101的英文单词: one hundred and one
1. Sales jumped from million to over 1 million. 销售额从9,400万美元激增到了1.01亿美元。
2. a huge 101-seat overall majority 多出达101个席位的绝对优势
3. 'You asked me once,'said O'Brien,'what was in Room 101. “ 你有一次问我, ” 奥勃良说, “ 101号房里有什么.
4. Money followed, the general commodity with which all others 101 wereexchangeable.
随后就出现了货币, 即其余一切商品都可以和它交换的普遍商品.
5. Two opposite corners of this rhomb contain three obtuse angles of 101°95'. 菱面体的两个对顶包含着三个101°95'的钝角。
6. 'Room 101,' said the officer. “ 101号房, ” 那个军官说.
7. The number 101 . 11 contains only five bits. 101.11这个数只有5位.
8. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world.' 101号房里的东西是世界上最可怕的东西. ”
9. Get expert tips and tricks from the Bonus 101 Video. 从奖励的101电视台获得专家提示和技巧.
10. Jimmy inspired me to clear up all 101 items on my list. 吉米鼓励我化解我清单上的101条.