

时间: 长思709 分享



  The accessory successor never made concessions to difficulties, so he succeeded in accessing successive successes.


  accessory [ æk'sesəri ] a. 附属的(副的,辅助的) n. 附件

  successor [ sək'sesə ] n. 继承人

  concession [ kən'seʃən ] n. 让步,妥协

  success [ sək'ses ] n. 成功

  access [ 'ækses ] n. 通路,进入,使用之权 v. 存取

  successive [ sək'sesiv ] a. 接连的,连续的,接二连三的

  I exceed the excellent student who has excessive excellence.


  exceed [ ik'si:d ] v. 超过,胜过,越出 vt. 超过,胜过

  excellent [ 'eksələnt ] a. 极好的,优秀的

  excessive [ ik'sesiv ] a. 过多的,过分的

  excellence [ 'eksələns ] n. 优秀,卓越,优点

  During the procession, the microprocessor finished the processing procedure.


  procession [ prə'seʃən, prəu- ] n. 队伍,行列 v. 列队行进

  microprocessor [ maikrəʊ'prəʊsesə(r) ] n.微处理器 [计算机] 微处理器

  process [ prə'ses ] n. 过程 v. 加工 vi. 列队前进 vt. 加工,处理

  procedure [ prə'si:dʒə ] n. 程序,手续,步骤

  The chess professor confessed his professional blessing in the confession.


  chess [ tʃes ] n. 国际象棋

  confess [ kən'fes ] v. 承认,告白,忏悔

  bless [ bles ] v. 祝福,祈佑

  confession [ kən'feʃən ] n. 自认,自白,招供

  professor [ prə'fesə ] n. 教授

  professional [ prə'feʃənl ] a. 职业的,专业的 n. 专业人员

  The progressive congressman dressed in black stressed his distress.


  progressive [ prə'gresiv ] a. 进步的,前进的 n. 进步人士

  congressman [ 'kɔŋgresmən ] 国会议员

  dress [ dres ] n. 女装,服装 v. 穿著

  stress [ stres ] n. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.负载

  distress [ dis'tres ] n. 苦恼,贫困 v. 使...苦恼

  The man depressed by the pressure from the press expressed the impression on him.


  depress [ di'pres ] v. 使...沮丧,压低 [计算机] 降低

  pressure [ 'preʃə(r) ] n. 压力,压强,压迫

  press [ pres ] n. 新闻界,压力 v. 按,压

  express [ iks'pres ] n. 快车,快递,专使 a. 急速的,明确的 v. 表达,表示

  impression [ im'preʃən ] n. 印象

  Initially I kept silent to the essential essay.


  initially [ i'niʃəli ] ad. 最初,开头

  silent [ 'sailənt ] a. 安静的,不吵闹的,沉默的,无言的

  essential [ i'senʃəl ] n. 要素,要点 a. 必要的,重要的,本质的

  essay [ 'esei, 'esi ] n. 短文,散文

  The enforced law reinforced that forced divorce is forbidden.


  enforce [ in'fɔ:s ] v. 厉行,强迫,执行

  reinforce [ ˌri:in'fɔ:s ] n. 加固物 v. 增援,加强 vt. 加强,增援

  force [ fɔ:s ] n. 力量,武力,影响力 v. 强迫,强夺,加压力 [计算机] 强制

  divorce [ di'vɔ:s ] n. 离婚 v. 与...办离婚

  forbidden [ fə'bidn ] a. 被禁止的

  In the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork.


  cork [ kɔ:k ] n. 软木塞,软木树,软木

  fork [ fɔ:k ] n. 叉 v. 叉起,耙,成叉状

  pork [ pɔ:k ] n. 猪肉

  workshop [ 'wə:kʃɔp ] n. 车间,工场,研讨会,讲习班

  That person personally persuaded the personnel with persuasive words.


  person [ 'pə:sn ] n. 人

  personally [ 'pə:sənəli ] ad. 自己,亲自地,以个人

  persuade [ pə'sweid ] a. 空闲的,有闲的 v. 说服 vt. 劝说,说服

  personnel [ ˌpə:sə'nel ] n. 人员,职员 a. 个人的,人事的

  persuasive [ pə'sweisiv ] a. 有说服力的 n. 动机(诱因)

