1. Write a list 列清单
Your list should be organized, prioritizing whatneeds to be done, what should be done, and whatyou want to get done.
A goal calender and a written agenda are also goodideas.
2. Carry around a pen and paper 随身携带纸笔
To remind yourself of any ideas or important questions that pop into your head.
3. Avoid interruptions 避免干扰
Keep both telephone and online chatter to minimum ,restrict your breaks to a ten minutesmaximum ,and resist the temptation of checking email or the latest headlines on a newwebsite.
4. Pace yourself 自我调节
First and foremost,get enough sleep;second,walk around and stretch at least once an hour togive your neck,wrest,eyes a rest;third,keep health snacks around to munch on.
5. Surround yourself with positibe people 让你的周围都是积极的人
Hang out with cheerful, goal-oriented people, you'll not only get plenty of encouragement,you can also get some handy tips.
6. Break down your tasks 分解你的任务
Don't try to trackle large tasks all at once, instead,split big projects into smaller, moremanageable parts.
7. Create a reward system 创建犒劳机制
By giving yourself modest rewards for your progress,you creat an incentive to finish your task.
8. Clean up the clutter 清理混乱
Clean off any extraneous materiel:irrelevent notes,toys,books you never use.
9. Limit your web surfing 限制你上网的时间
Make surfing the web one of your small rewards by determing a set period of time.
By implementing these simple 9 steps, you'll notice an immediate change in how much youcan get done. And guess what? The more effective you are, the more respect and recognitionyou'll earn from your boss and colleagues, and that will translate into a happier you.