Flea Markets
A: Do you know where they sell old music boxes?
B: How about a flea market?
A: A flea market? What's that?
B: A flea market is a big outdoor place where you can buy all sorts of second-hand things.
A: I like the sound of that. Tell me where one is.
B: I myself don't know of any, but maybe they're listed in the Yellow Pages.
Calling to Reschedule a Time
A: What can I do for you?
B: I was supposed to have my mattress delivered tomorrow.
A: Is something wrong?
B: I need to reschedule the delivery.
A: I can help you with that.
B: I won't be home tomorrow, so I need it done the next day.
A: In two days?
B: Yes, that's when I need it done.
A: At what time?
B: I need it at about 2:30.
A: Alright, you're all set with your delivery.
B: That's great! I appreciate your help.
Shopping Budget
A: What are you doing?
B: I'm trying to figure out my budget.
A: What do you need a budget for?
B: I need to put a limit on my spending.
A: What's your spending limit?
B: I'm only allowed to spend 0 each month.
A: That's not much.
B: Because, I need to save the rest of my money.
A: What are you saving for?
B: I have bills to pay for too.
A: It's good that you are being smart with your money.
B: It’s about time that I started being smart.
Grocery Shopping
A: Where can I find the produce?
B: Aisle A is where you'll find all the produce.
A: What sales do they have today?
B: I'm sure something is on sale. Please check with the produce person.
Buying Business Cards
A: I need to get some business cards printed up.
B: Do you know how many you need?
A: I think I can get by with 2,000.
B: We can get started as soon as you fill out this form.
A: I hope you can make the new cards just like my old cards.
B: You won't be able to tell the difference with a magnifying glass.
A: ...Okay, I'm through. Here's the form and my old card.
B: Very good. You can pick up your order in one week.
A: Now that I think of it, three days is better than seven.
B: We can do that, but you'll have to pay a little extra.
Going to an Antique Shop
A: Pardon me. I need an old music box.
B: Exactly how old a box do you want?
A: Actually, I was thinking about something from the 1920s.
B: We still have six left.
A: Do any of the boxes have dancing figures?
B: Dancing figures are quite popular. Two of the boxes have them.
A: I love the dancing figures. I'll take this music box.
B: Yes, I think you'll be very satisfied with that one.
A: I was wondering, does this come with any kind of warranty?
B: No. But if something goes wrong with it, I know someone who repairs these things.
A: I was just hoping.
B: It's amazing that these things still work as well as they do.
Buying a Pan
A: I'd like to purchase a pan.
B: Is there any particular size that you want?
A: Well, I cook a lot of big meals.
B: What do you think of this one? It's a 16” pan.
A: Yes, that's the right size, but it's so heavy.
B: Well, look at our aluminum pan. It's much lighter.
A: Yes, this is very light. But the handle is also aluminum.
B: No problem. Look at this one. Same pan, but with a lightweight wooden handle.
A: Great. This is exactly what I was looking for. I'll buy it.
B: I think you'll love this pan. Do you want to pay with cash?
A: Yes. Oh, wait a second, please. What about a lid?
B: I'm sorry. I forgot to show it to you. Here it is. It comes with the pan.