  The dull bull fully fulfilled pulling the bulletproof bulletin board.


  dull [ dʌl ] a. 钝的,迟钝的,无趣的 [计算机] 暗淡的

  bull [ bul ] a. 大型(的),公牛(似的),雄性(的) n. 公牛

  fully [ 'fuli ] ad. 十分地,完全地,全

  fulfil [ ful'fil ] v. 实践,履行实行,尽

  pull [ pul ] n. 拉,拖,拉绳 vi. 拔,拉,拖 vt. 拉

  bullet [ 'bulit ] n. 子弹

  bulletin board [ 'bulitin bɔ:d ] n. 告示牌

  The lucky duck tucked in truck suddenly sucked the gas from the bucket.


  lucky [ 'lʌki ] a. 幸运的

  duck [ dʌk ] n. 鸭子 v. 没入水中,闪避

  tuck [ tʌk ] n. 缝摺,船尾突出部下方,食品 v. 打摺, 卷起,挤进

  truck [ trʌk ] n. 卡车

  suck [ sʌk ] v. 啜,吸,吸入,吮吸 <俚>糟糕, 太烂了

  bucket [ 'bʌkit ] n. 水桶

  Boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoil.


  boil [ bɔil ] v. 沸腾,煮沸 vi. 沸腾 vt. 煮沸

  oil [ ɔil ] n. 油,油画颜料 v. 涂油,溶化,加油

  soil [ sɔil ] n. 土地,土壤 v. 弄脏,(使)变脏 vi. 变脏 vt. 弄脏

  coil [ kɔil ] n. 卷,骚动 v. 盘绕,卷 n. 【电】线圈, 绕组

  toilet [ 'tɔilit ] n. 厕所,盥洗室

  spoil [ spɔil ] n. 战利品,奖品 v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐坏

  The selfish man put himself on the shelf.


  selfish [ 'selfiʃ ] a. 自私的,利己的

  himself [ him'self ] pron. 他自己

  shelf [ ʃelf ] n. 架子

  In this climate, the climber climbed up the cliff with his stiff limbs.


  climate [ 'klaimit ] n. 气候,风气,气氛

  climber [ 'klaimə ] n. 爬山者,攀登者

  climb [ klaim ] v. 攀登,上升,爬

  limb [ lim ] n. 树枝,肢,臂,腿

  cliff [ klif ] n. 悬崖,峭壁

  stiff [ stif ] a. 坚硬的,严厉的,呆板的 ad. 僵硬地,彻底地

  The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.


  puffy [ 'pʌfi ] a. 胀大的,肥满的,喘气的

  staff [ stɑ:f ] n. 全体人员,同事 n. 杆,棒 vt. 配备员工

  stuffy [ 'stʌfi ] a. 不通气的(固步自封的)

  sufficient [ sə'fiʃənt ] a. 足够的,充分的

  suffering [ 'sʌfəriŋ ] n. 苦楚,受难 vbl. 蒙受,受苦

  The member of good memory remembers to commemorate his friend with memorials.


  member [ 'membə ] n. 成员,会员

  memory [ 'meməri ] n. 记忆

  remember [ ri'membə ] v. 记得,记忆

  commemorate [ kə'meməreit ] v. 纪念,庆祝 vt.&n. 纪念

  memorial [ mi'mɔ:riəl ] a. 纪念的,追悼的 n. 纪念碑(堂),纪念仪式

  The room is lumbered with numerous cucumbers.


  lumber [ 'lʌmbə ] n. 木材,木料 v. 伐木 vi. 缓慢地移动 vt. 拖累

  numerous [ 'nju:mərəs ] a. 为数众多的,许多

  cucumber [ 'kju:kʌmbə ] n. 黄瓜

  The poet's toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros.


  poet [ 'pəuit, 'pəuet ] n. 诗人

  toe [ təu ] n. 脚趾,足尖 vt. 趾触,趾踢

  hero [ 'hiərəu ] n. 男主角,男主人公,英雄

  zero [ 'ziərəu ] num.&n. 零

  In the library, arbitrary the librarian wrote the auxiliary diary about military literature.


