1. once 一次
single 单一的
singleness 单一;单身
single-handed 独手的,只用一只手的
2. pair 双,对
double 两倍的
double-decker 双层床;双层电车
double-chinned 双下巴的
3. quarter 四分之一;一刻钟;两角五分钱(美国、加拿大的)
three quarters 四分之三
4. dozen 十二,一打
two dozen of 两打
dozens of 好几打,很多的
in dozens 成打的
dozenth = twelfth 第十二
a bakers (/ printers / long) dozen 十三个
5. score 二十
three score and ten 七十
two score of 四十个
scores of 大批的
in scores 大量地,大批地
6. fortnight 十四日,两星期
fortnightly 两星期一次的;双周刊
7. decade 十年
century 百年,世纪
bicentenary 二百周年(的)
octocentenary 八百周年(的)
millenary / millennium 千年,千年
字母" t "的发音
Today’s tip is on the pronunciation of the letter " t ".
(" t "的发音)今天的小贴士是关于字母 " t " 的发音。
Of course the letter " t " is usually pounced " t ".
当然字母 " t " 通常发成 " t "。(编注:原字幕此处有错误)
But you may have noticed that in fluent speech, native speakers sometimes pronounced the " t " as " d ".
但是你可能注意到在流利的口语中,以英语为母语的人有时就会把 " t " 发成 " d "。
That happens when the " t " comes between two voiced sounds.
那通常是 " t " 出现在两个发音的中间。
Do you know what sounds in English are voiced?
Well, there’re 15 voiced consonant sounds in English. b, d, g, m, n, ɡ, z, δ, l, r, dз, з, j, w.
Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced.
So let’s look at some examples of words in which the " t " may be pronounced " d ".
所以我们来看下单词中有 " t " 发成 " d " 的例子。
1. "matter".
"matter" is often pronounced "mader" as in “What’s the matter?”
"matter" 经常会发成 "madder"如在 “What’s the matter?”
2. "atom".
"atom" is often pronounced "adom" as in “The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.”
"atom"通常会发成 "adom"如在“The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.”
3. "twenty".
"twenty" is often pronounced "twendi" as in “That will be twenty dollars, please.”
"twenty" 通常会发成"twendi" 如在“That will be twenty dollars, please.”
4. "little".
"little" is often pronounced "liddle" as in “He got a little angry.”
"little" 通常会发成"liddle" 如在“He got a little angry.”
5. "city".
"city" is often pronounced "cidi" as in “Did you grow up in the city or the country?”
"city"通常会发成"cidi"如在“Did you grow up in the city or the country?”
6. "butter".
"butter" is often pronounced "buder" as in “Pass the butter, please.”
"butter"通常会发成"buder"如在“Pass the butter, please.”
When people speak slowly or emphatically, however, they usually pronounce the " t " like " t ", not like " d ".
当人们慢慢地或强调地说时, 他们通常会把" t " 发成" t ",而不是" d "。
Also, a " t " does not sound like " d " when it comes before a stressed vowel as in "return".
而且是," t " 不会发成 " d " 当它出现在如 "return" 中一个重音的元音前面。
This has been today’s daily tip on learning English.
ice cream 冰淇淋
hamburger 汉堡包
tea 茶
sandwich 三文治
salad 沙拉
fresh 新鲜的,刚摘的
healthy 健康的
delicious 美味的;可口的
hot 辣的;辛辣的
sweet 含糖的;甜的
hungry 饿的
thirsty 渴的;口渴的
favourite 特别喜爱的
food 食物
drink 喝;饮
carrot 胡萝卜
chicken 鸡肉
onion 洋葱
milk 牛奶
bread 面包
beef noodles 牛肉面
fish sandwich 鱼肉三明治
tomato soup 西红柿汤
★ 复习方法