名词解释:间隔年(Gap Year)是西方国家的青年在升学或者毕业之后工作之前,做一次长期的旅行,让学生在步入社会之前体验与自己生活的社会环境不同的生活方式。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of college students in the UK choose to take a gap year or a short-term volunteering trip abroad. They dig wells in Africa, build schools in Thailand and save elephants in India.
It sounds like a win-win situation in which students broaden their experience by helping others, while locals benefit from their financial support, knowledge and skills.
“gap year”在文中解释为间隔年,“gap”是名词,解释为间隔、隔阂、差距等。相关的词组有:close the gap 缩小差距、generation gap 代沟等。
“win-win”是形容词,解释为双赢的,例如:win-win cooperation 合作共赢、win-win idea 双赢理念等。