  library [ 'laibrəri ] n. 图书馆

  arbitrary [ 'ɑ:biˌtrəri ] a. 任意的,恣意的,专制的

  librarian [ lai'brɛəriən ] n. 图书管理员

  auxiliary [ ɔ:g'ziljəri ] n. 帮助者,辅助物,助动词 a. 附加的,辅助的

  diary [ 'daiəri ] n. 日记,日记簿

  military [ 'militəri ] a. 军事的 n. 军队

  The royal destroyer employs lots of loyal employees.


  royal [ 'rɔiəl ] a. 王室的,皇家的 n. 王室或皇族之一员

  loyal [ 'lɔiəl ] a. 忠诚的,忠心的 ad. 忠诚地,忠实地 n. 忠贞,忠诚,忠实

  destroyer [ dis'trɔiə ] n. 驱逐舰,阻止者

  employ [ im'plɔi ] 雇用,使用

  employee [ ˌemplɔi'i:, im'plɔii ] n. 雇员

  On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance.


  voyage [ 'vɔiidʒ ] n. 航行,旅程

  enjoyable [ in'dʒɔiəb(ə)l ] a. 有趣的,愉快的

  joy [ dʒɔi ] n. 欢乐,喜悦,乐趣,乐事 v. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣

  annoyance [ ə'nɔiəns ] n. 烦恼,可厌之事

  Her boyfriend fed a box of oxygen and hydrogen to the ox and fox.


  box [ bɔks ] n. 盒子,箱 v. 装...入盒中

  oxygen [ 'ɔksidʒən ] n. 氧,氧气

  hydrogen [ 'haidrəudʒən ] n. 氢

  ox [ ɔks ] n. 公牛,牛

  fox [ fɔ:ks ] n. 狐狸,狡猾的人 v. 奸狡地行动

  The instructor struggled to say, "The structure of the construction led to the destruction."


  instructor [ in'strʌktə ] n. 教师,讲师,指导书

  struggle [ 'strʌgl ] n. 竞争,努力,奋斗 v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎

  structure [ 'strʌktʃə ] n. 结构,构造,建筑物 v. 构成,建立,建造

  construction [ kən'strʌkʃən ] n. 建设,建造

  destruction [ dis'trʌkʃən ] n. 破坏,毁灭

  I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles.


  double [ 'dʌbl ] n. 两倍 a. 两倍的,双重的 v. 加倍的,快步走,加倍努力

  debate [ di'beit ] n. 辩论,讨论 v. 辩论

  debtor [ 'detə ] n. 借方,债务人

  doubtless [ 'dautlis ] a. 无疑的,确定的 ad. 无疑地,确定地

  trouble [ 'trʌbl ] n. 麻烦,困难 v. 困扰,麻烦,烦恼

  With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim.


  dim [ dim ] adj. 暗淡的, 模糊的 vt. 使暗淡, 使失去光泽 n. <美俚>笨蛋、傻子

  triumph [ 'traiəmf ] n. 凯旋,欢欣 v. 得胜,成功

  trim [ trim ] n. 整齐,装饰,修剪 a. 整齐的 v. 整理,修剪

  rim [ rim ] n. 边,轮缘,框 v. 镶边,为...之边

  brim [ brim ] n. 边,边缘,(河)边 v. 满,使...盈

  Twice the twin king wins the winter swinging under the wing of the plane.


  twice [ twais ] ad. 两倍,两次 n. 两次

  twin [ twin ] a. 孪生的 n. 双胞胎之一

  win [ win ] v. 赢得,胜利,成功

  winter [ 'wintə ] n. 冬季,冬天

  swing [ swiŋ ] n. 摇摆,改变,冲力 v. 摇摆,使...旋转,动摇

  wing [ wiŋ ] n. 翅膀,翼

  Having piled miles of files, the compiler smiled a while at the profile.


