1. I'm sorry, but I don't think I know you.
对不起, 我想我不认识你。
[问]怎样翻译“I don't think I know you.?"
2. No, Jeanne, I wasn't ill. I know I look oler than my age now. That's because of hard work -ten years of hard work. 不,珍妮,我没有病,我知道我看起来比我的实际年龄要苍老多了。那都是因为艰苦劳动造成的——十年的艰苦劳动啊!
[问]beause of 与beause有什么区别?
[答]beause of是介词短语,后面接名词,代词或动名词。beause是连词,连接从句,表原因。例如:Beause he didn't work hard, he failed in his final examination. 由于他学习不刻苦努力,所以在期末考试中他失败了。
3. I'm sorry, Mathide. Have times been hard for you?对不起,玛蒂尔达。你的日子过得很苦吗?
4. Well, I would rather not。唉,就是因为那个项链,你那漂亮的钻石项链!
[问]I would rather not后面省略了什么?
[答]I would rather not完整句子应该是“I would rather not tell you"。注意:would rather, had better 后面应接动词原形。
5. Well, ... Well, it was all because of that necklace, your beautiful diamound necklace.唉,就是因为那个项链,你那漂亮的钻石项链!
6. Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the place so I needed to borrow some jewellery.你还记得吗?10年前的一个下午,我来到你的房间并且找你借了根项链。我的丈夫,皮埃尔,当时在一家政府办公室改组哦。我们被邀请参加一个宫廷舞会,所以,我就需要借些珠宝。 when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? 是时间状语从句吗?
[答]不是,在这里是由when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词one afternoon ten years ago.
7. I was the only person in my office who was invited. I've written to accept the invitation.
我是我们办公室唯一被邀请的成员。 我已经书面表示接受邀请。
[问] who was invited做定语,是定语从句,修饰先行词the only person。accept不能由receive替换,accept是主观乐意接受;而receive是客观上收到。
8. And a new dress costs over four hundred francs. 买一件新的要花400多法郎。
9. I can't be the only woman who isn't wearing jewellery. 我不能成为唯一一个不戴珠宝的女性。
[答]jewellery 做“珠宝”意思讲时是不可数名词。jewel是可数名词。有复数形式jewels。
10. Do you have a friend who might lend you some? 你的朋友能借给你吗/
[问] who might lend you some是什么从句?
[答]who might lend you some是定语从句,修饰先行词a friend。
11. So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery. Do you remember now?这样,我就来拜访你,并且问了是否我可以借一些珠宝。你还记得吗?
[问]call on 的用法?
[答]call on 有“拜访;号召”的意思。另外注意:call at 是“拜访某地”;call for 是“要求”的意思。
12. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. 琳良满目的,真难挑选。
[问]to choose为什么不用被动?
[答]to choose 在这里用主动表示被动。
13. On our way home that night I lookedd down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. 那天夜晚,在回家的路上,我低下头,发现项链再也不在我的脖子上了。
[问]On our way home 的意思是什么?
[答]On our way home 意思是“在回家的路上”on one's way to... 在……的路上”in the way 挡道。By the way “顺便说一下”。
14. That's why I now look so old. Well, after all these years we've at last paid off all our debts. 这就是我现在显得老的原因。这些年之后,我们终于把帐还清了。
[问]that's why...? 句型是什么从句? pay off 的意思?
[答]that's why ... 是表语从句。“那就是为什么……?”例如:That's why I told you the truth.那就是我为什么告诉你那个真相。pay off “偿还清”。
15. When I play a computer game, I act as one of the heroes in the game. 当我玩电脑游戏的时候,我常扮演里面的英雄。
[问]When I paly... 句型是什么从句?act as 的意思?
[答]此句是一个时间状语从句,表示“当……时”,例如:When I was a child, I loved to smile very much. 当我是个小孩子时,我非常喜欢笑。act as意为“充当”
16. The student is on her way to school and she meets a girl that looks exactly like her. 一个女同学在上学的路上,碰到了和她长得一模一样的女孩。
[问]“on one's way to... "是什么意思?that在此引导什么从句?
