在公司里,你也许是个秘书,你也许是管理财务的人员,你也许负责管理档案,你也许负责管理人力资源……,总之几乎你得天天待在办公室里,坐在办公桌旁处理 堆积如山的文件,每天你有许许多多的杂事要处理,每天你有快乐,但更多的是不顺心,因为你是人,你需要与周围的同事和平共处,你需要克制忍耐;可又因为你 是有血有肉的活生生的人,你要发泄(否则你会得心脏病),你要抱怨(因为憋在肚子里你会感到对不起自己):为什麽你总是在办公室里抽烟?为什麽他工作中总 是犯这样那样的错误,害得我要在他的後面忙来忙去?为什麽一到快要下班了,他们还要给我这麽多工作?谁又拿我的钢笔了?害得我找也找不到……。这些事情虽 然琐碎,但也许你每天都要碰到。下面是一些例句,你或许会从中学会怎样用英语发牢骚:
1. Yech...it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.
2. How am I to know what I'm supposed to do if there's no organization around here?
3.The company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubs like this.
4.Now where did my eraser go this time?Don't take things off other people's desks without asking them,O.K.?
5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space,all right?
6.Turn the other way when you smoke,so I won't have to breathe it,all right?
7.Don't talk to me while I'm in the middle of calculating.
8.Ah,heck!Another mistake.The staff here can't even use their calculators right!
9.Oh,why did he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!
10.I know I made a mistake.I just wish he wouldn't keep hammering away at it.