  pile [ pail ] n. 堆 v. 堆,堆积,拥挤进(入) vt. 堆积

  mile [ mail ] n. 英里

  file [ fail ] n. 档案,公文箱,锉刀 v. 列队行进,归档,申请 [计算机] 文件

  compiler [ kəm'pailə ] 编译器,编译程序

  profile [ 'prəufail ] n. 侧面,轮廓,人物素描 v. 描绘...轮廓,评论人物 n. 概要,人物简介

  By the spoon you'll soon see the smooth tooth of the moon above the booth.


  spoon [ spu:n ] n. 匙,匙形的铲子 v. 以匙舀起,调情

  soon [ su:n ] ad. 不久,很快

  tooth [ tu:θ ] n. 牙齿

  moon [ mu:n ] n. 月亮

  booth [ bu:ð ] n. 电话亭,货摊

  She met me in the Fleet Street and greeted me with a sweet smile.


  fleet [ fli:t ] n. 船队,舰队 v. 飞过,掠过

  street [ stri:t ] n. 街道

  greet [ gri:t ] v. 致敬,欢迎,映入眼帘

  sweet [ swi:t ] a. 甜的,可爱的,悦耳的 n. 糖果,甜点

  The conductor is reluctant to reduce the conductivity of the semiconductor.


  conductor [ kən'dʌktə ] n. 售票员 导体

  conductivity [ ˌkɔndʌk'tiviti ] n. 传导性,传导率

  semiconductor [ 'semikən'dʌktə ] n. 半导体

  reluctant [ ri'lʌktənt ] a. 不情愿的,勉强的

  reduce [ ri'dju:s ] v. 减少,分解,减低

  The producer introduced a productive technological product into production.


  producer [ prə'dju:sə ] n. 生产者

  productive [ prə'dʌktiv ] a. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

  product [ 'prɔdəkt ] n. 产品,成果,乘积

  production [ prə'dʌkʃən ] n. 生产,产品, 作品,成果

  introduce [ ˌintrə'dju:s ] v. 介绍

  The anxious man is unconscious of my anxiety.


  anxious [ 'æŋkʃəs ] a. 焦急的,忧虑的

  unconscious [ ʌn'kɔnʃəs ] a. 失去知觉的

  anxiety [ æŋ'zaiəti ] n. 焦虑,挂念,担心,渴望,热望

  Previously he was obviously envious of my success.


  previously [ 'pri:vju:sli ] ad. 以前(预先)

  obviously [ 'ɔbviəsli ] ad. 显然地

  envious [ 'enviəs ] a. 嫉妒的

  I highly appreciate the preceding man's precious precise exercise.


  appreciate [ ə'pri:ʃieit ] v. 欣赏,感激,赏识 v. 增值 v. 领会,充分意识

  preceding [ pri(:)'si:diŋ ] a. 在前的,在先的

  precious [ 'preʃəs ] a. 宝贵的,珍贵的

  precise [ pri'sais ] a. 精确的,准确的

  exercise [ 'eksəsaiz ] n. 练习,作业,运动 v. 练习,运动,运用

  The miracle mirrors a horrible error made by the terrorists in the terrible territory.


  miracle [ 'mirəkl ] n. 奇迹

  mirror [ 'mirə ] n. 镜子 v. 反映,反射

  horrible [ 'hɔrəbl ] a. 可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的

  terrible [ 'terəbl ] a. 可怕的,糟糕的

  territory [ 'teritəri ] n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

  I hurt my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily.


  tongue [ tʌŋ ] n. 舌头,语言

  cherry [ 'tʃeri ] n. 樱桃

  strawberry [ 'strɔ:bəri ] n. 草莓

  merrily [ 'merili ] ad. 欢乐地,愉快地

  The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.


  reclaim [ ri'kleim ] v. 开垦,纠正,收回

  proclaim [ prə'kleim ] v. 宣布,公告,宣言

  exclamation [ ˌeksklə'meiʃən ] n. 惊呼,惊叹词

  aimless [ 'eimlis ] a. 无目的的,没有目标的

  claim [ kleim ] n. 要求,要求权 v. 要求,请求,主张,声称,说明,断言

  In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus.