[答]“On one's way to ..."是“在去……路上”的意思。that引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词“a girl”。
1. footprint [5fJtprInt]n. 脚印,足迹
例:They discovered suspicious footprints in the snow. 他们在雪地上发现了可疑的足迹。
2. fingerprint [5fIN^EprInt]n. 指纹//vt. 采……的指纹
例:They were photographed and had their fingerprints taken. 他们将被摄下来, 然后取走他们的指纹。
[常用词组]take a person's fingerprints采某人的指纹
3. tire[5taiE]vt. 使疲倦;使失去(兴趣、耐心、力气)//v.想停止做某事;厌烦
例:The old man tires very soon if the exerts himself. 这位老人一用力气就感到很累。
She never tires of talking about her children. 她总是不厌其烦地谈她的孩子。
4. mysterious [mis5tiEriEs]adj. 神秘的;奇怪的;难以理解的
例: There were mysterious lights at night in the empty house. 晚上那座空房子有神秘的亮光。
5. scary [5skZEri]adj. (事物)可怕的,恐怖的,吓人的;容易受惊的,胆怯的;提心吊胆的
例:Don't be so scary. 不要那样的提心吊胆
[常用词组]a scary movie 恐怖电影
6. dormitory [5dC:mitri]n. 集体寝室;宿舍
例:Boys who live at school sleep in a cormitory. 住校的男生在宿舍里睡觉。
7. recognize [5rekE^naiz]vt. 认出,辨认;认识;清楚知道;认定;承认
例:I recognized his voice. 我认出了他的声音。
I recognized him to be cleverer than I am. 我认识他比我聪明。
I recognize that I have been wrong. 我承认我错了。
8. diamond [5daiEmEnd]n. 钻石,金刚石;(扑克牌)方块;方片
例:The ring has a diamond in it. 戒指上镶着一块钻石。
I've only one diamond left in my hand. 我手里仅剩一个方片了。
9. ball [bC:l]n. 球,如足球,网球;球状物;舞会;传球方式
例:Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 例如,球类运动已经在世界各地传播开了。
The earth is a ball. 地球是一个球体。
For the first time in our lives we were invited to an important ball. 那是我们一生中第一次应邀参加一个重要舞会。
10. Franc[frANk]n. 法郎(法国、比利时、瑞士等国的货币单位)
例:She had about four hundred frances. 她大约有四百法郎。
11. continue [kEn5tinju:]vt. 继续;重新开始//vi. 连续;前进;延伸
例:They decided to continue their strike. 他们决定继续罢工。
Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne her story. 玛蒂尔德继续向吉茵讲她的那段经历。
The earthquake continued for about ten minutes. 地震持续约十分钟。
She continued along the path until she came to the river. 她沿着小路一直走到小河边。
[常用词组]continued from (on)page 15上接(下转)第十五页/to be continued (未玩)待续/to continue down 延续到/ continue on one's (=way)继续走自己的道路
12. lovely [5lQvli]adj. 秀丽的,可爱的;欢乐的,使人愉快的
例:The lovely girl is planning to be a nurse. 那个漂亮的小女孩打算当护士。
They had a lovely time there. 他们在那儿过得很快活。
13. bring back (1)把...带回来(2)使回想起
例:I have brought back the book you lent me. 我把你借给我的书还回来了。
This story brought back my unhappy childhood. 这个故事使我想起我悲惨的童年。
14. pay off (1) 全部偿清(2)给薪解雇
例:You'll have to pay off yor old loan before being allowed a new one. 你必须还清旧债,才能重新贷款。
After all these years, we've at last paid off all our debts. 经过这么多年,我们总算把债还清了。
The crew have been paid off. 船员被发薪遣散。
15. debt[det]n. 债,债务,欠款
例:I must pay him a debt of ¥5. 我得还他五块钱的债。
Dabts of blood must be paid in blood. 血债要用血来还。
The debts that he owed her could never be paid. 他欠她的人情总也还不清。
She must be getting into debt. 她一定负债了。
[常用词组]a large debt 巨额债款/a national debt 国债/out of debt 不欠债/under a heavy debt 债台高筑/ clear a debt还清欠债/owe a debt 欠债get (run) into debt 开始负债/to get out of debt 不欠债
16. precious [5preFEs]adj. 宝贵的,贵的;亲爱的
例:Time is so precious that you must make full use of it.时间很宝贵,你必须充分利用它。
His children are very precious to him.他的孩子对他来说可是宝贝了。
17. positive [5pCzEtiv]adj. 明确的,确实的,无疑的,难以否定的;(陈述等)明白的,直截的;(无比较级、最高级)(口语)完全的,十足的;(人)确信的,有把握的;(人)确信(……)的,对(……)有把握的(of,about);(人)确信(……事);(人、态度等)过分自信的,独断的;实用的,有用的,实在的,真实的,实际上。
例:Are you positive about (of)it?你对那件事有把握吗?
