1、assess:(vt)确定,评定(某数额) ~ sth at sth;确定,评定(某事物)的价值,估价; 估计、评定某事物的质量 ~ sth as sth
assess the damage at ¥350 评定损害赔偿金为 350 元
have a house assessed by a valuer 由估价者给房子估价
I’d assess your chance as extremely low。我估计你成功的机会极微。
◎ assessment(n)确定,评定;评价,看法;核定的付款额
◎ assessor(n)估价员,评税员
★ appraise:(vt)assess the value or quality of sb/sth 评价,估价,鉴定
It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraised。买房子不事先估价是不明智的。
◎ appraisal(n)评价,估价,鉴定
2、chamber(n)(旧时)房间,尤指寝室;(动物体内或某些机器里封闭的)腔,室,洞穴; 行政或立法机构(用的大厅)
chamber concert 室内音乐会
★ room(n)房间,室;(pl)一套房间(通常指租的),寓所;机会,范围,余地 ~ for sth
There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work 你的工作还有很多改进的余地
◎ roomful(a)一室所能容纳的数量,一屋子的
◎ roomy(adj)宽敞的
(习语)There’s no room to swing a cat。这地方过于狭小。
3、 disdain(v)feeling that sb is not good enough 鄙视、轻视,蔑视
Treat other people’s idea with desdain。蔑视别人的意见
★ despise(vt) ~ sb/sth for sth 鄙视、藐视、看不起
Strike-breakers are often despised by their workmates。破坏罢工的人常为同事所不齿
4、 espy(vt)(旧)看到某人某事物
Was it you I espied jogging in the park this morning?我今天早上看到有个人在公园里慢跑,是你 么?
5、 gloss(n)平滑表面上的光泽或光亮;用以产生光泽的物质;(比喻)虚假的外表,虚饰
(v)~ over sth 简略的、浮皮潦草的或敷衍的处理某事(以求避开难堪)
With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood。使用这种光蜡可以使木器表面非常平 滑光亮
gloss paint 清漆
gloss over the awkward facts 掩饰令人尴尬的事实
◎ glossy(adj)光滑的,光亮的
★ sleek(adj)smooth and glossy 光滑而有光泽的;(贬)指人保养的很好的,脑满肠肥的;时 髦的
★ doorman(n)看门人
7、packet(n)(美式英语常作 package)包装商品的小盒、小袋
★ parcel(n)指包起来(常指用牛皮纸)邮寄的物品
★ lectern(n)(台面倾斜用于放讲稿的)讲台,(教堂用的)读经台
The meet will scorch if you don’t lower the gas 如果你不把煤气关小点肉就糊了。
★ singe(vi)烧焦,烧糊
The crowd surged into the stadium。观众涌入体育场。
★ rise(v)上升,达到
★ implement(n)工具,器具;(v)使事物生效、履行、实施
1、access(n) ~ to sth means of approaching or entering (进入或接近某地的)方法,通路
The village is easy of access。到那个村子的路很容易走。
The only access to the farmhouse is across the field。要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地。
~ to sth/sb (使用某物或接近某人的)机会,权利
Students must have access to a good library。学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。
◎ accessible(adj) ~ to sb 可接近的,可进入的,可使用的
★ approach(v)(在时间或空间上)接近或靠近某人某事物
The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house。我们要想一想 买新房子的事情了,时机即将来临。
As you approach the town the first building you see is the church。接近那座城镇时,首 先看到的就是教堂。
Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeare’s greatness。莎士比亚的伟大,鲜有作 家能望其项背。
(vt)begin to tackle 着手处理(事务、难题等)
Before trying to solve the puzzle,let us consider the best way to approach it。想要解决
At her approach,the children ran off。她走近的时候,孩子们全跑开了
That’s the nearest approach to a smile he ever makes。那已算他作出的最近乎微笑的表
◎ approachable(adj)(指人或物)可接近的
2、beckon(v)(以手、臂、头部的动作)召唤某人(通常使之走近或跟随自己) ~ to sb to do sth
City life beckons many a country boy。都市生活吸引着许多乡村子弟
~ sb in, on, over, etc 示意某人按指定的方向行动
The girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in。站在洞口的一个女孩摆手
★ signal(v)(不用于被动) ~ to sb/sth for sth 发信号传达(某信息),用信号与某人通讯
signaling wildly with one’s arms 奋力挥臂打信号
3、concur(vi)~ with sb in sth 同意,表示意见一致
She expressed her opposition to the plan,and I fully concur with her in this matter。她 对计划表示反对,在这一问题上我完全同意她的看法。
Everything concurred to produce a successful result。所有的事都同时发生而产生了一 个圆满的结局。
★ agree(vi)~ to sth 同意,答应
~ with 同意,与某人意见一致
4、denounce(vt) ~ sb to sb as sth (向当局)告发某人
An informer denounced him to the police as a terrorist。检举人已向警方告发他是恐怖
Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement。工会负责人谴责这
★ accuse(vt)~ sb of sth 指责某人有错,犯罪或犯法;指控,控告,谴责
accuse sb of cheating 谴责某人欺诈
◎ accusatory(adj)指责的,谴责的,控告的
accusatory remarks,glances 谴责的言语、目光
5、fray(n)the fray(修辞或谑)打斗,争吵
Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope。再粗的绳子也禁不住总磨
★ shred(n)(尤做复数)(撕下、切下、刮下)的细条、碎片
The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire。那件夹克让铁丝网给挂碎了。
shredding top-secret documents 用碎纸机把绝密文件切成碎片
◎ shredder(n)切碎机,碎纸机
6、hamper(vt)prevent the movement or activity;hinder sb/sth 束缚某人;妨碍某人某事物
Our progress was hampered by the bad weather。我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍。
★ hinder(vt) ~ sb/sth from doing sth prevent the progress obstruct or delay sb 阻碍、妨碍 某事物的进展,阻挠或耽误某人
Production was hindered by lack of materials。由于缺乏原料,生产陷入停顿。
Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society。暴力犯罪仅危害现 代社会的弊病之一。
★ ailment(n)小病
He’s prone to minor ailments。他动不动就生点小病。
8、plod(vi) ~ along/on 迈着沉重的脚步行走;艰难的行走;缓慢的进行某工作
We plodded on through the rain for several hours。 我们在雨中跋涉了几个小时。
~ away 持续并缓慢(艰难的)工作
He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn’t finish them in time。他彻夜不眠的 清理帐目,却未能按时完成。
★ trudge(vi)(因疲惫,走长路)缓慢而吃力的走
He trudged 20 miles。 他吃力的走了 20 英里。
the remnants of a shattered army 被击溃的军队残余部分
remnants of one’s former glory 自己过去的光荣见证
★ residue(n)(通常做单数)剩余物,残余 10、snore(vi)打鼾,打呼噜
snoring noisily with his mouth open 张着嘴大声打鼾
★ wheeze(vi)呼吸时有声响(指由胸部发出的哨声,如因哮喘、支气管炎)
11、tinge(vt)(尤用于被动语态) ~ sth with sth 使某物稍染颜色;使某物略受影响
admiring tinged with envy 稍含妒忌的赞美
★ tincture(n) ~ of sth (事物或性质的)些微迹象或特色
a tincture of heresy 稍有异端意味