名词解释: 吉祥物又叫萌物,是人类原始文化的产物,是原始的人类在和大自然的斗争中形成的人类原始的文化。在这种和大自然的斗争中,人类首先以生存需要为中心,而在发展过程中自然就形成趋吉避邪的本能的观念。你知道用英语怎么表达吗
Donning Qing Dynasty costumes, the designs for Zhuangzhuang and Meimei originate from the traditional Chinese symbols of the dragon and the phoenix.
The names of the mascots also bear special meaning.
"Zhuang," which means strong in Mandarin, represents the gorgeous Forbidden City. "Mei", the word for beauty, stands for more than 1.8 million treasures collected within its walls.
Sadly, the mascots did not receive unanimous applause, with some netizens saying Meimei looked more like a penguin than a phoenix.
文中的mascot作名词,意为“吉祥物;吉祥的东西”,如:the Expo mascot(世博吉祥物)。我国民间流传的吉祥物形形色色,如:龙(dragon),凤凰(phoenix),喜鹊(magpie)等。
最后一段中的unanimous是形容词,意为“全体一致的”,unanimous in sth.表示“一致同意某事”,如:The members were unanimous in approving the project.(成员们一致同意批准这个计划。)