Some students skip school because they dislike the material taught in class.
In some countries, to come of age means to reach the age when someone is legally recognized as an adult and is legally responsible for his or her own behaviour.
Experts believe that people who speak two languages have a clear learning advantage over their monolingual schoolmates.
Economic globalization requires more culturally-competent university graduates who can meet the new market demands.
Education should be geared to the students’ needs and abilities.
Studying geography informs us about the different kinds of relationships that develop between a particular environment and the people who live there.
The workshop helps students to put theory into practice. They can test their ideas or plans for practical application there.
By doing experiments, students acquired first-hand experience with periodic table of the chemical elements.
The responsibility for educating children used to fall both on parents and on teachers.
1. 因特网已经广泛进入家庭了。
The internet has become widely available to households in the UK by 2000.
2. 随着越来越多的科技突破出现,对自然科学的研究在近些年来开始变得备受关注。
With more scientific breakthroughs, the study of natural sciences has become more sought-after in recent years.
3. 喷气式发动机的到来引发了高航速飞机的大批量生产。
The advent of the jet engine resulted in a large number of very fast planes.
4. 观众们热情地欢迎高清晰读时代的到来。
TV viewers welcomed the arrival of HDTV with open arms.
5. 政府试图让这些环保汽车在人们之间得到普及。
The government has been trying to popularize these eco-friendly cars.
6. 基因工程可以用来培育出生产力和抗病性更强的家畜。
Genetic engineering can be used to create more productive and disease-resistant farm animals.
7. 转基因食品中的改良基因对于人体的影响引起了公众的广泛担忧。
Genetic transfer from genetically-modified food to cells of the human body has caused public concern.
8. 通过云计算技术,计算机可以做到进入到世界上任何一个数据中心。
Cloud computing will permit access to multiple data centers anywhere on Earth.
9. 远程上班的优点包括节约能耗,提高工作安全性,还有增加家庭归属感。
The benefits of telecommuting include energy conservation improved workplace safety and enhanced family values.
10. 远程电视会议可以让大公司的工作更有效率。
Teleconferencing allows large companies to work more efficiently.
11. 支持太空探索的一个重要理由就是这样可以满足人类的好奇心。
A good reason to support space exploration is to satisfy human curiosity.
12. 有人认为太空竞赛只是一场毫无意义的浪费纳税人金钱的游戏。
Some people argue that the space race is just a pointless waste of taxpayers’ money.
13. 像脸书这样的社交网站给了人们联系其他有着共同兴趣目标的人一个平台。
Social networking websites like facebook are a good way to make connections with people with similar interests and goals.
14. 很多人相互交流的方式由于科技而改变了。
The way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
15. 由于因特网在鉴别使用者身份上做的还不够,所以防止身份盗窃行为就显得格外重要。
Since the Internet does not require enough identification to confirm the user being the same with the owner, identity theft prevention is a very important issue.
1. 考入一所名牌大学通常是一次需要付出艰苦努力但回报也同样丰厚的过程。
Attending a university with a top-tier reputation often is an arduous but rewarding process.
2. 教学是一项回报丰厚的事业。老师们可以再教学的过程中,用自己的努力去培育孩
Teaching can be a very rewarding career. It allows teachers to have an input in the development of young lives.
3. 相比其他地方的孩子,农村孩子在教育上的追求与渴望是大不相同的。
The educational aspirations/pursuits of rural youth tend to be different from those of students living elsewhere.
4. 一些人认为在男校或女校教育孩子更为有效,因为单一性别的环境可以减少干扰并
Some people think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single0-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourage pupils to concentrate on their studies.
5. 传统的教学方式构成授课的基础。
Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson.
6. 通过利用发散式思维,学生们可以用不走寻常路的方式来解决问题。
Using lateral thinking, the students can solve problems in an unconventional manner.
7. 学生们不应受到线性思维惯性的束缚,而相反地,他们应该更多地创造性思考。
The students should not rely on linear thinking habits. Instead, they should think more innovatively.
8. 学历证书在当今对找一份体面的工作有着至关重要的作用。
Today academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.
9. 一名学生在标准化考试中拿到高分并非就一定意味着他拥有很高的天赋。
High scores on standardized tests are not necessarily the best indicator of giftedness.
10. 在接受教育的过程中,我们可以从比我们更有天赋的人们所获得的成就中学习。
In the process of being educated we can learn from the achievements of those more gifted than ourselves.
11. 死记硬背并非是一无是处的,它可以帮助孩子牢记住像乘法表这样的基础知识。
Rote memorization is not entirely useless. It can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables.
12. 认为这些学校中的教学重复枯燥而且死记硬背的看法也许是不公正的。
The view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the facts by heart may be unfair and unjustified.
13. 没有人会介意犯错误或无知,只要你准备好去从中学习或吸取教训。
No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from them.
14. 学生在学校应养成尊重他人的权利,遵守良好行为规范的好习惯。
At school students should be taught respect for the rights of others and standards of upright conduct.
15. 当师资短缺时,校方应提倡学生的自我管理。
Students’ autonomy should be encouraged when there are not enough teachers to go around.