Wang Lee-hom stands accused of lip-synching at a recent televised business show in Dalian, Liaoning province, where he performed three songs. Those in the audience pointed out his lips weren't moving but he could still be heard singing.
This sounds like lip-synching and looked like it, but the singer's company was insistent its star performer would never do such a thing, as he is so talented. The event's organizer, however, was quoted by SZHK.com as saying a CD of Wang's music was part of the mix because "the wind was so strong and the microphone wasn't working that well".
文中的“lip-synching”就是“假唱”的意思。“lip-synch”是指“对口型”,可以用来指“配音”。“lip-sync”也是同样的意思。lip synchronization是名词,意思是“对口型”,是一种后期配音的技术手段。与“假唱”对应的“真唱”可译为 to sing live,名词可以译为live singing。