I'm positive that this man stole the car. 我确信这个男人偷了那部车。
One must be positive, but not too positive. 一个人必须有自信,但不可过分自信。
“Are you sure?" "I'm (absolutely )positive." "你有把握吗?”“我(绝对)有把握。”
[常用词组]a positive fact (change)无可怀疑的事实(变化)/a positive promise 明确的约定/positive proof =proof positive 确证/a positive refusal 断然拒绝/make a positive atatement of one's position 明言自己的立场/a positive fool 十足的傻瓜,大傻瓜/a positive nuisance十分讨厌9麻烦)的人/a positive good 真实的善
18. rehearse[ri5hE:s]vt. 预演,排演(戏剧等)剧;使(人)排演,以排演使(人)熟悉(熟练);详述,复述;排演,预演
例:We rehearsed our National Day programme all afternoon.
1.收到某人的音信___ ___ 2.对…感到羞愧_____ ___ 3.从…中康复____
4.与我完全相配___________ 5.把…捐献给…________ 6.为…感到难为情_________
7.从…吸取教训______ 8.遵循某人的建议_________ 9.在节食________ 10.秘密地_______
I.1.hear from sb. 2.be/feel ashamed of 3.recover from 4.be an exact match
for me 5.donate…t0… 6.be/feel embarrassed about… 7.1earn a lesson
from 8.follow one's advice 9.be/go on a diet 10.in secret
1.Is everything 0K_______him now?
2.What are you busy with_______the moment?
3.The man is too old_______so long an operation.
4.The book is quite popular_______children.
5.We should look_______our bodies.
6.I feel ashamed _______not being able t0 pay your money back.
7.I am so sorry to hear _______your|11ness.
8.You can't take piIls_______reading the instructiong.
9.I read_______Abraham Lincoln in the newspaper.
10.Where did you come_______him?
参考答案.1.with 2.at 3.for 4.among 5.after 6.at 7.about 8.without/before 9.about 10.across
1.--- What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.
--- It’s up to you.Whatever you want to do is fine______me.
A. on B.by C.with D.at
2.Comrade Lei Feng was such a heroic_______as set us a good example in serving the people heart and soul.Which of the f10llowm‘g is WRONG?
A.figure B.soul C.character D.people
3.Mary seems______some weight after the accident---her dress looks loose on her.
A.to have 1ost B.to put on C.to lose D.to have put on
4.Judging from her surprised expression, she was not yet______the bad news.
A. preparing for B prepared for C.preparing D.prepared
5.As the monthly examination is coming,the teachers are preparing______the test papers and the students are expected to be prepared_____it.
A. for;for B for;/ C./;for D./;/
6.The scientist tried to warn us of the important role____our daily life.
A.which water plays B. water plays in
C. what water plays in D. of which water plays
7.--- Are the new rules______?
--- Yes.Few books are stolen.
A.using B. working C to be carried out D. do good
8.一Why not join us?
一I can not._____ I would rather not.I am not well enough.
A.At last B. At once C.At most D.At least
9.The telephone _____four times in the past hour,and every time it_____, it was for our monitor.
A.has rung;rang B has rung; had rung
C. rang;rang D.rang;has rung
10.His funny jokes_____laughing all through the meal.
A.kept us B.kept on C.kept us from D.kept
11.I caught a bad cold last month and it took a whole week for me to______ from it.
A.gain B recover C.treat D. cure
12.I wouldn’t regret _____him the truth even if it had hurt him.
A.to tell B. to be telling C. telling D.to tell
l 3.As for listening,you'd better buy some tapes to____the textbooks.
A.match with B.suit C.fit D. go with
14.The necklace is a good match______the earrings.
A.with B.On C.for D. by
15.In his book he gave_____on how to learn foreign 1anguages well.
A.an advice B. some advice C.a few advices D. some pieces of advices
参考答案:.1---5 CDABC 6---10 BBDAA 11—15 BCDCB