Concerns have resurfaced in China over the safety of toothpastes containing triclosan, a chemical that may lead to cancer, after the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started a new round of safety reviews.
Toothpaste brands affected include Crest and Colgate.
P&G China said in a statement that only two Crest toothpaste brands sold in China - Crest Multi-Care and Crest Night-Time - contain triclosan and that the amounts are within the legal limit set by Chinese authorities in 2009, which is 0.3 percent of the total weight of the toothpaste.
【讲解】文中的triclosan即指三氯生,学名“二氯苯氧氯酚”,是一种广谱杀菌剂(bactericide),被广泛应用于肥皂(soap)、牙膏(toothpaste)等日用化学品之中。2005年的一项实验发现三氯生与自来水(tap water)中的氯(chlorine)发生反应,产生致癌物(carcinogen) 氯仿(chloroform)。