

  405.credit analysis 信用分析

  406.credit balance 贷方余额,结欠,贷余

  407.credit bank 信贷银行

  408.credit beneficiary 信用证受益人

  409.credit business 赊售,信用买卖

  410.credit buying 赊购

  411.credit capital 信贷资本

  412.credit cards 信用卡

  413.credit control 信用控制

  414.credit control instrument 信用调节手段

  415.credit expansion 信用扩张

  416.credit extending policy 融资方针

  417.credit facility 信用透支

  418.credit limit 信用额度

  419.credit restriction 信用限额

  420.credit risk 信用风险

  421.credit union 信用合作社

  422.creditor bank 债权银行

  423.crop up (out) 出现,呈现

  424.cross hedge 交叉套做

  425.cross hedging 交叉保值

  426.cum dividend 附息

  427.cum rights 含权

  428.cumulative preferred stock 累积优先股

  429.currency futures 外币期货

  430.currency futures contract 货币期货合约

  431.current fund 流动基金

  432.current futures price 现时的期货价格

  433.current ratio 流动比率

  434.customize 按顾客的具体要求制作

  435.customs duty(tariffs) 关税

  436.D/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票汇

  437.daily interest 日息

  438.daily limit 每日涨(跌)停板

  439.date of delivery 交割期

  440.dealers 批发商

  441.death and gift tax 遗产和赠与税

  442.debt of honour 信用借款

  443.debtor bank 借方银行

  444.decision-making under risk 风险下的决策

  445.deed 契约

  446.deed tax 契税

  447.deferred savings 定期存款

  448.deficit covering 弥补赤字

  449.deficit-covering finance 赤字财政

  450.deflation 通货紧缩

  451.delivery date 交割日

  452.demand pull inflation 需求拉动通货膨胀

  453.demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款或支票帐户

  454.deposit account (D/A) 存款帐户

  455.deposit at call 通知存款

  456.deposit bank 存款银行

  457.deposit money 存款货币

  458.deposit rate 存款利率

  459.deposit turnover 存款周转率

  460.depreciation risks 贬值风险

  461.derivative deposit 派生存款

  462.derived deposit 派生存款

  463.designated currency 指定货币

  464.deutsche marks (=DM) 西德马克

  465.devaluation of dollar 美元贬值

  466.developer 发展商

  467.Development Bank 开发银行

  468.development financing 发展融资

  469.devise 遗赠

  470.die intestate 死时没有遗嘱

  471.Diners card 大莱信用卡

  472.direct exchange 直接汇兑

  473.direct financing 直接融资

  474.direct hedging 直接套做

  475.direct leases 直接租赁

  476.direct taxation 直接税

  477.discount credit 贴现融资

  478.discount market 贴现市场

  479.discount on bills 票据贴现

  480.discount paid 已付贴现额

  481.discounted cash flow 净现金量

  482.discounting bank 贴现银行

  483.dishonour risks 拒付风险

  484.disintermediation 脱媒

  485.distant futures 远期期货

  486.diversification 分散投资

  487.dividends 红利

  488.document of title 物权单据

  489.documentary collection 跟单托收

  490.Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兑交单

  491.Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交单

  492.domestic correspondent 国内通汇银行

  493.domestic deposit 国内存款

  494.domestic exchange 国内汇兑

  495.double leasing 双重租赁

  496.double mortgage 双重抵押

  497.double option 双向期权

  498.Dow Jones average 道·琼斯平均数

  499.down payment 首期

  500.downgrade 降级

  501.downside 下降趋势

  502.downtick 跌点交易

  503.Dragon card 龙卡

  504.draw 提款

  505.draw cheque 签发票据

  506.drawee bank 付款银行

  507.drawing account 提款帐户

  508.dual exchange market 双重外汇市场

  509.dual trading 双重交易

  510.due from other funds 应收其他基金款

  511.due to other funds 应付其他基金款

  512.dumping 抛售

  513.early warning system 预警系统

  514.easy credit 放松信贷

  515.economic exposure 经济风险

  516.efficient portfolio 有效证券组合

  517.electronic accounting machine 电子记帐机

  518.electronic cash 电子现金

  519.electronic cash register 电子收款机

  520.electronic debts 电子借贷

  521.electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐

  522.electronic transfer 电子转帐

  523.emergency tariff 非常关税

  524.encumbrance 债权(在不动产上设定的债权)

  525.endorsement for collection 托收背书

  526.engage in arbitrage (to) 套汇

  527.entity n. 单位,整体,个体

  528.entrance fee 申请费

  529.equalization fund (外汇)平衡基金

  530.equipment leasing services 设备租赁业务

  531.equity portfolio 股票资产

  532.establishing bank 开证银行

  533.ethics risks 道德风险

  534.Euro-bank 欧洲银行

  535.Eurocard 欧洲系统卡

  536.European terms 欧洲标价法

  537.evaluation of property 房产估价

  538.evasion of foreign currency 逃汇

  539.exception clause 免责条款

  540.excess insurance 超额保险

  541.exchange adjustment 汇率调整

  542.exchange alteration 更改汇率

  543.exchange arbitrage 外汇套利

  544.exchange bank 外汇银行

  545.exchange broker 外汇经纪人

  546.exchange brokerage 外汇经纪人佣金

  547.exchange business 外汇业务

  548.exchange clearing agreement 外汇结算协定

  549.exchange clearing system 汇结算制

  550.exchange competition 外汇竞争

  551.exchange contract 外汇成交单

  552.exchange control 外汇管制

  553.exchange convertibility 外汇兑换

  554.exchange customs 交易所惯例

  555.exchange depreciation 外汇下降

  556.exchange dumping 汇率倾销

  557.exchange fluctuations 汇价变动

  558.exchange for forward delivery 远期外汇业务

  559.exchange for spot delivery 即期外汇业务

  560.exchange freedom 外汇自由兑换

  561.exchange loss 汇率损失

  562.exchange parity 外汇平价

  563.exchange position 外汇头寸

  564.exchange position 外汇头寸;外汇动态

  565.exchange premium 外汇升水

  566.exchange profit 外汇利润

  567.exchange proviso clause 外汇保值条款

  568.exchange quota system 外汇配额制

  569.exchange rate 汇价

  570.exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇价的波动

  571.exchange rate parity 外汇兑换的固定汇率

  572.exchange rate risks 外汇汇率风险

  573.exchange reserves 外汇储备

  574.exchange restrictions 外汇限制

  575.exchange risk 外汇风险

  576.exchange risk 兑换风险

  577.exchange settlement 结汇

  578.exchange speculation 外汇投机

  579.exchange stability 汇率稳定

  580.exchange surrender certificate 外汇移转证

  581.exchange transactions 外汇交易

  582.exchange value 外汇价值

  583.exchange war 外汇战

  584.excise 货物税,消费税

  585.exercise date 执行日

  586.exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格

  587.expenditure tax 支出税

  588.expenditure tax regime 支出税税制

  589.expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支

  590.expiration date 到期日

  591.export and import bank 进出口银行

  592.export gold point 黄金输出点

  593.exposure 风险

  594.external account 对外帐户

  595.extraneous risks 附加险

  596.extrinsic value 外在价值

  597.face value 面值

  598.facultative insurance 临时保险

  599.fair and reasonable 公平合理

  600.far future risks 长远期风险