Buying Train Tickets英语教案及反思
Buying Train Tickets英语教案及反思
英语教案对于小学英语课堂的展开十分关键,是英语老师们教学的重要依据,下面学习啦小编为大家带来Buying Train Tickets英语教案及反思,希望对你有所帮助!
Buying Train Tickets英语教案:
After this lesson, students should do their utmost to know knowledge as follows:
a. Mastery Words
Buy tickets train station
b. sentences
How much ……?
Raise students’ interests in English and they can finish the dialogue by themselves.
The importance of practice in daily life
Audiotape, PowerPoint
a. Mastery Words
Buy tickets train station
B. sentences
How much ……?
1. all of the students can say the jump, run, and walk from to
2. Use from to to make up sentences.
3. Make up a short dialogue and perform it.
4. The students can cooperate well with their team friends. Analyses
Step1. Warming-up and revision:
Step 2.Chant the “Leave Arrive Chant .”
Step 3 Review how to read time.
Draw clocks on the blackboard and ask the class to recite the times in English.
Key concepts
(Donut) jump, run, walk
From to
This lesson has two groups f the key concepts. Teach them together.
Step 4 Act out jump run and walk.
Then do these actions from one object to another .Ask for a volunteer to do the actions from one object to another with you
(Let’s run/jump/walk from one to another .)
Then ask for volunteers to do them without you ,but as you direct . Sometimes change / your directions while your volunteers are still moving between objects .
For example
Teacher: Please jump from this book to that chair.
(Begin jumping from this book to the chair)
Teacher: Stop! Please donut jump! Please walk from the book to the chair 1 Use the student book and audiotape Review the story so far. Danny, Jenny and Liming have packed their suitcases. Look at the pictures in the lesson with the class > what are they doing now?
Step 5.Play Tic-Tac- Tic.
Give the students directions such as those below. Note that, in English, you can say from to . Or to from. Both are correct, the students must listen carefully to the construction of each sentence you say.
Please walk to the clock from the door.
Please donut run from the chair to the window.
Please jump.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask the groups to pretend they are going on a trip and that they are buying tickets. Please read the suggestions for making up dialogues.
Lesson 29 : Buying Train Tickets
jump ,run ,walk
from to
Exercise book P57-58
Buying Train Tickets教学反思:
对话是在一定情景下的习惯性语言,脱离了情景,对话也就失去了意义。在教学中,教师不可能将真实生活情景搬入课堂,但能模拟真实情景,创设接近生活的真实的语言环境,这有利于学生理解和掌握对话内容。例如:在教授五年级英语Buying train tickets这一课时就让学生扮演李明去买票,扮演妈妈、列车员去制止Danny。简单的内容,轻松的情节加上同学表演时全身心的投入,惟妙惟肖的表演就像一个全真的课本剧,深深吸引了同学们的注意力,激发了学生们的兴趣。使学生们不知不觉中就掌握了How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuan to Beijing,please? I need four tickets,please. When dose the train leave? Don’t run.等很多实用句型。而且这样的教学使学生对内容的理解不是空洞的而是真实的、深刻的。又如在学习My family这一内容时我让学生把自己家的全家福带到课堂上让学生面向全班同学介绍自己的一家人,然后进行角色表演家人对话。学生的热情非常高涨,气氛非常活跃。用英语说自己家的事让学生感觉英语就在身边,英语可以轻松的说出口,学英语,用英语并不困难。这些对话表演,不仅可以帮助学生了解对话内容。还可以逼真地再见对话情境,使学生有身临其境的感觉,大大激发了他们内在的表达欲望,从而更加积极地参加到对话活动中,加深了对对话内容的理解。同时又在表演中展露了自己的才华,在相互评价中体现自我。
教师将学生要学的对话融于其中,会加深学生对语言的理解,帮助学生在语言与表达对象之间建立起联系,从而调动学生积极性,使学生更自觉,更有趣地进行英语交际活动。例如:在学习My country and English-speaking country时我利用多媒体电脑将网上有关这些国家的专题介绍片放给学生,消除学生对这些国家的陌生感,使学生的学习过程就像是在一个个充满神秘色彩的国度旅行,像一个旅行者一样深入情景深入课文深入角色,自觉主动实践,掌握各个国家的基本情况。