英 ['riːəli] 美 ['riːəli]
It's really cold today.
Go ahead. Do whatever you really love.
After the shock of their electoral defeat, the party really began to pull together.
Did she really say so?
They regard themselves as the best, and yet they don't really seem to have a clear strategy.
Issues such as these were not really his concern 他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。
I don't see the point in it really It's just stupid 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。
"You really won't tell?" she asked, begging for reassurance “你真的不说吗?”她问道,乞求得到安慰。
I really don't see any reason for changing it 我真的不明白为什么要改变它。
Today was really a bit of a write-off for me 今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。
I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross 我只有在觉得自己胖得很难看的时候才能拒绝巧克力这类东西的诱惑。
They've picked up a really nasty infection from something they've eaten 他们因吃错东西而得了很严重的感染症。
If we had a child, we'd be in really dire straits 假如我们有了小孩,我们会真正陷入困境。
Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product 就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。
It sounds like a wonderful idea to me, does it really work? 听起来这个主意很不错,真的能行吗?
It's really an amazing dance It just always brings the house down 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。
It was a joy to see It really made my day 这太有趣了,真的把我高兴坏了。
An employer can demand written certification that the relative is really ill 雇主可以要求出具书面证明,证实员工的亲人确实病了。
It's a game that has really lost its allure 这是一项的确已失去了魅力的游戏。
It is really not clear just why he became a Socialist 他为何成为社会党人的确切原因实际上还不清楚。
I'm lucky really as I never put on weight 我很幸运,因为我的体重从来没有增加过。
Heavy Metal music really arose in the late s 重金属音乐真正形成于年代后期。
I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing 我真为这种事感到委屈。
He really was one of the finest boxers in post-war Britain 他确实是战后英国最优秀的拳击手之一。
Hopefully she'llunderstand and forgive you, if she really loves you 如果她真的爱你的话,希望她会理解并原谅你。