  circumstance [ 'sə:kəmstəns ] n. 环境,状况,事件

  bicycle [ 'baisik(ə)l ] n. 自行车 v. 骑自行车

  circle [ 'sə:kl ] n. 圆周,社交圈,循环 v. 包围,盘旋,环绕

  circus [ 'sə:kəs ] n. 马戏团

  focus [ 'fəukəs ] n. 焦点,焦距 v. 集中,聚集,使集中

  I'm busy unless I'm blessed with less lesson.


  busy [ 'bizi ] a. 忙的,繁忙的 v. 使忙于

  unless [ ən'les, ʌn'les ] conj. 除非 prep. 除...外

  bless [ bles ] v. 祝福,祈佑

  less [ les ] a. 更少的,更小的 ad. 更少地,更小地

  lesson [ 'lesn ] n. 课

  How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement?


  pronounce [ prə'nauns ] v. 发音,宣告,断言

  noun [ naun ] n. 名词

  ounce [ auns ] n. 盎司

  announcement [ ə'naunsmənt ] n. 公告,发表,告知

  It's incredible that the editor's editorial in this edition is edible.


  incredible [ in'kredəbl ] a. 难以置信的

  editor [ 'editə ] n. 编辑,编者

  editorial [ edi'tɔ:riəl ] n. 社论 a. 编辑的

  edition [ i'diʃən ] n. 版,版本

  edible [ 'edibl ] n. 食品,食物 a. 可食用的

  The whistler whispered, "Which is rich?"


  Which method of making the metal helmet is more economical in total?


  method [ 'meθəd ] n. 方法,办法 n. 类函数,类成员函数(计算机)

  metal [ 'metl ] n. 金属,质料 a. 金属制的 v. 以金属覆盖

  helmet [ 'helmit ] n. 头盔

  economical [ ˌi:kə'nɔmikəl ] a. 节俭的,经济的,合算的

  The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite.


  diligent [ 'dilidʒənt ] a. 勤奋的,用功的

  tedious [ 'ti:diəs ] a. 沉闷的, 单调乏味的

  intelligent [ in'telidʒənt ] a. 聪明的,智能的

  satellite [ 'sætəlait ] n. 卫星

  The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod.


  soda [ 'səudə ] n. 汽水,苏打

  goddess [ 'gɔdis ] n. 女神

  nod [ nɔd ] n. 点头,打盹,摆动 v. 点头,打盹,使...摆动

  The modest man moderately modified the model in this mode.


  modest [ 'mɔdist ] a. 谦虚的;适度的;端庄的

  moderately [ 'mɔdəritli ] ad. 适当地,适度地,中庸地

  modify [ 'mɔdifai ] v. 修改,更正,修饰

  model [ 'mɔdl ] n. 模型,模范,模特儿 a. 模范的,作模型用的 v. 做模型,塑造,模仿

  mode [ məud ] n. 方式,样式,时尚,时兴

  The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity.


  humorous [ 'hju:mərəs ] a. 幽默的,诙谐的

  rumour [ 'ru:mə ] n. 谣言,传闻 v. 传闻,谣传

  human [ 'hju:mən ] a. 人的,人类的 n. 人

  humanity [ hju(:)'mæniti ] n. 人类 人性;人道;慈爱[U] He treated the prisoners with humanity. 他人道地对待俘虏。 人文学科[the P] She has a background in humanities and modern languages. 她学过人文学科和现代语言。

  vanity [ 'væniti ] n. 虚荣心,浮华

  The wakened cake baker awakes to that he has to brake by the lake.


  baker [ 'beikə ] n. 面包师

  awake [ ə'weik ] a. 醒的 v. 唤醒,唤起,醒来

  brake [ breik ] n. 煞车 v. 煞车

  I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.


  take [ teik ] v. (took,taken) 拿,取 v. 修(课程),花费,记录,认为,搭乘

  overtake [ 'əuvə'teik ] v. 赶上,突然来袭,压倒

  undertaker [ 'ʌndəteikə(r) ] n. 承办人(计划者,企业家)

  stake [ steik ] n. 木柱,赌注,奖金 v. 打赌,下赌注

  mistake [ mis'teik ] n. 错误,误会 v. 犯错,误认