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时间: 丽仪1102 分享




  1. 并列连词

  A. and, or, but连接两个相同的句子成分或句子.

  B. both,… and, neither… nor 只连接两个相同的句子成分,不能连接句子.

  C. not only … but also 既可以连接相同的句子成分,又可以连接两个并列句,强调的重点在后一个并列成分上.

  D. whether… or, either… or 可以连接句子中的两个成分,表示选择,either…or可以连接两个句子,.而whether…or 不行

  E. for引导一个并列句,对前面一个句子做补充说明或推断原因. F. when作为并列连词时, = and then "这时候", "此时此刻".

  G. while做并列连词用时,连接两个在意义上相互对比的句子.注意在while之前,一般有逗号与前一个句子分开.

  H. and(or)用鱼"祈使句(名词短语), and(or) + 将来时态的陈述句"结构中. 2. 从属连词

  7. that, when, which….详见前面的从句中.


  1. 表并列:and “和”, both… and “…和…两个都”, as well as “也”, not only… but also… “不但…而且…”, neither …nor “既不…也不…”

  2. 表转折:but “但是”, yet “然而”, while “而”, however “然而”

  3. 表转折:either…or… “要么…要么”, or “否则”

  4. 表因果:so “所以,因此,于是”, for “因为”,


  1. 表时间:when/while/as “当…时”, before “在…之前”, after “在…之后”, since “自从”, until “直到…才”, as soon as “一…就…”

  2. 表地点:where “…的地方”, wherever “无论在哪”

  3. 表条件:if “如果”, as long as “只要”, unless “除非”

  4. 表原因:because “因为”, since “由于”, as “由于”, for “由于”

  5. 表目的:so that “为了”, in order that “为了”

  6. 表结果:so…that… “如此…以至于…”

  7. 表让步:though/although “虽然,尽管”, even if “即使”, whatever “无论什么”, wherever “无论哪里”, whenever “无论何时”

  8. 表比较:than “比”, as…as…“和…一样”, not as/so … as “不如”


  5. 表并列:and “和”, both… and “…和…两个都”, as well as “也”, not only… but also… “不但…而且…”, neither …nor “既不…也不…”

  6. 表转折:but “但是”, yet “然而”, while “而”, however “然而”

  7. 表转折:either…or… “要么…要么”, or “否则”

  8. 表因果:so “所以,因此,于是”, for “因为”,


  9. 表时间:when/while/as “当…时”, before “在…之前”, after “在…之后”, since “自从”, until “直到…才”, as soon as “一…就…”

  10. 表地点:where “…的地方”, wherever “无论在哪”

  11. 表条件:if “如果”, as long as “只要”, unless “除非”

  12. 表原因:because “因为”, since “由于”, as “由于”, for “由于”

  13. 表目的:so that “为了”, in order that “为了”

  14. 表结果:so…that… “如此…以至于…”

  15. 表让步:though/although “虽然,尽管”, even if “即使”, whatever “无论什么”, wherever “无论哪里”, whenever “无论何时”

  16. 表比较:than “比”, as…as…“和…一样”, not as/so … as “不如”


  (1) In meteorology. Either formation of clouds and the oreciporddidon of dew rain and snow are known as condensation (93.1)

  [答案] A either改为both,组成both…and词组

  (2) The survival of a forest depends not only on amount of annual rainfall it receives. And also on the seasonal distribution of the rain.

  [答案] C and改为but,组成not only…but also 词组

  (3) Lucretia Mott*s influence was too significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United State. (91.1)

  [答案] A too改为so,组成so…that结构。

  (4) The gorilla, not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem. (90.5)

  [答案] B than改为as, 组成