摘要:《致橡树》是舒婷创作于1977年3月的爱情诗。是朦胧诗派的代表作之一,作为新时期文学的发轫之作,《致橡树》在文学史上的地位是不言自明的。 作者通过木棉树对橡树的“告白”,来否定世俗的,不平等的爱情观,呼唤自由,平等独立,风雨同舟的爱情观,喊出了爱情中男女平等,心心相印的口号,发出新时代女性的独立宣言,表达对爱情的憧憬与向往。
To The Oak
Shu ting
If I love you
I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper
upvalue myself by your height
If I love you
I will never follow a spoony bird
repeating the monotone song for the green shade
not only like a springhead
brings you clean coolness whole year long
not only like a steepy peak
enhances your height, sets off your straightness
even sunshine
and spring rain
No, all these are not enough!
I must be a ceiba by your side
as a tree standing together with you
our roots melt underneath
our leaves merge in clouds
when wind breezes
we greet each other
but no one
can understand our peculiar words
you have your strong stem and branches
like knives and swords
and like halberds
I have my red ample flowers
like heavy sighs
and heroic torches as well
we partake cold tide,thunder storm,firebolt
together we share brume,flowing mist,rainbow
as if we separate all the time
actually we forever rely on each other
this is great love
loyalty lives here
not only your giant body
but also the position you stand,the earth under your feet